
Saturday, July 16, 2022

What Cubans in Cuba don't seem to understand that Americans should know

Cubans in Cuba don't seem to understand that much of the world has been deceived by the global left for over a century. Yes, and for over a century that same left has gained massive ground into all institutions. So, basically, down in Cuba they can protest all they want and even with media support (not that they really have it), they don't have credibility. Many around the world think Cuba has the best medicine and socialist system, even if it really isn't true. What happened on July 11th of 2021 didn't really get far because what Cubans in Cuba don't seem to understand is that they are protesting a government of thugs and murderers, and the only way to deal with those types is by using their same methods. The solution for the crisis of the Cuban people is to enter the homes of their criminal leaders who exploit them and apply all the same methods they use on them. Later, or after that, simply drag the corpses of those leaders for all to see, similar to what Libyans did to Muammar Gaddafi. I am done here. Oh, one more thing! What Cubans in Cuba also don't seem to understand is that Joe Biden doesn't give an ounce of shit about them. Now I am done, for now.

1 comment:

  1. My translation to Spanish of this post is below.

    Los cubanos en Cuba no parecen entender que gran parte del mundo ha sido engañado por la izquierda global durante más de un siglo. Sí, y durante más de un siglo esa misma izquierda ha ganado terreno en todas las instituciones. Entonces, básicamente, en Cuba pueden protestar todo lo que quieran e incluso con el apoyo de los medios (no es que realmente lo tengan), no tienen credibilidad. Muchos en todo el mundo piensan que Cuba tiene la mejor medicina y el mejor sistema socialista, aunque en realidad no sea cierto. Lo que pasó el 11 de julio de 2021 no llegó muy lejos porque lo que los cubanos en Cuba no parecen entender es que están protestando contra un gobierno de matones y asesinos, y la única forma de lidiar con esos tipos es usando sus mismos métodos. La solución a la crisis del pueblo cubano es entrar a las casas de sus líderes criminales que los explotan y que les apliquen los mismos métodos que ellos usan. Más tarde, o después de eso, simplemente arrastren los cadáveres de esos líderes para que todos los vean, similar a lo que los libios le hicieron a Muammar Gaddafi. He terminado aquí. ¡Ay, una cosa más! Lo que los cubanos en Cuba tampoco parecen entender es que a Joe Biden no le importa una onza de mierda ellos. Ahora he terminado, por ahora.


