
Monday, February 28, 2022

On peaceful protesting in support

With relevance to the Ukraine crisis, or any other, for what it matters. Peaceful protesting in support will never replace going there and volunteering to physically fight the enemy. One of the most bothersome things to any enemy is having the barrel of a loaded gun pointed and aimed straight at them. Sanctions might be a tad bothersome, but if the enemies imperialistic goal is accomplished, the temporary economic hardship is immediately overcomed with all the new resources acquired (stolen from the newly conquered land). Just saying, in case some have forgotten why people go to war (trust me, ideology is the last thing on the list).

Friday, February 25, 2022

In the broader scope of things

Hopefully, many have already figured out, when seeing things in the grand scheme or broader scope, mean tweets aren't such a big deal. I don't think it's too late to fix things. I still remember how the long lasting (444 days) Iranian hostage crisis was suddenly over on January 20, 1981, just like that. Remember? Again, it's not too late. The 2020 election was fraudulent in many states, but especially in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, with overwhelming evidence. Fix it in those places, and we can return to the proper future quicker.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Where is Hunter? Where has he been?

The answers to where is Hunter and where has he been will most likely be the reason why Biden will have to step down. The laptop implicates his involvement. Sooner or later this will happen. After that, things might get complicated, although this has been Weekend at Bernie's thus far.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

¡Socios listos!

Marx and Engels were brilliant guys. They really knew their philosophy, and were making good observations, unlike the radical left of today which should know those ideas have never worked. Moreover, the experiments have proved them to be very wrong. My father is right, it's not "socialistas," it's "socios listos." Translation: they're not socialists, they are "ready partners." Ready to make a deal, just name the price. I am sure you all can figure it out easily. 

Friday, February 18, 2022

Sadness and the Winter Olympics 2022

The Winter Olympics are over this coming Sunday. Sadly, I haven't watched much of them. Politics have gotten in the way! I am sure that's how many feel; however, I don't think our low viewership has been fair to the athletes who work so hard at their sport. They are just tryng to do their best, and can't help what's going on in the United States and the world at this moment in time. I personally know I have not been supportive. Moreover, a friend's son is out there giving his best, I am sure. He is a 28 time world champion. That's pretty amazing! I will try to record him at 2:15 AM tonight, but what's going on currently is very troubling for me. My parents took me out of Cuba at a young age, and I am very thankful, but sadly what I am seeing in Canada which could come down to the United States seems as if their sacrifice was worthless. To say that I am angry is an understatement.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Hearing while not listening?

The reality is that most people, although they are being told Estevan was eaten, prefer to believe that he was bitten....


The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Are your political views truth based?

Now we know the whole Russia Collusion thing was a hoax! A huge lie! My question to many is do your political views require lies in order to survive? If the answer is yes, I would ponder and consider the gravitas of those political views.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Violence vs Peace, and Vice-versa

I am against violence, or inciting it; however, sometimes it becomes the only alternative in order to overcome. We can't make decisions for others, but I know that from history and observation, many times force has been the only deciding factor instead of peaceful protesting. I can give many examples, but will stick to one more current one.

On July 11th, 2021 in Cuba, many Cubans took to the streets protesting the horrible conditions the government has forced them to live under for decades. This wasn't the first time they protested; however, this time it was well organized and it took place in many cities throughout the island. The protesters continued to protest for the next several days, but eventually all dwindled down since the communist regime began taking repressive action against the protesters up a notch. Long story short, currently there are more than 800 political prisoners which resulted from those protests last year, and the regime is still in power. I have even heard there are young minors being held captive. There are many questions which arise with relevance.

How can a government of a small few rule and oppress many people so easily? What happened, when one looks back, is that those Cubans missed an opportunity by not taking it up a step further using violence against the evil ruling dictatorship. Imagine if the Cubans would have gone to Raul Castro's, or Díaz-Canel's house and took them captive, perhaps killing them and dragging their corpses through the streets for all to see similar to what Libyans did to Gaddafi during the so called Arab Spring. I am pretty sure those political prisoners wouldn't be there now. Moreover, the global support they had at the time would have also increased, and another government would be on the island replacing the current after more than 60 years of repression. Unfortunately, the oppressive conditions remain in Cuba. Lesson learned! Let's move forward to the present.

Canadian truckers have been peacefully protesting oppressive conditions from their government for many days now. Often peace is the best approach. If we would have asked Martin Luther King Jr. or Ghandi, they would have agreed. However, when a government doesn't listen and isn't receptive to the demands of the people, the rules of the game probably have to change proportionally, or steps must be taken to another level.

The Canadian government has declared a state of emergency announcing that they will arrest and imprison protesters for a year. Also they could be fined up to $100,000. They will also suspend their licenses. This is a good example of a government abusing power. Basically, the Canadian truckers are in a similar threshold as the protesters in Cuba were last year. I will watch and observe, but depending on whether the truckers take it to the next level, we will have once again learned another lesson. The future often belongs to those willing to sacrifice their corpses, but ultimately not backing down to oppressive regimes. Oppressive regimes who use the excuse of trying to save and help citizens, when ultimately they are just trying to impoverish them to have more and more control over them. I will stop here and let you ponder on what I just said.

