
Sunday, August 28, 2022

On Bay of Pigs

If I would have been one of the soldiers going to Cuba for the Bay of Pigs invasion, and I was told beforehand that the air support will be cancelled, I probably wouldn't have gone considering that the invasion was in swampy horrible terrain instead of in the mountains. Of course, the soldiers weren't told beforehand. They were dropped off, and they found out after the fact.

Well, the Kennedy family seems to have experienced a lot of bad karma, although who knows why. It might be for many other reasons besides screwing a bunch of really brave guys.

Monday, August 22, 2022

On student debt cancellation

Did you know that college tuition has increased by 169% since 1980? The following excerpt is from an article by Forbes.

In 1980, the price to attend a four-year college full-time was $10,231 annually—including tuition, fees, room and board, and adjusted for inflation—according to the National Center for Education Statistics. By 2019-20, the total price increased to $28,775. That’s a 180% increase (

People seem to freak out about an 8.5% inflation rate, and we are reminded about it on the news constantly, but for some reason we don’t hear about how expensive going to college has become. But why do people go to college, in the first place? I am sure that if one asked most college students, many might say they are investing in their future to have a good career…etc. A better career is indeed important, especially when one must make ends meet in this increasing inflation. Jason Furman, with relevance to student debt cancellation, recently said it is not "free money" and warned it will "hurt" almost everyone. It’s an opinion, but his statement doesn’t address the reason debt cancellation is being considered. Perhaps the question that needs to be asked is who has been hurt by the 169% increase in college tuition?

So, who has the 169% increase in college tuition hurt? I want to make clear that I consider myself to be a conservative. I know that in our world there is liberal propaganda, but we also have conservative propaganda, and I am sure this topic has been a victim of both types. If we want to view this topic responsively, we will have to see both sides, or all sides. Sure, one can say student debt cancelation hurts everyone, but raising tuition also hurts all, although mainly the poor. I don’t think this requires much explanation. A more educated society benefits all, which also doesn’t require much explanation.

I believe both colleges and government are complicit in blame for the increase in tuition. Sure, there is supply and demand, but when one knows the other will meet the challenge it becomes a whole other monster. We want a society in which all have opportunities, and not just opportunity for the rich. This doesn’t mean all will have the same outcome. Same outcome is communism. Speaking of communism, I have often heard talk about Cuba having free education because of communism, which is false. Cuba had free education way before communism, so maybe we need to figure that one out. We wouldn’t even be having this discussion if we had figured this out. Whether you favor capitalism or communism, greed is still a thing in both systems. The topic here, however, is should we cancel student debt?

On student debt cancelation, I'm in favor. Will it really hurt everyone? I highly doubt it…just the opposite. Our politicians seem to believe sending $40 billion to Ukraine, and constantly funneling money to other countries and giving to illegal aliens is the thing to do but helping Americans will somehow hurt everyone. Give me a break? A wall in the Southern border would have cost $25 billion and would have protected Americans for far less than many other expenses. They seem to want to protect everyone, except Americans. Student debt cancellation is more expensive, seemingly, but people having more money to spend helps the economy greatly. If anything, it increases consumer confidence, and that is always good, to say the least. I don't have all the solutions, but I think one can start by cancelling student debt for people making under $75 thousand annually, perhaps. To not drag this out too much, no way will student debt cancellation hurt almost everyone. A continued increase in college tuition will hurt all without a doubt.



Saturday, August 20, 2022

Enjoy hot summers!

Try to enjoy summer even when it's too hot due to a heatwave. You never know what year you might not have a summer, such as in 1816 when Mount Tambora erupted.

Thursday, August 18, 2022


Many want to live in a world of peace, love, utopian dreams, and where ignorance is bliss. Unfortunately, they are in the one with thugs, and corrupt politicians who use the leverage of tax funded offices to get wealthy while lying to them about the problems they'll resolve. The reality is that the only problems they are resolving are their own personal problems by making themselves rich and prosperous. Humans are corrupt; consequently, utopia is a fantasy.

Their strategy

Their strategy is usually to delay, overwhelm with several issues simultaneously to make sure you can't keep track of them all, and eventually you become desensitized and no longer monitor the real issue, so they ultimately get away with the corrupt sneaky thing they wanted to in the first place.

Monday, August 8, 2022


The thing I never hear much about Nixon is that in 1972 Nixon won with 60.7% of the popular vote (he won 49 states). Ask yourself how many other candidates in history have won with more than 60 percent popular vote?

Of course, the election isn't done until Congress says it's done. In fact, on January 6, 2021, the Senate was debating just that. But was it an insurrection? The videos I have seen showed police allowing people to enter the Capitol Building. Most preceded to take photos, as if it was a tour. Where these people allowed to enter in order to disrupt a debate? Not a bad question to ask since we all know the media is biased. 

Sunday, August 7, 2022

The twists and turns of history

James Armistead was freed from slavery in 1787. How that story is/was told depended on who told or wrote it down. History has been told and retold. Sometimes details have been added, and sometimes they've been removed. Communist regimes have often twisted history and information narratives for their own convenience and propaganda. Of course, this is nothing new, it was even done in the Old Testament. First Samuel and Second Samuel are basically the same story as First Kings and Second Kings; however, so are First Chronicles and Second Chronicles, but they're perhaps a more gentle and kind version of the formers told after the Captivity.

In conclusion, if I wrote down James Armistead was freed from slavery in 1787, I would assume this statement should raise questions in the minds of the readers. Obviously, we are in the year 2022, so the questions should be relevant to history. I will provide one clue, he was probably the first American double agent spy. Go and research! Hopefully you'll find trustworthy information about him.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Lives matter

Don't waste your life. If you're alive right now, animals died so that you'd be fed, and didn't die of starvation. Unless you're a vegan, and if that is the case, plants probably gave their life so you would live. All lives matter, including plants and animals! Don't waste your life.

The ribeye steak and the ham for sandwiches that you buy at your supermarket didn't come from a plastic factory, they came from a slaughterhouse. All lives matter in the continuation of life itself. 

Monday, August 1, 2022


Now a new king arose over Egypt who did not know Joseph

- Exodus 1: 8


I've always been fascinated by this foregoing verse. Why? It's amazing how quickly people forget, seemingly. Even forgetting that if it wasn't for that certain someone (Joseph), they would have all starved to death from a seven-year famine, but instead were able to prepare. Of course, we are not told in Scriptures exactly how much time passed since the last chapter in the Book of Genesis, and this first chapter in the Book of Exodus where this verse is found. However, and regardless, this small fact, a new king arose over Egypt who did not know Joseph, was the main reason for 500 years of slavery and oppression which followed. This becomes very clear when one reads further on in the chapter and book. My point is simply that as time goes by, people seem to forget, and thus eventually not know.

Interestingly enough, today we make sure no one forgets the holocaust, which is another horrific historical event involving the same demographic group (the Jewish people). I suppose "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." The aforementioned being said, I wonder how many today know about the Holodomor, and has it already been erased by the global left? Will it eventually not be known? It seems to be in obscurity, like the Armenian genocide. Who knows how many other historical events are no longer known because admission of them taking place would diminish another agenda from being promoted succesfully?

There was even another famine before the previously mentioned, as well. The question one should be asking is why not so long after the 1917 Revolution were they managing the economy, so badly. Millions died! Although, the elite and communist aristocracy was eating quite well, and had abundance. I recommend watching the 2019 film about Welsh journalist Gareth Jones titled: Mr. Jones. I am certain many who have been deceived by the left already probably think the phrase communist aristocracy sounds like an oxymoron. If that’s you or someone you know, I recommend reading Milovan Djilas’ book, The New Class, to get informed about the sad reality from someone who was in the higher ranks of the party at one time. His biography alone may surprise. Blessings!




Holy Bible, NRSV

Milovan Đjilas. The New Class: An Analysis of the Communist System. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1957.

