
Friday, May 21, 2021

Equal opportunity

Equal opportunity is good; however, it's not a guarantee of equal outcome.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Epstein hear-say

This is how one is labeled a conspiracy theorist these days, but it is what it is. Thoughts on Epstein! Take it or leave it! Hear-say on Epstein is that he is/was a Mossad agent. Again, take it or leave it, but his flight plans seem to have included a John Roberts, and a Bill Gates, among others. Were the aforementioned, the same ones who come to mind? Well, if the answer is yes, he may have done a fantastic job as an agent. Final note: I am sure a Mossad agent can also fake a suicide, if the job required I am done here. For now!

Sunday, May 16, 2021

A major historical inconvenience in bad pronunciation

And the Gileadites took the fords of the Jordan against the Ephraimites; and it was so, that when any of the fugitives of Ephraim said: ‘Let me go over,‘ the men of Gilead said unto him: ‘Art thou an Ephraimite?’ If he said: ‘Nay’; then said they unto him: ‘Say now Shibboleth’; and he said ‘Sibboleth’; for he could not frame to pronounce it right; then they laid hold on him, and slew him at the fords of the Jordan; and there fell at that time of Ephraim forty and two thousand. 

- Judges 12:5-6, JPS Tanakh 1917

Moral of story: bad pronunciation can be fatal. 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

A quick thought on optimism

Optimism is great, but should be based on realism. However, if you wish to cut corners, perhaps questioning reality can be helpful.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021


In the near future when we look back, I hope many will awaken to the fact that mainstream media presented more spin doctors than real doctors to create the narratives.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

The day after yesterday

Everything is different

Nothing is the same

No one is innocent
Everyone is to blame

The change didn't happen overnight
This is now a new day and
A different world is in sight

Now we all have a chance
We have to begin again
Today is that day
The day after yesterday 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

My solution for the transgender athlete issue

My solution for transgender athletes and sports competition is simple. Create a transgender third category. For example: men, women, and transgender athletes. Transgender can compete with other transgender just as women compete against women, and men against men. This should resolve the fairness question. Sports enthusiasts and spectators should be very happy with this idea since they would be getting an increase in choices.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Reunite the world?

I just heard a commercial on the radio about a concert to reunite the world. I didn't know the world needed to be reunited. Heck, apparently someone thinks the world was once united, but  isn't any longer. Woe! I mean woe!!!!! Anyhow, I love the concept of sovereign nations. Let's keep it that way. Globalism? That's bs leftist swamp like Obama tried to sell us, so he could get rich. Yeah, the extreme left has always been about equality for all (poverty for all) except for the hierarchical aristocratic leadership.

Cinco de/of May

El Cinco de Mayo conmemora la victoria del ejército mexicano sobre las fuerzas francesas de Napoleón III en la Batalla de Puebla el 5 de mayo del 1862.

Translation: May 5th is the day we celebrate by eating Mexican food while drinking Mexican beer and Margaritas for no reason whatsoever. This was also most likely the inspiration for that song by Jimmy Buffett that said he had something go wrong with his flip flop. Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Censorship power

Big Tech censorship doesn't mean they are right. It just means they have power, and can bully as they please.

