
Saturday, January 23, 2021

Many questions automatically arise for me from Katie Couric's statement

If you don't know what Katie Couric said, I will share. She basically asked Bill Maher on his TV program 'how are we going to deprogram the cult of Trump?' This question raises many questions in my mind. I will share them with you.

Why would she say this?

Why does she think supporting Trump make one a cult member?

Does she think Trump supporters are not good people?

Does she think there is something wrong with Trump supporters?

Does she want everyone to think identically while not supporting Trump?

Does she want all to be obedient robots, or sheep?

Does she want all to think like her because she is right and others are wrong?

Is she arrogant?

What should I assume she thinks?

Does she believe, perhaps, that she cares more than someone else, and if so, how would she know?

Has she ever been in a Trump supporters shoes to know why they have such a stance?

Does she believe she is better, or more generous than any of them?

What makes her think she is more giving or compassionate, if so?

Does one's political ideology make a person better, or is it being better regardless of ideology?

Does she believe the left has a monopoly on being good, better, or perfect?

Is she not judging?

I can probably ask questions endlessly. I simply want to say that I know a lot of bad and good people on all sides of the political spectrum. God made us all different.
We are born apart, and leave the same way. Our journey in life ultimately depends on our individual choices and decisions with relevance to direction. We are often born at different times, years, and centuries. Many factors influence us and our choices, and decisions. Unless we live alone on an island, we will sooner or later have to relate and interact with others who think differently.

Bottom line: if people really want unity they have to stop judging others regardless of whether they understand their beliefs or not. Unity doesn't happen on our terms alone. We have to tolerate other views. We do not try to reprogram others who don't see or think like us. Katie Couric is not the only person who has said similar things. This is very alarming because it may be more of a smear campaign than what it really means literally, which is also very alarming, regardless.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The power of information

Those who control information control the narrative! Those who control information control the narrative! Those who control information control the narrative! Those who control information control the narrative!

Lies can be made to sound like truths, and truths can be made to sound like lies.

            Death and life are in the power of the tongue....
             - Proverbs 18:21, NRSV 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Inability to learn from mistakes

By the way, I knew what the swamp was before Trump ever even decided to run for president. I simply had a different name for it. The deep state establishment is not some conspiracy theory. Many of the Washington D.C. establishment has truly robbed us of prosperity while making themselves rich. Joe Biden has been in public office 47 years. He made himself wealthy via a tax funded office. Government corruption is not understood by many, obviously. The swamp is bipartisan and powerful. Americans will never be truly free until they rid of public servants who run for office to benefit themselves instead of for the reasons for which they are and were elected. Socialism isn't even as big of a threat as they are. Until Americans finally understand this, their lives will be very mediocre. Sadly, a great opportunity has been missed. Read Peter Schweitzer's books. He has never been challenged or debunked. Perhaps Lin Wood should be heard when he mentions the crime families who have presided over us the last three decades or so. Things were not what they seemed. However, one repeats mistakes when one doesn't learn from them. 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Just pretending?

Anyone who is a conservative, or probably pretending to be one, who believes we will get them in the next election is very naive. If there was fraud on an extensive level, when the one's who did it get control, they will make sure all the following elections will be fake. This will be the last real opportunity to have free elections. Of course, they will make sure you also believe all following elections are real. Pretending is what we will do from here on. I wouldn't doubt we have been pretending for a while now. It's just that this time someone came along who exposed them. DTS!

Sunday, January 17, 2021

2020 and 1517

Looking back, it seems as if 2017 went by, and we may have overlooked a significant anniversary. The anniversary really was not completely ignored. Many churches, and some media outlets, perhaps acknowledged the fact, but when one looks back in retrospect very few memories are summoned. Maybe it's just me, but it seems that since 2016 in the United States mainstream media and many others had a one-track mind and a mission to obstruct Donald Trump, so all else seems to have been put on back burners, or simply wasn't a priority.

In 1517 one man sought transparency, reform, and change. More than five hundred years later in 2020, we are still looking for similar things from our institutions. Obviously, the reform many seek must usually start within us, so the change can eventually occur, perhaps. I do not doubt that we can go as far back as possible in human history, and we would see the same patterns or vicious cycles repeated over and over, and over.... Some of us sometimes sooner or later will get off the bus and realize this fact. For example, Saul Bass was perhaps one of those who did as such when he said the following.

“Have you ever thought that radical ideas threaten institutions, then become institutions, and in turn reject radical ideas which threaten institutions?”

I am done trying to make my point. Five hundred years plus later the 95 Theses are still not forgotten. Similarly, I do not think Trump is going away either, even if he physically got on a spaceship and went to another galaxy. Of course, we shall see. However, it is undeniable that a movement began which may have at least 75 to 80 million followers. Remember how they tried to get rid of Jesus two thousand years ago? Wow, all this time and I never mentioned Luther. Oh well! DTS!

In the overall scope and scheme, everything and everyone should be heard. No one should be silenced or censored by anyone with power who feels threatened by what is being said. DTS!

Drain the Swamp!





Saul Bass Quote

Friday, January 15, 2021

Everything Has Its Time

 Everything Has Its Time

3 For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:

2 a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
3 a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 a time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to throw away;
7 a time to tear, and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 a time to love, and a time to hate;
a time for war, and a time for peace.

Read full chapter

Ecclesiastes 2

Ecclesiastes 4

New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.



On this impeachment thing

Has anyone (media, politicians, etc.) bothered to ask anyone who broke into the Capitol on January 6, 2021 if they did it because of the President? 

Guiding vs Being Guided

Joe will preside as they instruct! The last four years, the one presiding was who instructed. See the difference? Hope this doesn't fail on deaf ears!

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Can we be certain?

If we weren't sure before, we can now be certain that there is a Washington establishment that can expedite anything they want to do for their own personal protection, but take forever to legislate on something that's necessary for the people they supposedly represent. The thing we cannot be certain about is whether we really elected them or not. Are you awake yet? DTS!

If the case really is that you did not elect them then probably the only way to get rid of them is by redoing 1776. Reset button!

Are you awake yet? DTS!

Monday, January 11, 2021

Something smells fishy

The Congressional leaders on the left don't seem to be discerning when it's time to retreat. There is way too much desperation. Almost as if they are very afraid of something. It's as if they seem to think they are just only going against their counterparts in Congress. Maybe they should start pondering that they are also up against 75 to 80 million very angry voters. I would normally think it's a one track mind syndrome, but this something else. There must be some very serious blackmailing going on for anyone to take such big risks.

I hope we won't have the last laugh at Big Tech

Where and when we will all have the last laugh at Big Tech is when a real leftist dictatorship takes over and seizes all their companies. If you think I am joking just do a little research and see how many businesses and properties Castro seized from the United States. It was thousands without including the Cuban owned. This is the least of the examples because Russia has 11 time zones, and the same thing happened there. Private enterprise ceases to exist, they take it and they run it from then on. When you have kids running businesses that don't know any history, this happens. As I have said before, Naive People Exist. Of course, at that point we all go down together, but we can't say we didn't warn them.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

The former governator tries to board the popularity train

The former governator now decided to try to get on the popularity train. Probably, just to see if it helps him score a few popularity points. He just made a video! Wow! In this video he seems to read a speech from a teleprompter. He sort-of opens up by letting everyone know he is an immigrant. Wow! I am not sure that's news to anyone. It's also the reason he can never run for president, according to the United States Constitution. He goes on to explain how he was a victim of child abuse and domestic violence because of his dad's guilt trip for being a Nazi and an Anti-semite. Anyhow, according to him, Hitler and the NAZIS were the worst regime in history. I won't disagree that Hitler was real bad, but Stalin and Mao have higher corpse counts, for the record. He might not be trying to rewrite history, but he is definitely bending it some. The former governator went on to say Trump will go down in history as the worst president ever. Well, this is very subjective and may only be true for Trump's enemies and haters. Trump got more votes than any Republican in history, the second time around. So, obviously, at least 75 million Americans very likely disagree with Arnold. So, why do guys like Arnold pull these types of stunts? Well, obviously scoring points with Trump haters is better than not getting any points at all, and his ego might be deprived of attention, as well. He won't take the spot light on the Trump side perhaps because he hesitated too long in realizing he should have gotten on the Trump train early on. To conclude, jealousy is a bitch! Furthermore, this is my review. I dared and sacrificed to spare you from wasting your 

Saturday, January 9, 2021

The dawn of doom

Many enjoy playing pretend and living a lie while believing it's all real. They are also unaware it is what they like. The era that will be ushered in will be just that. Sadly, many lack the awareness or experience to understand what has been done. It will probably take decades to repair the damage which will result, and some will not awaken until many lives are lost. Enjoy your unhappiness you sad people, but keep it to yourselves. I won't join the popularity train that's going off a cliff sooner or later. Enjoy what makes your dark souls happy, but keep it to yourselves. All the world is not a stage, but it is to you who like to play pretend. The bomb hasn't gone off, but it's ticking. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock....

The dumbest story lately

On planet Earth it doesn't take much to do a coup. I know that a coup is often defined as a violent seizure of power from government. Anyhow, this is the basic idea. I can assure that it does not always require a spontaneous military take over. A coup does not always really require violence. Here's why! All one needs for a coup in the most basic form based on this idea is having the truth and sooner or later the seizure will be evident. If one really thinks about it, Jesus did a coup of the Roman Empire while barely lifting a finger. It took almost 300 years to eventually manifest, but if one knows a little history, it's easy to understand this. Moreover, when looking at the grand scheme, 300 years really isn't much time, but this is really not the main focus of this post.

The dumbest story Iately is one that expects one to believe that the recent breach at the Capitol in D.C. was an attempted failed coup by Trump. Anyone who reads just a headline with this and buys it obviously has very few brain cells remaining. Here is why! If Donald Trump wanted to really do coup at this point, he could do it while playing golf at Mar-a- Lago. Allow me to explain?

Trump basically already perhaps began the coup back in 2016 by winning the election which was most likely also rigged. His popularity has not dwindled since, if anything it has increased. The main ones Trump doesn't have support from right now are mainstream media, perhaps. Although, he has probably played them all along to his advantage simply using reverse psychology. Now, if he did want to do a coup, he doesn't need some idiots dressed in Halloween outfits breaching the Capitol building. Based on what we witnessed on January 6, 2021, just about anyone can get into that building and simply create a hostage scenario. The problem is that anyone asking for a ransom for the lives of many of our public officials will probably die empty handed because most Americans wouldn't pay for them. On the other hand, Trump actually is popular on a nationwide level. In case you didn't hear the news, this past election Trump had the support of law enforcement. Trump seems to have the support of the Pentagon. He obviously has the support of at least 75 million American voters. The only thing standing in the way of Trump is mainstream media and their propaganda rhetoric which most don't even believe. Basically, they are the voice for the swamp which many want to drain. The reality is that very often they can't even get the weather correct. Credibility is something they lack immensely, although sometimes we will get a half truth from them. I am going to close here. If Trump really wanted to do a coup, all he has to do is to force those creating the false narrative which fools some of our more naive citizens, and make them tell the truth. Based on what I said before, I am sure one could see how one doesn't need to raid the Capitol to easily take over. I will leave this to your imagination, but the phrase "fifth column" exists for a reason. Who knows? Maybe Trump has been running the show all along, and many of us believe the narrative we have interpreted.

Friday, January 8, 2021

The more popular human condition

Most people, most times, get on board the easy-going popularity train instead of challenging an erroneous ideology. Not challenging, not going against the current, conforming, and not countering that which is probably obviously wrong is always easier. Yes, the majority can often be very wrong about many things, but many will barely analyze or challenge, and simply get on board cheering with the rest of the sheep. Bottomline: this is a sad condition; and, most will be in denial when questioned with relevance.

My suggestion for a solution Is the next time you catch yourself doing something like this, or when you see someone, or something, or an idea being attacked by most just think twice analyse and judge, and see if maybe just maybe most of the people attacking are wrong. I KNOW no one wants to be the misfit or oddball, and it's understandable, but it will always take one brave person to change direction and perhaps change the course of the entire world.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Trump supporter or something much larger?

Mainstream media can continue trying to promote the narrative that Trump is some sort of a clown, and many can fool themselves by going along and believing it.

The reality is that Trump is the leader of a huge political movement, if not the biggest in the history of the United States. This foregoing fact is evident in voter support and all the massive rallies. That same mainstream media also uses the phrase "Trump supporters," which they usually follow with some negative baseless connotation or comments. Certainly, Trump supporter is not a completely wrong reference. However, the media knows that this usage of the phrase is to create a desired narrative. Obviously, whoever controls information can control and create the narrative that people believe or perceive as real, although it may only be a holographic fake image created by their words. Trump supporter is a true statement, but what is the bigger truth is that those supporters are believers and/or co-believers in the same ideology and movement. That ideology and movement will seemingly not be going anywhere soon. If anything, it will continue growing and expanding. Moreover, the one's who may not be going anywhere is the mainstream media that has been challenged by Trump since day one, and has lost much credibility. After all, who doesn't know and understand the phrase "fake news" at this stage? 

            Death and life are in the power of the tongue....

             - Proverbs 18:21, NRSV 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Are we smart?

Relying on our own intellect, or on the majority's to determine if someone is a fool doesn't make us right in our determination, it just means that most people are overly confident of their own intellect, perhaps. We are entitled to our opinion in the bigger scheme of things, however, regardless of how smart we may think we are, or how dumb we may actually be. Lol.

