
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

My understanding of the Golden Rule

I have a feeling people don't really understand the Golden Rule. The way I see it is that whatever you do to me is what you expect me to do back to you. Hope that clears things up!

Conspiracy theory?

By the way, the main job of mainstream media is not to inform you, but instead to promote the propaganda of the rich and powerful swamp, who aren't just politicians. Of course, they have done this main job in a very subtle way by making you feel informed and intelligent for decades. Sometimes they even believe their own

Many Americans don't understand "drain the swamp"

It's just plain crazy how Americans don't understand their own government at all. They elect politicians to be their employees, and work for them. Although, the possibility that they didn't really get elected is high, if they have cheated and rigged elections for a while now. But, that's for another post.

They (politicians) are your employees, and they have to be good stewards with your money. However, this establishment that supposedly works for us seems to somehow work for others and other countries. The new Covid-19 stimulus is a perfect example. A trillion dollars, and only 10 percent goes back to the real owners, us (we the people). They put you on lock down without income and then give you a rationed crumb of your own money to survive. Do these elected officials owe favors to other countries that have indirectly made them rich? Apparently, the others get a bigger piece of the pie because the loyalty is to them and not you. These establishment politicians who are not loyal to you are "the swamp." Do you still not understand why they hate Trump for saying "drain the swamp?"

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Selling a false power grab narrative

It's so predictable how leftist media keeps trying to sell a narrative of a Trump power grab instead of displaying the overwhelming evidence for massive vote/r fraud. Power grab isn't an honest phrase in any way, since it is and has really been power that was never lost. Of course, they (leftist media) are the same ones who shared fake polls that predicted Trump would be losing by a landslide. Trump had them figured out since day one by calling them "fake news." He was beyond correct in using the phrase. Fake news is the most fitting description for them. Drain the swamp!

Friday, December 18, 2020

There will always be those who are full of it

Historically, some have built solid real structures, and some have always been full of imaginary hot air. For example, Trump vs Obama. Don't bow to others like an Arab prince, for instance. It's best to hold your head up, and still be humble. Lol.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Those who abandoned

The states who decided not to follow the Constitution are the ones who abandoned the Union, and not the other way around. This is how it will be viewed. 

Saturday, December 12, 2020

A short observation on racism

I don't personally remember the following. I was very young. When our family moved to Atlanta, Georgia in 1972, my father has told me that he remembers in some places one could still find signs over public bathrooms that would read blacks or whites. This was obvious remnants of an era before Civil Rights. This was the South. However, I've been around a few states and have witnessed more racism in Boston than Atlanta at times. One can find several definitions for racism on the internet these days, but I have my own. My definition of it is that if you assume your race is superior to another, you are a racist. Keep in mind, many different races exist.

Racism exists on certain levels; however, discrimination based on race is unlawful in the United States. We have things like the EEOC to enforce violations. Still, racism isn't rampant in the United States. I've seen more racism from the Cuban regime than the United States. Of course, the Cuban people aren't racist by majority. There is a huge difference between government and those governed, in the case of Cuba, for instance. These days, however, leftist media will often argue the opposite, and many are so naive that when they hear something repeated over and over they often accept it as truth.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Not such a crazy question

Will mainstream media cover the millions of fatalities from the Civil War they created in the same way they have covered Covid-19 cases? Obviously, right now this is just a, tomorrow remains to be seen.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


The new limbo may last until epiphany. Strange theology, don't ask.

