
Monday, October 10, 2022

How to start waking up?

The type of programming a computer gets is determined by the information put into it. Maybe that's not how this post should start, but that's entirely up to me, the So,.let's see where this goes.

As humans, we are born into the world without being previously programed, unlike a computer we purchase at a store. We become informed as we grow up and age. The more information, the more intelligent we usually become. Of course, what type of information we receive is usually determined by what we decide to allow into our mind via our senses. Is it possible that other humans, who may want to have power and control over other humans, would try to control sources of information to program them into believing things that are false? In other words, would other power-hungry humans use media and sources of information to deceive in order to get and retain power? I will let you decide on an answer to that question for yourself. What we hear, see, smell, touch, and taste provides us with much information.

There are many sources such as radio which play what is considered popular music, but who determines what will be allowed to get airplay? Not just anyone can write and record a song, and anyone will play it on air immediately. Sure, you may want to believe the narrative that only the good stuff makes it to the top of the charts, but that's really not the case, regardless of whichever supposedly credible source says that's how it is. All that's needed is frequent airplay and sooner or later many start to believe that's what is supposed to be good.

Films and television, and many other media sources are used and geared towards establishing a narrative. Basically, whoever controls information controls the narrative. Oftentimes there are subtle and subliminal messages in all which are not really so noticeable on the surface. For example, a film can have a message about evil NAZIS, which isn’t false, but you probably don't hear much about evil communists in stories about our world history. If one analyzes the data, it is easy to decide that communist leftist regimes murdered more humans and abused power more than NAZIS. If one pays attention, the way many Hollywood films portray evil NAZIS is more abundant than how evil communists are portrayed. This hasn't always been the case. One should question this by asking why?

These day we are even told what to eat. For example, this meat is bad but that one is good. I don't know, but one can control what types of brain nutrients one gets depending on what we eat. I think how much we eat is definitely an issue. A basic balanced diet in which we don't abuse is usually fine. I didn't write this to focus on all senses, however. This is about how a certain group of humans want to exercise power and control over others.

Marketing research and studies have existed for a long time, and the information gathered has helped to determine the strategy for control. They want to control how you think, how you vote, behave, and what you think are the correct values to have in this so called modern society by programming you with the information they decide and allow. In case, you haven't noticed these things I've discussed on here previously, start paying attention and you'll soon begin to awaken. By the way, I am barely scratching the surface on this subject. It is really a much deeper issue.


  1. I decided not to include the following comment in the body of this post.

    I don't doubt many think reggaeton is music.

    Anyhow, I rest my case and said it. Ask yourself why?

  2. This post barely scratches the surface.


