
Sunday, September 27, 2020

Who is good?

The fool hath said in his heart: ‘There is no God’;

They have dealt corruptly, they have done abominably;

There is none that doeth good.

2The LORD looked forth from heaven upon the children of men,

To see if there were any man of understanding, that did seek after God.

3They are all corrupt, they are together become impure;

There is none that doeth good, no, not one.

- Psalm 14:1-3, JPS Tanakh 1917

Obama quote

“Elections have consequences” 

- Barack Hussein Obama II

Friday, September 25, 2020


RICH AND POWERFUL GLOBALISTS are and have been making many feel good about themselves with a label like "progressive/s." Sure, you think you have more empathy. You care more about humanity, climate change, and many other things. However, the leaders and funders of your causes could care less about it all. Their main concern is that you believe, and buy into the whole idea. Ultimately, however, it is really about them maintaining power, and nothing at all about all those beautiful things you really treasure and think it's about. It's really all about their personal wealth, and making sure an authoritarian government is in power to control all the believers while they make their lives better for themselves and their families. What, you don't believe me? Allow me to fill you in?

Sure Marx had a great philosophy. The problem is that most of the ideas have never worked. Even Trotsky believed it, perhaps for a while. Trotsky even lived in Manhattan before the 1917 Revolution, and the wave of communism most likely began in the United States back then. The problem is that years later when he rethought and questioned his beliefs, not even FDR gave him asylum into the United States. FDR had already become friends with Stalin by then. Trotsky had to seek asylum in México so he could eventually be killed by a communist agent while staying at Freida Kahlo's guest house. Fast forward to today, the ideology some are following under the assumption that they are "progressive/s" is a huge "Lie." Sorry to break it in so rough. It is what it is." Bottom line! Yes, this is the bottom line...wake up. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

When all is denied

Someone once said, I deny it all including the truth. More recently, it was probably Joaquin Sabina in a song. Anyhow, taking the fifth might work out better sometimes, but obviously admission isn't the desired scenario in this case. When one has arrived at this point, either someone made up the horrible lie, or the error has been, in fact, committed. It is a slippery slope in all directions, seemingly and regardless. Error implies a mistake, a deliberate wrongdoing is not a mistake.

Tomorrow's history!

Tomorrow's history is being documented today, and some who seem worthy of attention now may well be shockingly insignificant in retrospect later on.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Early retirement in "the Court"

Happy Monday! Maybe in the future Supreme Court Justices should consider early retirement while President's who share their political views are still in office, so they can appoint a like minded person to the Supreme Court. Of course, if that president didn't have a senate majority that year, I wouldn't recommend 

Don't get me wrong, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an amazing person. Believe it or not, Antonin Scalia was probably her closest friend and they didn't see eye to eye on a lot of things. However, this says a whole lot about a person. Anyhow, this is just a thought. Calm down folks! Politics isn't everything, and if anyone tells you differently, they are probably manipulating you. After all, RBG herself would agree simply based on her choice for a close friend. Again, happy Monday...we rarely hear that said.

Sunday, September 20, 2020


Something tells me a bunch of Democrat Senators are about to feel some Republican induced instant Kavanagh Karma very soon. All is fair in love and war!

Saturday, September 19, 2020

I am skeptical

I will always be skeptical when I hear a news report, and they tell me a source told them, but they don't reveal the source. Anything or anyone can be a source, but it doesn't mean the source is correct. This is regardless of why the source is saying it, or if it is just made up.

Now, if you follow the report with an outlandish political claim like Trump could have saved 200 thousand people from dying from Covid-19,  I am already a little more skeptical. Why? Well, it is already suspicious if it is being propagated on anti-Trump CNN. But, forget about my suspicions, let's disect a recent story by Dr. Gupta which made that same or similar claim while we use simple facts and questions anyone would make analyzing.

Here we go! Since February of 2020 a little over 200 thousand have sadly died from Covid-19 in the United States. The United States population is close to 330 million. Supposedly, 650 million masks, according the suspicious story, were stopped from distribution by USPS by the White House. Were these masks reusable? If they weren't reusable, they would just be a 2 day supply for the entire population, do the math. If everyone did actually get 2 masks, most likely disposable, what is the guarantee that everyone will use them? If you made it mandatory, how can you enforce that 300 million people used their masks for those 2 days? Here is the big question: most who died did so at peak, so how can anyone make the claim that everyone who died did so because everyone didn't have masks for 2 days when seven months have gone by, and most people have had masks from other sources instead of the White House? Pretend the masks were reusable and still do the math, the whole idea sounds ridiculous. Here's a better question, pretend Trump didn't stop flights from China (the source of Covid-19) back in January for which he was criticized, would the spread have increased more rapidly? My advice, don't believe everything you hear. Obviously, it appears Zucker even threatened Gupta's job to make him say what he said. The biggest question: is it true or did you hear it on CNN?

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The President's news conferences

Sadly, some networks deliberately do not cover some of the President's news conferences when they are so entertaining, and often the spectacle of the day. It's evident that the hate for Trump blinds many who were perhaps granted a job as journalists by the an employer who also hates Trump. The CDC director said earlier that a vaccine would probably be ready by November or December, but probably not ready for distribution to all until next summer. Trump said that with relevance to distribution, the CDC director is wrong. In a relevant question, Trump clarified and repeated his stance; however, one of the pseudo-journalists nearly had a cow (a huge fit dramaqueening) that how could he say the CDC director is wrong. Anyhow, Trump basically explained the CDC director maybe misunderstood the question he was asked earlier, and that he has more insight on the distribution aspect than the CDC director. Regardless, we shall see. Trump thinks the vaccine might be out a bit sooner also, which sounds credible to me. Why? Trump is working with and has access to a wider group than the CDC director with relevance to many other factors that influence and affect distribution. But, there is also the political side to all...allow me to explain?

Here it is! The CDC director job, or NIH, for all it matters are permanent government jobs (the swamp). The people who work swamp jobs would usually never be successful at a private sector job in which they actually have to be highly productive. They will very often work their way up the ranks in government, and retire from government positions because of the perks and benefits. Politically, these personality types favor administrations that side with their act (show or pretend performance typical of many government employees, and lately similar to many in media also). Many Americans don't recognize the rhetoric, but some of us do and catch on quickly. This is why many Americans don't understand what the swamp is, and furthermore cannot fathom that there could really be so much government corruption in our country. Folks, there really is a shadow government, military industrial complex, a swamp, and a communist/socialist globalist agenda. The sooner everyone understands the foregoing, the sooner we can get free from their stronghold, unless you enjoy being a slave. Of course, there really is such a thing as Stockholm Syndrome. Not a conspiracy theory! I wish it was!

Monday, September 14, 2020

Twelve years would not be heretical

Twelve years aren't heretical. What? Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected four times as president. Sadly, President Roosevelt passed away in 1945, but he would have served sixteen years, if not for his death. In 1951 the 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, and it limited presidential terms. See the following extraction.

"Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once."

The foregoing is a portion of the text from the Amendment. The 18th Amendment was repealed by the 21st. Over time, it became obvious that it was not such a good idea to have originally ratified prohibition. We live and learn, and society changes it's views. Any Amendment to the Constitution can be repealed, so don't doubt the 22nd Amendment might be next, or any other for all it matters

Thursday, September 10, 2020

No protection, no taxes

If public administrators, leaders, and police can't protect citizens, I believe that technically citizens shouldn't have to pay taxes. Taxes pay for those services. On the bright side, you can stand your ground if needed. I think people wil figure things out sooner than later.

47 months vs 47 years

47 months vs 47 years, who has done more and used time more productively? It's not rocket science. Of course, it's not personal, but whomever doesn't understand the question probably shouldn't even go out of the house to vote or do anything. I fear they might not look both ways when crossing the street. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Some are still politicizing desperately with less than two months before the election

I have actually seen some politicizing about the present economy and the Covid-19 deaths, and blaming it all on Trump. Right!?!? By the way, the deliberately shut down economy is recovering very quickly, except in Democrat run cities, for obvious reasons. So, if Trump didn't shut down travel with China back in January we would have been better off? Do they really believe that? The economic shut down was under the advice of supposed medical experts who are supposedly also respected by the left. So, if Trump didn't follow their advice and many more died, the politicizing would have probably been factual. Oh, I see how low some can be, now, even clearer than ever. It's a set-up for never winning. I am really surprised I am still their friends. Of course, I am probably their only honest one.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Is the cure becoming worse than the problem?


- Trump

Earlier in March of this year president Trump tweeted the foregoing. Perhaps many believed he was referring only to the economy, and how badly it would be hurt. Well, the economy which was deliberately shut down under the advice of medical experts seems to be slowly coming back to life at this point. However, what seems to be becoming a very unhealthy cure is probably the quarantine in which many people have been forced to stay and work from home. The cure in this case seems to be becoming problematic. The following excerpt seems to provide evidence for this.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of CBDistillery, the survey found 56% of respondents had been more stressed about work than ever before. This increased stress isn’t surprising, as 62% of respondents feel pressure from their company to be working beyond what is required of them as they work from home.

We all know that stress is not healthy. In fact, stress can weaken our immune systems and make us vulnerable to disease. Maybe we should start paying attention to this problem now, instead of waiting to see more severe long-term effects. Read the full article at the link below.



Body Count Conspiracy?

The Clinton Body Count is said to be a conspiracy theory. It is true that no evidence seems to have ever stuck, but the whole thing does seem mysterious. Shawn Lucas back in 2016 after serving the DNC is a good example. Epstein's suicide is another mystery. Of course, I am not saying anything new. But, some of this stuff makes one wonder sometimes. 

Monday, September 7, 2020

Find ways to spread information

Sadly, this venue censors, and mainstream media lies. I hope everyone is figuring out how to spread information alternatively. The globalists seem desperate. Things are not what they seem. Even defunding police isn't about what it seems. It's really about replacing with alternate AI and robotics. Money talks! Look into government contracts on all levels and you will find the truth, if you follow the money trail. I doubt many of you will be able to read this post...maybe a limited few. I also recommend listening to the president live and not comments made by some media after. I guarantee you will hear two different stories.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

If we ever did become a socialist/communist country

If we ever did become a socialist/communist country there are a few things that unexperienced people should think about. Sure, the running out of someone else's money very quickly is a given, but that is probably not such a huge deal by comparison to other parts of the process. Allow me to start explaining?

If you have a lot of money saved and hidden, don't bother. Why? Well, they usually change the currency, and print a new type, rendering your savings worthless. Often, this currency change is done more than once, perhaps within a five year period. If you have property such as a nice home or business, they can take it as property of the state to do as they wish with it. In fact, if you have children, they are technically property of the state, also. They can educate your children however they wish, brainwash, and turn them against you. Of course, they have been doing the education thing here for many decades already without the property of the state part. If you have weapons try to hide them because sooner or later they will come looking for them. Basically, your current constitution will be replaced. I will stop here and let you ponder on the seriousness of the matter. 

