
Thursday, September 30, 2021

The buyers or the sellers

A politician can't buy a vote if it's not for sale. So, who is worse the buyer or the seller? Obviously, it's a mutual relation based on selfishness and greed. The problem is that once the country goes too deep in the hole, there's a real point of no return. Ultimately, the seller doesn't have to sell. Nearsightedness is obvious! The buyer knows the seller has a price. Dignity and integrity are rare today.

Friday, September 24, 2021

A quick climate change thought

The climate has been changing on the planet with or without us for as long as we can imagine. I will logically assume, it will continue to change with or without us. Read those IPCC reports carefully. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Election results

If people believe Joe got 81 million votes, that's fine. However, I think my arguments from 9 months ago are still very logical.

Watch "The election results do seem a bit suspicious based on very simple reasons" on YouTube


Saturday, September 18, 2021

Until you kick the bucket

Drain the swamp (cesspool)! If the foregoing isn't accomplished, you can pretend all of your life, and live in this virtual universe created by them (for their own wealth gain), until you kick the bucket. Of course, everyone else can aspire for mediocrity, and hope to get a small piece of perhaps a pie. They want you to feel you have opportunity, but they will always control how much.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

On good and bad people

Some people who appear to be evil are really good. Some who want all to think they are good, and in fact appear to be good, are really evil.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Those who are against vaccines are completely out of focus at this time

People who are against vaccines right now, if they are Trump supporters, are way out of focus. There's nothing wrong with being against vaccines. One can be against vaccines! In fact, Americans can be against whatever they want, or in favor. What I mean with relevance to focus is that all this time, their main focus should be that Trump won. The election was fraudulent. Until this matter is resolved, dwelling on vaccine issues is a waste of time. Resolve the election, and then work on the next issues, such as vaccine concerns, or whatever else is a concern....

The current administration is part of the swamp. If we continue to allow the swamp to run our government, we will be fighting losing battles, endlessly. They are going to do everything in their power to abuse that power. Vaccine arguments will go in one ear, and out the other. Your freedoms will be lost. You are going in the opposite direction of what was and is Trump's vision and plan. Focus on priorities first!

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Not interested in that type of unity

I am not interested in any of the type of unity the swamp encourages when they speak of unity for Americans. That type of unity is unity for the rest, but not themselves. For them, it is the lifestyle of the rich and famous with huge mansions in places like Martha's Vineyard. They get rich from public service,  which they have done poorly for decades, with more focus on the connections they were or are able to make for personal gain and increase in personal wealth. Get rich in the private sector via free enterprise and industry (that's not government corruption), but do not use tax funded offices via cronyism and nepotistim. I hope Americans finally wake up. Drain the swamp!

On translations

Too many words. Too many languages. Often, lost in translations.

Friday, September 10, 2021

9/11 to me

Never forget, to me, means never ever, ever forget. Simply, it's impossible for me to forget. When I was much younger, friends and I would enjoy going up to view from the top, as far as our eyes could see. We never imagined back then, that not too far into our futures, we would never again be able to do what we probably took for granted just because self-centered persons filled with hate would commit a horrible act.

Thousands of lives suddenly ended at the early start of their day. I've known some who lost close friends and co-workers. It's very personal to them. It's personal to me. Never forget means, also, to never allow it to happen again. Sadly, many have already forgotten, in only twenty years, September 11, 2021. NEVER FORGET!

