
Friday, July 29, 2022

No point and counterpoint these days!

I don't have a problem with a climate change debate or discussion; however, please present both sides of the argument equally without censoring, or else it's simply a unilateral thing (a dictatorship). For some reason we have very little point and counterpoint equally presented these days in media.

I can tell you one thing with relevance to climate, we have ice core samples dating as far back as 800 thousand years, and when oxygen isotopes of them were studied we discovered climate on our planet is cyclical. We've actually had the best climate ever on the planet for the past 10 thousand years. One hundred and forty (140) years of recent weather data doesn't really compare to thousands or billions of years of our planet's history. A supervolcano eruption alone, which can happen any moment, can totally change our weather. An impact by a huge asteroid, which we've had many in the past, can also reset everything including weather.

But, if you are concerned with things like emissions and how they can contribute, why don't we regulate and enforce globally equally immediately, and don't allow other countries who are major contributors to take longer in abolishing the issue. That's if it's really a concern.  Unless it's just a concept or idea for creating more programs or foundations to enrich promoters, but eventually never really resolve an exaggerated problem that probably isn't one. Present both sides equally instead of using media to place fear on ignorant people who believe anything they hear, including one-sided stories. 

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