
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

On world leaders

Understanding geopolitics is really not complicated. However, many who claim to understand, approach it from a pragmatic perspective, which may be a tad naive.The main thing to know is that very often those who are leading countries, globally, such as Joe Biden, are dishonest. Often, they are not empathetic and caring and concerned about society, as they would want us all to think. They are usually self-centered sons-of-bitches, privately, who are more preoccupied with their own personal empowerment and opportunities to gain wealth. Sooner or later this becomes evident. When we all see this for what it is, understanding geopolitics becomes as clear as daylight. After this awareness, the question is why do we allow these personality types to run our world? Could it be that many humans have the ability to transform into these types? If so, it's very likely many humans are not good people. Hopefully some are honest and do care.

Drain the swamp!

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