
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Slowly they have robbed you blind and you have accepted it and even thanked them with undeserved loyalty

I told you all a while back that his biggest qualification was that he was tall. Nothing new beneath the swamp.

I am pretty sure a very small amount of Americans actually even understood the depth of what I said here. The establishment has penetrated your minds to such an extent that you have grown to accept their misuse of your money (tax dollars), and furthermore their passive aggressive abuse of power. They have filled their pockets with your money and they rub it in your faces showing you how comfortable it is to social distance eating ice cream from their oversized refrigerators. Wake up folks! Comey setup a man (Flynn) with no regard for the service history to his country. Beyond shameful! Comey is the quintessential foot soldier for the swamp. His biggest qualification was size and appearance, but the majority doesn't get it and accepts it in apathy, which is how the swamp has advanced forward slowly with their agenda all these decades.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

An attempt at explaining modern media or perhaps just understanding some of them, especially the leftists?

Billionaire Elon Musk, America’s dumbest smart guy....
 - Matt Novak

Why would Matt Novak say the foregoing? What is his reasoning? Obviously if Matt had half the brains of Elon Musk, we would probably be reading about some of the things he says written by another author instead. What I mean is basically Musk is the billionaire and not Matt. Matt wrote the following, which puts the initial quote into proper context.

Back on March 19, Musk predicted there would be “close to zero new cases” in the U.S. “by end of April.” Today is April 28, and while new cases in a handful of regions have seemingly plateaued, there are still almost 2,000 deaths per day and tens of thousands of new cases reported daily across the country (

Ok, now you know Matt's reasoning. To me, it just sounds like Musk was being an optimist, and this was not a major deciding factor determining whether he is smart or dumb. The thing with the leftist media is that they are usually pessimistic or using propagandist strategies. They are seemingly not happy even when their own politicians are often running things. Obama was running the country, and many were always finding something to complain about. Basically, they are just unhappy. Why attack someone for being optimistic? The planet is basically doomed in their worldview. If it is not the climate, it is something else. As Gilda Radner’s character Roseanne Roseannadanna used to say: "it's always something, if it is not one thing it's another." Anyways, either Matt's boss asks him to write this type of gloom and doom stuff, or he is just a sad person that is probably in denial about it. Of course, many are in denial about most of this negativity as well. Maybe they should do a little more self-analysis because many of us that are sometimes forced to be around them do notice all that negative energy they put out. As is, I am not totally convinced on many of their ideas such as the climate thing.

Why would I say the climate thing is not convincing? Well, there is plenty of evidence that climate change is cyclical and not so much that we cause it. Ice core samples from Antarctica and of Greenland, for example, provide 800 thousands years of evidence that climate is very cyclical. Furthermore, very recently during the middle ages from around 900 to 1400 AD Greenland had farms, over 600 farms, as a matter of fact. This was called the Medieval Warm Period. How warm was it? Well, it is too cold in Greenland now to have farms, but 700 or 800 years ago it was warmer than today. I do not want to get sidetracked. I do consider myself an environmentalist and believe in protecting the planet, but I am also not rushing to unfounded conclusions. Anyhow, I know this gloomy attitude may be caused by other underlying psychological conditions. Maybe they cannot help the pessimism. If that is the case, maybe some of us optimist should pray for their recovery instead of writing critical things about them and going down to their level as I am in writing this. Anyhow Matt, gotcha, I bet you had no idea where I was going with this post. Although, I doubt you will ever read Ok. I am done. Cheers to all!

PS: feel free to fact check anything I write if I did not reference something.


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

FYI or just to remind

I have to refresh memories or perhaps inform. The reason for the shut down of the economy was to flatten the curve, not to eliminate Covid-19. Covid-19 will be with us probably just as long as we will have and had the flu. PPE and guidelines like handwashing go a long way, thank goodness. On the bright side, keep in mind that around 800 million viruses fall to our planet on a daily basis. Also, one day an asteroid will fall down on the Earth and perhaps reset all. One is flying by quite close tomorrow, as a matter of fact. So, cheers!

Monday, April 27, 2020

Do we still have rights?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

- 1st Amendment to the Constitution

Down with the establishment tyranny! Drain the swamp now!

Down with the establishment tyranny! Drain the swamp now!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

I am pretty sure Congress can go into Session wearing masks and social distancing, we all do it at grocery stores already

The president could call for a Special Session. Truman was the last president to call both Chambers back in 1948. The business loans are super important because they can be forgiven if they keep their employees thus putting the over 20 million back to work almost instantly. At this point, if you are really informed, it is very obvious Pelosi does not want Trump to look as if he fixes the economy just as fast as it broke. Oh well, if I were Trump I wouldn't call for the Special Session. I am pretty sure supply and demand will fix the economy again sooner or later, but the politically driven congress won't look as good if people actually understand or listen to the media segment that's honest. Waiting until May 4th does a bit more damage to the economy, however. I am pretty sure Congress can go into Session wearing masks and social distancing, we all do it at grocery stores already. 

Saturday, April 18, 2020

"homie don't play dat."

I can understand how the ruling class has to protect themselves and their wealth. Surely, the David Rockefeller Foundation can set up scenarios and guidelines which we seem to be following precisely at the moment. However, the elites have to remember that all the money in the world cannot control many Americans. Basically, "homie don't play dat." Violation of civil liberties is probably the end of the trail for the elites. It doesn't matter how many stay home concerts they can pay for to keep everyone entertained. In fact, if the Yellowstone volcano erupted, none of those control scenarios would work anyway since that will be a reset button for the whole planet just like Noah's flood was thousands of years ago.

My advice, for what it's worth!

I am not a medical doctor or a physicist. However, for what it is worth, I do have advice, if you decide to go to a public beach. Although, I think only Jacksonville is open so far. If I were you I would increase social distancing by a few feet more. Why? Well, if you are running or biking at the beach with a bit of a breeze, I am pretty sure mist or droplets can travel or drift a bit further.

This whole social distancing has always been good practice with any virus. For instance, if you are sick, stay home has always been good practice. Of course, keep in mind that 800 million viruses fall on our planet on a daily basis. Our bodies can handle viruses, but you have to work on maintaining a healthy immune system to assist your body in doing so. I am sure thousands upon thousands could have survived the flu if we had applied the principles we are putting in place for Covid-19 today. I am done for now. Stay healthy!

Friday, April 17, 2020

A warning from the past!

This sounds very similar to what we are seeing today, already.  Of course, I know the swamp is behind it all. A warning from the past. 2014 to be exact!


Watch "Investigative journalist Harry Vox filmed 2014" on YouTube

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Do you want to blame someone for the current situation?

Do you want to blame someone for the current situation? Current situation being unemployment, lack of supplies, illnesses, and deaths from Covid-19...etc. Blame China! No, not the Chinese people! The Chinese government. Yes, the communist Chinese government. They are accountable for all. They were dishonest, until there was no where to hide. Your U.S. president and governors are going above and beyond trying to handle a crisis that is unprecedented. If you still want to blame someone for the current situation? Blame China! If you want to politicize, I am convinced that you need to do a great deal of soul searching because you are either in an extreme denial of reality, or you are too arrogant to admit when you are wrong.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

An article suggests the curve is already flat and that Covid-19 was here back in November of 2019

Starting the Curve

“Seed date” is a term used in pandemic epidemiology to identify when a disease was first established in a specific location. Knowing that date, or at least an approximate range, allows scientists and data modelers to calculate how far the disease has spread, how fast it’s spreading, and use that information to design effective responses.

Determining when a disease originated and implementing effective test-track-isolate protocols is critical to the effective management of infectious diseases. Suppression is a far easier process when you have the cooperation of governments and health authorities who value transparency and knowledge-sharing. Management becomes much tougher when
you are confronted with a virus, especially one that spreads as silently as COVID, whose country of origin attempted to hide its existence.

When the Imperial College model relied on Chinese data about the origins of COVID-19 and presumed that COVID was seeded in the United States in early January, they were likely predicating their output on flawed input.

Because the first confirmed case of COVID in the United States was identified 20 January in Washington State, setting the seed date a week or two earlier must have seemed reasonable.

It is not.

China went to great lengths to hide the existence of COVID by censoring communication about the disease and ordering lab samples destroyed. They lost control of the narrative on 30
December when two physicians, Ai Fen and Li Wenliang — one of whom has died and
the other who has since disappeared — attempted the day before to warn
colleagues of cases of “SARS” at their local hospital.

China then reported an ”unknownpneum onia” to the WHO on 31 December, and on the same day claimed they had not found evidence of human-to-human transmission.

According to Straits Times,

"Around that time,[27 Dec 2019] doctors sent at least eight other patient samples from hospitals around Wuhan to multiple Chinese genomics companies, including industry heavyweight BGI, as they worked to determine what was behind a growing number of cases of unexplained respiratory disease. The results all pointed to a dangerous SARS-like virus.”

That was days before China notified the World Health Organization (WHO) on Dec 31 about the emergence of an unidentified infectious disease, two weeks before it shared the virus’ genome sequence with the world, and crucially, more than three weeks before Chinese authorities confirmed publicly that the virus was spreading between people.

During (and likely before) that time, asymptomatic carriers were rapidly spreading the virus throughout one of the most densely populated, internationally connected cities in the world and beyond.

China did not release the RNA sequence required to create a COVID test until 12 Jan. The virus had already spread so far by that time that the first confirmed case outside China was discovered in Thailand the very next day.

Two months elapsed between the date China claims COVID originated and when the test sequence was made available. That means there were at least 60 days of undocumented spread of a highly transmissible, often asymptomatic virus. COVID could’ve seeded itself all over
the world and spread undetected for several months and no one could’ve even
tested because there was no test that could confirm COVID-19 until weeks into Jan

Without reliable data from a reliable source, we can only estimate the seed date using what we know.

So then the question becomes, what do we know?

A Mysterious Flu-like Illness Arrived in the US in Nov 2019  (

The foregoing excerpt is taken from an article by A.J. Kay and Contributor Thomas P. Seager, PhD titled: Evidence suggests that COVID-19 was here in November. I don’t want to write much of an opinion other than it sounds very sensible and well researched. The article concludes that “we have to be open to the idea that some of our fundamental assumptions about COVID-19 are wrong.”

Read the full article at the link

The Curve is Already Flat 


On keeping busy during this ordeal

I have plenty of material to read or things to do to keep busy. No thanks to watching Netflix. Too much pick and chosing between extreme left philosophy encoded stuff...prefer to not even bother. Heck, lately I don't want to even watch movies that have won awards depending on why. I know who runs the business, and I disagree greatly with their political views quite often. Don't waste my time. Don't think I am crazy, there is a small minority of us who do similarly. Sadly, we come wired this way from birth, perhaps.

Some public figures

Some public figures out there think they can take action and be like Trump or Cuomo. Firstly, they should work on getting a personality. It's a bit delusional to presume one is what one isn't. Maybe they just think Covid-19 is their golden opportunity. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Who is racist and Intolerant?

As soon as many of those on the left find out one doesn't share their worldview, they normally and suddenly become intolerant. If one is of another race, they will treat one with racism. Intolerance alone is an excellent blanket cover for all of their behavior and reaction hence forward.  The immediate action is to repudiate in treatment towards one in a complete radical change. Who is hateful? Who is the most racist and intolerant?

I have seen this all of my life. I witnessed it as a child in Cuba. And, I see it in the United States, the supposed land of the free, today.

Final note: Many even have the audacity to call themselves progressives. Don't get me wrong, there are many good people on both the left and the right. Ultimately, we should all watch our behavior and reactions towards others.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Down with the tyrant!

Guidelines are not laws. They are rules or advice. Enforcement of guidelines should not violate civil liberties. Civil liberties are protected by laws. Just wanted to clear this up! As a friend says, down with the tyranny. 

Is Fauci out of there?

Sounds like Fauci is out of there soon! Not so much for being part of the swamp perhaps, although when you are aware one the president's missions is to drain the swamp, it's probably not a food idea to go around announcing you have worked for five different administrations.

Why will Fauci probably be fired? Fauci seemingly reversed his position on the dangers of Covid-19. A bit of ambivalence or perhaps a misunderstanding! Back on February 29, Fauci made the claim that Covid-19 "posed no threat to the US public at large." Yesterday on CNN, Fauci said something different making the following statement:

"I mean, obviously, you could logically say that if you had a process that was ongoing, and you started mitigation earlier, you could have saved lives...." "...Obviously, no one is going to deny that."

Read the full article at the follow link.


Sunday, April 12, 2020


Whomever you are right now, can you put yourself in another person's shoes?
Can you imagine what someone else feels? If you are getting food late at night at a drive-through window, can you imagine being the person serving you the food on the other side of the window? If you are straight, can you imagine being gay and vice versa? If you are young, can you imagine being old? If you are a man, can you imagine being a woman, and vice versa? Can you imagine the reality? Can you imagine the fears and joys of another?

Every 24 hours we experience both night and day. Every year at the opposite side of winter there is summer, and at the opposite side of fall there is spring. Some days are rainy and some are dry. All is normal, common, and typical.

We are all on the same planet, and connected. Human, we all are! Underlying there is much. Underlying we are all a different world and unique. Regardless of what underlies and how different we may think we are, our planet is a sphere, and it should make us aware of something. On this sphere if we go far enough to the north, we eventually end up going south. And, if we go far enough to the west, we will eventually end up in the east. One day we will easily travel to other planets, and eventually other galaxies. For now, however, we are all here, so let's make the best of it. Do unto others as we would have others do unto us is a good thought to always have underlying.

Happy Easter!

Christ is risen!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Are you awake?

If you have not woken up yet, it's possible that you prefer to be in denial, or maybe you would rather just be asleep. Well, get ready because soon you might not have a choice. 

Friday, April 10, 2020

This is peak week and the data seems optimistic, although we are talking about death

Currently (peak week) there are almost 19 thousand (19,000) deaths from Covid-19 in the United States. Keep in mind that 330 million (330,000,000) live in the United States. If this is indeed peak week, then we should start seeing a decline in deaths from this point onward. Already there is a decline in hospital admittance which should indicate the decline has begun. Annually, people die from many causes. Moreover, we will have final numbers at the end of this year. Below is data from 2017 from the CDC which shows several leading causes of death in the United States, and the final counts for that year.

Number of deaths for leading causes of death:

·         Heart disease: 647,457

·         Cancer: 599,108

·         Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936

·         Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201

·         Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383

·         Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404

·         Diabetes: 83,564

·         Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,672

·         Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis: 50,633

·         Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173

          Source: Deaths: Final Data for 2017, table B pdf icon[PDF – 2 MB]        (

A final note: keep following all guidelines, but looking at influenza deaths from 2017 alone, the numbers today might not be as alarming for Covid-19, especially if this is peak week.


Thursday, April 9, 2020

In the future we will look back

In the future we will look back at our current time in history, and we will identify it as the threshold where we began the new wealth and justice post-swamp era.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Leftist media exploits the apparent selective amnesia of the American public

What did I just say in the title to this post? The Leftist media exploits the apparent selective amnesia of the American public. Until the Covid-19 social distancing thing began, most Americans were acting normal within our culture. Our culture is our economy. We are usually always busy working, playing, enjoying entertainment, going out to restaurants, or dinners and parties with friends, and more…. Basically, we are normally doing the opposite of the social distancing we are temporarily doing right now. Basically, with so much activity, most people barely watch news, perhaps. I doubt many paid any attention to what was going on in the news back in January and February, or earlier this year. So, now they have plenty of time and tune in to watch their favorite leftist media, and that same leftist media (being the opportunist they are) take advantage of the aforementioned reality and easily give innocent Americans a ride filled with lies, deception, and hypocrisy. This is the reason for this post and why I am sharing this video.

On his April 4, 2020 Watters’ World, Jesse Watters exposed the leftist media using footage of them caught in the act of lying and deceiving the American public at this opportune moment for them. I strongly suggest watching, so you can wake up, in case you haven’t yet. Anyhow, I am done. Enjoy watching at the Fox News link below. 

Watters' World April 4, 2020


Friday, April 3, 2020

The numbers are going up, but if the Yellowstone caldera suddenly erupted about 90,000 people would die instantly and not over 4 months

Let's not go back to December, this year alone about 15 million people have died on planet earth. Daily, the crude mortality rate is about 150,000. Almost 60,000 people have died from Covid-19 since it began, supposedly. Chinese data isn't trustworthy. If 500 people died daily from Covid-19 since the beginning of 2020, it would only be 0.3% of the average daily crude mortality rate. We have almost 8 billion people on our planet. More people die from influenza.
More people die from alcohol abuse daily on planet earth. I am a bit puzzled, but keep following the guidelines, however. Maybe the radical left can get their wish of our economy collapsing and all becoming chaos. Of course, I am sure most get it too, so maybe when the 17 NATO nations are done arresting deep state Satanists, as I hear, this will probably dwindle. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Most people

Most people don't stand up to defend an issue or someone easily. They only do so, if they feel confident it is or will be a popular decision, which doesn't say much about their character. Those types of actions are usually premeditated. Very few really go full speed against the current.  This is human behavior at its best. Easily learned by observing

