
Thursday, April 15, 2021

On how quickly and easy people give up their freedom

People will slowly lose the freedom and rights many fought and died to gain by just being apathetic and not doing anything, or even firing a shot. You might disagree with me, but just sit back, watch and see how it manifests and simply happens. It wouldn't be the first time. Nothing new under the moon!

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Popular causes

Why do people defend popular causes instead of trying to change and solve actual problems right in front of them? Because being popular is more important to them!

Who's the real weaker link?

In my world, I have observed that most people will attack who they assume or think is the weaker link instead of attacking their true enemy. Who's the real weaker link? Of course, they don't even understand or are aware they do this because they have had the habit for so long, automatically. It's common human behavior.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Sellouts have always existed!

Sellouts have always existed! In 1901, Andrew Carnegie sold his business to J.P. Morgan for $480 million. Sure, he became the richest man alive at the time, but he no longer had any say in the future of the steel company he once owned. How did he feel about it in the end? I suppose he only knew. Point? Think about it, if you ever decide to sell your soul.

A little bit of Sports facts while exposing Mainstream Media


Tom Brady, in his first season away from the New England Patriots, won the Super Bowl this year, 2021. He was also the oldest player in the game ever at 43. Did the mainstream media make a big deal about it? Not really! Was it because he was/is a Trump supporter? Definitely! Mainstream media are no longer journalists! They are just the propaganda machine for the swamp! And they are also leftist who ignored 75 million Americans who voted for Trump. Mainstream media is just crap! 60 Minutes? Use/d to be great investigative reporting. Use/d to be! Sadly, guys like Mike Wallace have passed away. His own son Chris is a joke. I obviously referenced 60 Minutes because of their recent attempt to smear DeSantis. They're a joke! I am done! Wake up Americans!

Reference photo source:

Monday, April 5, 2021

Infrastructure package?

Government infrastructure packages, if not well supervised and monitored, turn into a distribution (give away) of our tax payer money via far reaching tentacles. This ultimately and simply just results into kickbacks from contracts and contractors for all the swamp cronies. Yeah sure, some jobs are created, but mostly wealth is created for all the swamp insiders in one way or another. Don't believe all the bs rhetoric you hear. Drain the swamp! That was probably the most important phrase Donald Trump ever used, and until we understand what it meant, we are in HUGE TROUBLE (doomed).

