
Tuesday, March 29, 2022


Was it fake?

Will Smith seemingly didn’t have a handkerchief handy. All the world's a stage. They need the ratings since no one watches anymore. Now, even the Academy is in on the act claiming they make take his award back. Was it fake? Do fish swim? Lol.

What's really happening!

Lots of media creations and fabrications in our time. Lots of media creations and fabrications in our time. Lots of media creations and fabrications in our time. They are hacking your brain. They are hacking your brain. They are hacking your brain.

Monday, March 28, 2022

DST confusion?

Sometimes I wonder if people really know what's going on with the time change thing. For instance, are they really aware that when they wake up at 5 AM on DST during spring and summer,  and early fall,  they're really waking up at 4 AM on normal time (Standard). Do the math! But supposedly they want more daylight at the late end of the day, or a longer day. That could have been easily resolved without a mandatory time change. An alarm clock set an hour earlier was and is the solution.

People somehow seem confused! In the summer there will be more light than in winter. I suppose that traditionally switching back to Standard Time (normal) right before winter has added  to the confusion. Of course, that was intentionally done. Oh well, I guess folks will just have to deal with the health problems when those arrive in the near future. The crashes will be more immediate. Sleep deprivation is very dangerous.

Personally, I think we should all just use clocks and watches set to True Solar Time. End of story. 

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Why only 100 thousand Ukrainians?

We really do have open borders, and are allowing millions to come in. So, why are we only allowing 100 thousand Ukrainians? I'd allow millions to come in. Are we being racist, or is the administration afraid that they will turn out to be conservative and vote as such when they become citizens?

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Why DST is a safety and health hazard (The Senate is wrong)

The last several years have seen intense debate about the issue of transitioning between standard and daylight saving time. In the United States, the annual advance to daylight saving time in spring, and fall back to standard time in autumn, is required by law (although some exceptions are allowed under the statute). An abundance of accumulated evidence indicates that the acute transition from standard time to daylight saving time incurs significant public health and safety risks, including increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events, mood disorders, and motor vehicle crashes. Although chronic effects of remaining in daylight saving time year-round have not been well studied, daylight saving time is less aligned with human circadian biology—which, due to the impacts of the delayed natural light/dark cycle on human activity, could result in circadian misalignment, which has been associated in some studies with increased cardiovascular disease risk, metabolic syndrome and other health risks. It is, therefore, the position of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine that these seasonal time changes should be abolished in favor of a fixed, national, year-round standard time.


Wednesday, March 16, 2022

What a bad legacy for Rubio

Does Rubio know what True Solar Time is? Does he know that DST is further from True Solar Time than normal Standard Time. Does he know what Circadian Rythm Disorder is? Well, we will suffer from it permanently when we don't turn back the clock to normal time in November of 2023. Sleep deprivation is bad for health. In case, some don't know. 

No fly zone?

 I disagree with these politicians opposed to a no fly zone over Ukraine. They believe enforcing a no fly zone will get us into WW III. It's just the opposite. The weak stance doesn't work with Putin. He didn't invade to fail. He seems to be in it to win. Nukes are still a huge potential. When the first missile hits here or there, we will have certainty of that. Hopefully, I am wrong, but I doubt it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Kissinger on the Ukrainian Crisis

Far too often the Ukrainian issue is posed as a showdown: whether Ukraine joins the East or the West. But if Ukraine is to survive and thrive, it must not be either side’s outpost against the other — it should function as a bridge between them.

Russia must accept that to try to force Ukraine into a satellite status, and thereby move Russia’s borders again, would doom Moscow to repeat its history of self-fulfilling cycles of reciprocal pressures with Europe and the United States (Washington Post).


The foregoing excerpt is from an article by Henry A. Kissinger from March 5, 2014. Published by the Washington Post eight years ago, the article is titled: Henry Kissinger: To settle the Ukraine crisis, start at the end. Obviously, Kissinger knew and understood more about the Ukrainian crisis years ago than many do today. Read more at the link below.

Henry Kissinger: To settle the Ukraine crisis, start at the end - The Washington Post 

Dumb politicians and permanent DST

Voting for permanent DST (fake time) instead of permanent normal Standard Time is more than enough evidence that we have the dumbest politicians (Senate, for now). The health problems from Circadian Rythm Disorder will eventually be evident. It is a horrible day. Hopefully, the House votes different.

Understanding swamp politicians

Understanding swamp politicians or public administrators is very simple. They want to be the police and the thieves, all at the same time. And when they get caught red handed, they want to use a defense such as everyone is entitled to commit an error. The problem with that is that a premeditated action is not an error, or a mistake. Consequently, it is not an entitlement.


Thursday, March 10, 2022

Is the United States the most corrupt government?

Government corruption is misunderstood and confused in our world. Yes, government corruption is confused with regular corruption, which is something different. For instance, government corruption involves using the leverage one has from political positions in tax funded offices to aquire wealth. This happens in the public sector, and not in the private. Based on this reality, the United States is most likely the most corrupt country in the world, presently. I recommend reading Peter Schweitzer's Red Handed with relevance.

Prices will go up!

People seem to be complaining about gas prices going up. I assume they will be complaining more when all other things like food also go up. Obviously, those who deliver and transport products have to cover their costs.

Sadly, this isn't normal supply and demand. It's INFLATION!

Wednesday, March 9, 2022


DST is not normal Standard Time! DST is what I call Dumb Sh*t Time. We cannot save daylight, that's impossible. The day has 24 hours. No more, no less! If anyone wants a longer day, they can go to another planet like Mars. Obviously, apathy has been around for a long time because whoever was sold the idea that one can save daylight and bought it is probably not too bright, or as they say, the sharpest tool in the shed. This weekend we return to one of the dumbest ideas in history, and many will just automatically move their clocks forward without even questioning why.

We should be able to sue government for all illnesses caused by sleep deprivation from DST over decades, now. We simply need the proper research, studies, and conclusions with relevance. When they decided to attack the tobacco companies, they did it almost unchallenged with all government resources needed to achieve objectives.

Sadly, most people usually just go with the flow, and the intelligent minority must tolerate their bull sh*t. Regrettably, this weekend we return to almost 8 months of this DST crap, almost twice as long lasting than normal Standard Time, which has been reduced to 4 months. And the return to normal Standard Time is during the darker part of the year just before winter, so it seems like the reason for the darkness is due to normal Standard Time. There is a lot of premeditated cynicism behind DST.

To conclude, be safe and be careful while out driving during DST. Accidents increase during DST, and this is documented. People are sleep deprived behind the wheel, not a good combination.  There's a slogan displayed on the highways here in my state which reads: “an alert driver can avoid a crash.” So true! And obviously people are not alert on DST. I will stop here before I get more angry

Monday, March 7, 2022

Matters are critical

This Ukraine issue is far more serious than we are being led to believe by media. Nuclear war potential is at a high level. Very high! Escalation can get things out of control quickly. We have about 6 months worth of food, perhaps. A nuclear winter would end harvest of crops for a long time. Human and animal life on planet Earth will be cut by half, at least, if things escalate to that level. 

To borrow an idea from something I recently wrote, I think some are thinking Estevan was bitten, when in fact he was eaten. That's a huge difference. Huge! 

Putin doesn't ever act or make decisions to fail. WW III doesn't seem all that farfetched of a possibility. The best thing that could happen now is that Putin would suddenly decide to retreat. Of course, that would mean the end of his career. Consequently, continuing for the long run and winning is a more realistic choice for him, since he would have more to gain than lose. Economic sanctions might be bothersome, but if Putin's imperialistic goal is accomplished, the temporary economic difficulty is immediately over with all the new resources acquired (stolen from the newly conquered land). My suggestions: pray!

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Suddenly a refugee

One and a half million refugees have left their home in Ukraine, as of today. In case you haven’t put yourself in their shoes, simply imagine that two weeks from now you have to leave your home and everything to go somewhere else where you don't know. The probabilities that you are never returning home again will be very high because there will probably be no home to return to .... Yes, I am talking about the home you are in right now, perhaps. Furthermore, for now, you will have to hope you are fed so you can survive. Basically, your status quo will be over, even if you decide to stay and fight, which is almost impossible if you're a child or an elderly person. I will stop here.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Freezing the bank accounts of many! What genius thought of that?

Freezing people's bank accounts is not a brilliant strategy. Basically, creditors won't get paid and purchasing ceases. It trickles up in a domino effect. And sooner or later, you have a screwed up and paralyzed economy. Sooner than later!

