
Friday, May 29, 2020

Do you ever wonder why some unfriend on social media sites seemingly for no reason?

Sometimes I wonder why people unfriend on social media such as Facebook. I rarely unfriend anyone. I do notice when there is one less friend. I don't always post things of a political nature. Politics, however, is often unavoidable in our world. When one comes from a nation that was once thriving economically, but is in now in ruins because of a wrong political ideology, one feels a responsibility to warn others about poisonous ideas that are destructive when one knows firsthand due to experience. One can argue forever about the different factors that may have caused the problem, and say this is another scenario; however, human behavior and personality types rarely change. Human ethical evolution tends to go very slowly. This is evident both from observation and history. Tolerance to different ideas is one of those things that seems to develop over a large span of time passage, sometimes. Based on the foregoing, I would say it is wise to say that perhaps people may often unfriend because of disagreement. I tend to believe to an extent that quite often people that want one to be tolerant to their ideas are the least tolerant of others. At certain levels this can become dangerous. The best example I can give are extreme leftist governments around the world that have used violence against dissent to their ideas. I mention the left because they have the worst record for murder. Mao in China and Stalin in Russia killed way more millions than Hitler, for instance. Castro in Cuba at the very start of his reign of terror killed thousands without proper due process in order to place fear in anyone even considering to challenge him. Moreover, he even killed many of those who assisted in getting him into power. Maintaining power in this type of political system is easy depending on one's ability to understand human behavior, and how far a human will go to promote or challenge an ideology. Obviously, one man alone can't kill millions by himself; however, one can delegate assassination, if one has enough followers who are loyal. My biggest concern is how far will a simple political disagreement escalate over time if at one point one has the power to crush the opposing view in an attempt to abolish the view? Historically, all around the world quite often some have valued political ideas more than family, and have gone as far as murdering family for political views that they eventually discovered were sadly erroneous. Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of why something like simply being unfriended on a social media site raises a red flag of alarm for me.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Here today, gone tomorrow

If your political views require the censorship of an opposing view, your political view is weak and flawed. This is especially so today, if you are a head of one of our current social media outlets. Censorship from a stance of control and power is bullying. I want to remind Google, YouTube, Facebook, and whomever the shoe fits that the reason they are where they are is because of loyal customers that supported and used the services they provide. Of course, may I also remind them that all good things also come to an end. Moreover, the United States is a country of laws, and antitrust laws exist that regulate your conduct and organization of business. To conclude, I just want to say: here today, gone tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Many have bad memory!

Many people have really bad memories; for instance, many believe Clinton was impeached in the U.S. House for Representatives because he had an affair with Monica Lewinsky. Not so, just in case, it was for lying under oath (perjury to a grand jury and obstruction of justice). The thing with Monica was consensual. However, four other women have accused him over the years of sexual harassment or assault, and one accused him of rape. Bill Clinton did settle with Paula Jones for almost a million dollars ($850,000 to be exact). 

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Who are the dumbest group of voters?

“If I were to run, I’d run as a Republican. They’re the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they’d still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific."

- Trump on People Magazine in 1998 (False: Trump never said this)

Let’s cut to the chase. Yes, I am considering a run for president. … Unlike candidates from the two major parties, my candidacy would not represent an exercise in career advancement. I am not a political pro trying to top off his resume. I am considering a run only because I am convinced the major parties have lost their way. The Republicans are captives of their right wing. The Democrats are captives of their left wing. I don’t hear anyone speaking for the working men and women in the center.

- Trump on The Wall Street Journal in 1999 (True: Trump did say this)

The reason why Trump ran for president was really based on this latter 1999 statement, and not the former fake meme. Obviously, it was never, and it is not a left vs right issue. It has not been for a while, for decades. The swamp has been controlling the media, since they own it, to make leftist ignorant people believe it is still traditional left vs traditional right, and vice versa. Many people, on either side, right or left are totally clueless on and about the Swamp concept. Biden can eventually win in November just sitting at home in his basement saying nonsensical things often because people already know how they will vote traditionally. Basically, the "my daddy was a Democrat and I vote Democrat" idea usually prevails on election day. The same applies to Republicans, as well. Sadly, this idea should have died decades ago because the bipartisan establishment (the Swamp) has been running all things and making themselves wealthy while average folks still think it is about Democrat vs Republican based on what the Swamp has made them believe via their bought and paid for tool, the mainstream media. Bottom line: Trump should have never won in 2016 because he is not in the Club (the Swamp). Even if Hillary lost, the Club would have been okay with a Republican winning just as well, if he or she was a Swamp dweller. Why? A Swamp dweller consults with them and gets their approval before making decisions (hence: they remain controlling all things as the fifth column or shadow government, call it what you will). Moreover, they (The Swamp) can continue to get wealthy as globalist businesspeople and promoters of pseudo-progressivism while the American middle class fades slowly into non-existence with no opportunity to dream the American Dream. Of course, they will lie to their faces telling them we need to strengthen and build-up the middle class while telling them the American dream is alive and well. Bull crap! Keep believing the lies and in a few short years from now we will know the truth, but it will be too late. Personally, I will be voting in November for the one who does not have to get an approval from Swamp dwellers to make executive decisions. The approval comes from “We the people….” Who are the dumbest group of voters? I will let you figure that out on your own.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

A Chinese rocket just fell back to Earth on May 5th, did it have the virus?

A Chinese rocket just fell back to Earth on May 5th completely out of control. What happened to it? Did the rocket have the virus? An old friend thought it did. Well, it had something. Maybe they were still using Bill Gates' old technology. They might need to vaccinate the next rocket with a microchip and make it better. I hear the flu vaccine was 40% to 60% effective. I suppose that averages to 50%...meaning who guarantee. My thoughts on the anti-vaxx (wannabe hipster lingo) people is what this post is really about, perhaps. It's their body, their choice, let them skip the vaccine. Their body, their choice? Gee, that sounds familiar! I mean if a vaccine is 99% effective like the Polio one, that's different. But, you'll never get a 99% effective vaccine for "wily viruses" that mutate rapidly. I am done here! Go out and do some research, so you can fact check me.


Murder hornets, mosquitoes, sharks, the flu, and Covid-19

Murder hornets kill bees. Murder hornets rarely kill humans. Mosquitoes kill humans, however. They have been doing it for a long time. In fact, mosquitoes will kill more than half a million yearly. Mosquitoes carry diseases like Malaria and Dengue which kill humans around the world similarly to the Flu or Covid-19. Once again, mosquitoes kill more than half a million people every year. The following article by Bill Gates is relevant.

This animal kills more people in a day than sharks do in a century | Bill Gates


Saturday, May 9, 2020

The 1968 pandemic

The 1968 pandemic was caused by an influenza A (H3N2) virus comprised of two genes from an avian influenza A virus, including a new H3 hemagglutinin, but also contained the N2 neuraminidase from the 1957 H2N2 virus. It was first noted in the United States in September 1968. The estimated number of deaths was 1 million worldwide and about 100,000 in the United States. Most excess deaths were in people 65 years and older. The H3N2 virus continues to circulate worldwide as a seasonal influenza A virus.


This economic crisis was intentional, no it's not the apocalypse

This economic crisis was intentional! No idea what Biden or anyone else trying to use unemployment numbers as alarming are trying to prove? The stock market didn't crash! This isn't the Great Depression! According to some pseudo-economists, however, it should have crashed by now. As economies start opening up, things slowly go back to normal. Supply and demand alone repair the economy because people aren't broke and will consume. Of course, the Hollywood Freakshow (De Niro, Madonna, and others already teamed up with some prize winners to counter consumerism). Obviously, that's just a last resort in desperation because obviously they see the boat leaving and the opportunity to establish a globalist society is slipping from their hands. Most Americans won't play that globalist thing, at least not yet, thank God. Of course, you will know who the enemy is because their governors will most likely be the ones who open up economies last, like California, perhaps. I believe California has already even endorsed voter fraud by voting by mail in November. I personally have no problem with voting remotely, if we include biometric recognition. California has already done voter fraud by mail before anyhow in which many votes were counted twice, so I am not shocked at all whatsoever.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Equality for all?

The issue with many of the polical leaders who have preached equality for all in the past has been that they lied. They really meant equality for all, but not including themselves. They lived more upscale than the rest. The problem with that same philosophy these days is no longer the one's preaching it. The problem is the naive  people who still believe them at this stage in the game.

Every year

Every year around 39 million people in the United States get the flu. Every year around 30 to 60 thousand people in the United States die from the flu. Yet, we have never shut down the economy over it. The Romans even got the flu. It has been around for a long time. What we have with Covid-19 seems like voluntary martial law. People seem to be obedient to governments that give them free money. I just wonder if they will be so obedient when the government can no longer give them free money. Trust me, money doesn't grow on trees. My wife has always told me her grandfather used to always say there are no free rides. Want to know something before you get the bill, he was right. There are no free rides!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

The original nepotistic swamp dweller emerged from underneath the rock, does the swamp feel threatened?

The original nepotistic swamp dweller now said: "...we rise or fall together and we are determined to rise." His timing is totally partisan. Of course, it's all about making it sound as if it is about you and us having a kumbaya moment when it's always been about them deceiving with that same ecumenical sounding rhetoric, and how they can profit more than us financially. Crawl back under the rock buddy! We will rise indeed, and the communist China's economy will also fall. Disgusting!

PS: The word partisan in this context is relevant to supporting a cause or a person which in this case is himself and the cause of the cabal. This rhetoric has fooled many for decades. Hopefully, we are at the end of this era, and we will have a new world order, but not the one his daddy intended.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Arango's Apologetics Page: The Fountains of the Great Deep

Hello! In this post I simply wanted to share a recent post from one of my theology blogs. Theology is one of those things I always find fascinating. The post is titled:
The Fountains of the Great Deep, and it is packed with a little bit of geology, and a reference or two of ancient literature, and some recent writings on the subject, also. The link to it is the following.

Arango's Apologetics Page: The Fountains of the Great Deep: "...on that day all the fountains of the great deep burst forth" - Genesis 7: 11 I know many have read the story of Noah and h...

