
Saturday, April 29, 2023

Are the UFOs ours?

One reason why I suspect these UFOs are ours is that I doubt we could even see the real ones, either because of cloaking or a different vibrational frequency dimensionally.

After 2024?

I am completely convinced that the United States will be a very different country after 2024, one way or another.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Accepting the swamp

Could it be that the reason why some have a hard time accepting the swamp fact is probably because they don't want to also come to grips with the reality that the United States is entirely flooded with government corruption?

Sunday, April 23, 2023


One can donate to a candidate indirectly! Eventually, it ends up going to the desired party or candidate, if one donates in the right way. If one is on the left, there are plenty of outlets who will defend the actions afterwards. Look up how many different media sources back the one on the left vs the one on the right during elections. They are biased. In 2012 more than 900 newspapers backed Hillary while only a few (in the teens) backed Trump. 

Here's where one falls into the trap when one reads biased media, left leaning mostly. Same happens when they direct us to organizations like Politifact. Technically, they will be One has to be pretty naive, if one believes that a person who donates $400 million to one specific party is unbiased. Read the following article now after reading this.


Thursday, April 20, 2023

For Rita

One day I flew into Kennedy
Just for one day
I had to pay last respects to
"Wonder Woman"
I wasn't the only one there
Many of us loved her very much as well

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Free press

We need a free press, but one that is honest instead of "fake news."

Monday, April 17, 2023

Corruption is the all-inclusive brotherhood of happiness

Public corruption is the all-inclusive brotherhood of happiness. All are welcome into the brotherhood if one is willing to be a sellout.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Soros blame game

I am not a political strategist, but I've noticed conservatives seem to blame a lot of stuff on Soros. The guy is 92...soon to be 93. He may be the face of and for many leftist agendas all-around, but I think conservatives should expose more and dig deeper before just using Soros almost always as the blanket blame all person. Bottomline, it seems a bit lazy, and they are being complicit, perhaps unintentionally, in covering up all that is really behind Soros. Do a little more research, if possible. There is a whole lot more behind the scenes than what is being shown. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Why delete the "Meet Our Team" page?

The Manhattan DA deleted the "Meet Our Team" page to be less transparent. Something is being hidden. This is common practice among some public administrators when they don't want the public to know. Sadly, the public very often doesn't even know these types of pages exist in the first place. Of course, they will say all kinds of things to justify like, "we are updating the system," among many other excuses. Nothing new here!

Provoking lawlessness

Those using the justice system for political reasons, instead of justice, will sooner or later provoke lawlessness, which they will regret immensely. And they should be found guilty of the provocation! Regrettably, when lives are lost they cannot be resurrected or returned. It won't be like Jesus being there to heal the ear Peter cut-off with a sword

Beyond repair

And now Finland is joining NATO. On the other hand, if I was Putin I would take over Finland, Sweden, and Norway, in that same order. Trump says he can resolve this Ukraine war thing in 24 hours. I would give him the opportunity. Get Biden out-of-there before things are beyond repair.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

I am very skeptical about our history

From current observation alone, I can deduce how deception has taken place throughout history, as well. We know the phrase, "whomever controls information, also controls the narrative." For instance, how do we know we really got the whole story about Watergate? We know we didn't get the whole story on Hunter Biden's laptop and who the big guy really is/was, but let's go back several centuries instead.

How do we know we really got the whole story about the Crusades? We get movies and books saying the Christians were wrong. Meanwhile, the terrorists took all previous church strongholds and Christian lands by the sword very quickly. They were in Spain 800 years, until Pelayo de Asturias started to turn that around, and eventually 5 million were driven out. I will say one thing, why did the transgender shooter in Nashville decide to attack a Christian school, instead of a regular public school? Obviously, the shooter was deceived by those controlling information; as a consequence, controlling the narrative people believe. To conclude, our thoughts are being guided by those controlling information. Think about it, just a little!

Saturday, April 1, 2023

One last thing

One last thing! I assume that Trump would get Secret Service protection even if he only had to spend one hour in jail, regardless of posting bail.The swamp might not necessarily pull an Epstein, but they can always make it look like an accident, or even say he had a heart attack. If this happens, it's over.

