
Saturday, May 9, 2020

This economic crisis was intentional, no it's not the apocalypse

This economic crisis was intentional! No idea what Biden or anyone else trying to use unemployment numbers as alarming are trying to prove? The stock market didn't crash! This isn't the Great Depression! According to some pseudo-economists, however, it should have crashed by now. As economies start opening up, things slowly go back to normal. Supply and demand alone repair the economy because people aren't broke and will consume. Of course, the Hollywood Freakshow (De Niro, Madonna, and others already teamed up with some prize winners to counter consumerism). Obviously, that's just a last resort in desperation because obviously they see the boat leaving and the opportunity to establish a globalist society is slipping from their hands. Most Americans won't play that globalist thing, at least not yet, thank God. Of course, you will know who the enemy is because their governors will most likely be the ones who open up economies last, like California, perhaps. I believe California has already even endorsed voter fraud by voting by mail in November. I personally have no problem with voting remotely, if we include biometric recognition. California has already done voter fraud by mail before anyhow in which many votes were counted twice, so I am not shocked at all whatsoever.


  1. This is the maim problem with the globalists.

    Wednesday, May 6, 2020
    Equality for all?
    The issue with many of the polical leaders who have preached equality for all in the past has been that they lied. They really meant equality for all, but not including themselves. They lived more upscale than the rest. The problem with that same philosophy these days is no longer the one's preaching it. The problem is the naive people who still believe them at this stage in the game.

  2. Woodstock Occurred in the Middle of a Pandemic – AIER

  3. Elon Musk: Tesla to leave California over coronavirus factory shutdown - Business Insider

  4. Californians stand in line at grocery stores while social distancing. I am pretty sure they can stand in line to vote similarly. That goes for any other state trying to have fraudulent elections. Open up the ballot boxes early. There are many ways to accommodate.


