
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

On world leaders

Understanding geopolitics is really not complicated. However, many who claim to understand, approach it from a pragmatic perspective, which may be a tad naive.The main thing to know is that very often those who are leading countries, globally, such as Joe Biden, are dishonest. Often, they are not empathetic and caring and concerned about society, as they would want us all to think. They are usually self-centered sons-of-bitches, privately, who are more preoccupied with their own personal empowerment and opportunities to gain wealth. Sooner or later this becomes evident. When we all see this for what it is, understanding geopolitics becomes as clear as daylight. After this awareness, the question is why do we allow these personality types to run our world? Could it be that many humans have the ability to transform into these types? If so, it's very likely many humans are not good people. Hopefully some are honest and do care.

Drain the swamp!

Friday, August 27, 2021

On John McCain

I remember seeing one of my favorite Broadway comedies, Spamalot, a few years ago, and the Sarah Palin jokes were improvised  into the script often by the cast which included Clay Aiken (not as popular as he once was). I probably laughed myself, but the reality is that they were also making fun of McCain. Anyhow, I personally don't like mocking or making fun of people, even if I disagree with them or dislike who they are. I do wonder if people that make fun of others also, by making fun, give a green light for others to make fun of them, not that I have any interest in doing so? Sincerely, I have a lot more fun doing other things, trust me. Moreover, I have better things to do with my life than waste it on many people who I feel lack intelligence. Not just a thought!

On ignoring reality

Just because you look the other way doesn't mean what you don't see isn't happening. Keep that policy, eventually it will be happening all-around, and you will see it even if you close your eyes.

The swamp is deadly. Sleepy Joe has blood on his hands, but also those who voted for him. Karma is near! Look directly at it before it's too late. 

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Vicksburg and Gettysburg

FYI,  if it wasn't for Gettysburg and Vicksburg, the south would have won the Civil War. Keep that in mind! Basically, I don't think the north did win either, but somehow the fake news was already around back then. Regardless, the Gettysburg speech by Lincoln was very likely written by himself, and was brilliantly above and beyond. I doubt Biden could have come up with one sentence from it. Done!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Sleepy and Giggles

Here is a brief political post. Sleepy should just resign because that is the biggest screw-up ever. Giggles, perhaps, can redeem herself by going to Kabul and finding out the root of the problem, as when she went to Guatemala. Of course, I hope she doesn't use the same speech on the Taliban. I am sure you all can figure that one out.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Less food on our tables?

No, the Vikings didn't call them Greenland or Iceland to fool everyone. They had way over 600 farms in Greenland during the Medieaval Warm Period. Why? Because climate changes,  and it's cyclical. We should be highly thankful for the climate we have now because it could be much colder, and we could have way less crops for our tables.

On my views

If you don't like my views, I accept dialogue from you to question my views. Of course, many with different opposing views rarely do this, if ever, and I am sure it's often for many reasons...many of which aren't valid.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

An elephant in a small room

Was Vietnam seemingly a distraction? What is my point in asking? With relevance to the United States, I am obviously speaking about the war. I am not providing the history if you don't know all details. Research is a good way to educate ourselves. Abruptly, I will simply say that Cuba is and was the elephant in the room. Regardless of how literal one wants to take the statement, geographically or politically, it is an applicable analogy. Questions emerge from these ideas, historically (and precisely) in the global events which unraveled around the time of the early 1960s. Let's ask one of those questions, and see where it takes us.

Why would you go thousands of miles away to fight Communism, when you have it just 90 miles away in your backyard practically? Logistically, this doesn't even make much sense. Why don't we add the Bay of Pigs invasion to the mix. You drop the guys off, but then cancel the backup air strike for support which was part of the plan. Immediately, I would ask if this was a setup just to make sure that nothing was won. As nonsensical as this may sound, one can always say "we tried" without really trying. Not that the brave guys who went to fight would say this, but perhaps the Kennedy Administration could. Whether this was the case or not, let's zoom forward in time.

Move forward 60 years to the present, and we find that we have communism in the United States Congress, and in many other places such as our educational institutions. Is there a global agenda? It sure seems that way! In fact, a little research will tell you it's been going on for over 100 years in our country, now. A friend once informed me of the reality that FDR never gave Trotsky political asylum when he sought it. We know that Stalin had him killed in Mexico later on. Was FDR a friend of Stalin? Well, it has been said they became friends in that meeting in Iran. Some of those social programs FDR started seem a bit questionable, but let's get back to our focus on Cuba.

There are Cuban agents all over the planet doing substantial damage politically to achieve a globalist communist agenda. In fact, Cuba has done much damage to the United States, but no one says a thing about it. Remember Cuba is still the elephant in the room. Cuba is a third world country (which wasn't a third world country before the Castro regime), but now it couldn't possibly have the resources to do so much damage. Moreover, how could a tiny country do so much damage? Here is the thing about elephants in a tiny room, one can always look the other way to not see it, but eventually one runs out of all other places to look and has to admit it's there and has been there for over 60 years. Meanwhile, as we sleep, they continue to push and move forward the global agenda. When all your freedom has been taken away, it will be too late to wake up. My challenge to you is to prove me wrong. Good luck with that is my sarcastic follow-up. 

Saturday, August 14, 2021

My two cents on tracking systems

We seem to have gotten pretty advanced with our weather tracking systems. We can almost predict exactly when and where those hurricanes will land. Now we just need to figure out how to do that a little better with asteroids. Moreover, can we also figure out how to make those asteroids head in a different direction. That we would be awesome.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Sequel to the prequel?

A sequel to the prequel, and vice-versa, makes me ask: will it go around in circles similar to dog chasing its tail? Makes me wonder! This may require a revisit.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Can we discern (more thoughts on Covid-19)?

If you think I have downplayed Covid-19, you probably have never read much of what I have said, or have written about it. Either way, we are all entitled to opinions, just as long we are not living under dictatorships. One thing I will say is that by taking similar precautions, we could have saved millions of lives from influenza, or other viruses, in the past few decades. Why didn't we make such a big deal about those illnesses in the past? Regardless, in the long run, we will very likely confirm that the lethalities of Covid-19 and the Flu were very close. Consequently, no one will change my mind that this has been used for politicization to achieve a certain goal. Of course, now any liars also seem to believe their own lies, and do not seem to know the backup plan. Perhaps, it is because instructions are somewhat ambiguous, and moreover, the original sources may still be brainstorming what will be the best future plan henceforth. Get ready for it! I hope all are able to discern.

I do know one thing, and it is that they have made far less of a big deal with recent virus outbreaks which were much more deadly. Anyone who ponders on this just a little will very likely come-up with similar conclusions as myself.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

We will see!

Forget about it folks, just live as if it was your last day! In fact, an asteroid is probably our best salvation at this point. We can't stop destiny.

China was the Superpower before all other empires such a England, France, or Spain. The United States didn't even exist then, and as it is we are still in diapers today and about to be aborted right after birth. However, the United States will be remembered as a great idea that simply didn't work out. Long live China! They will go back to being what they were always meant to be. A thousand years is really nothing just like our average lifespan isn't either, in comparison to the age of our universe. When we are all gone, the planet will still be here.

"The swamp" might prevail for a little while, but eventually they all will also die-out. The rest of us will eventually have to be conformed with scarcity, less products in the grocery store, and eventually with forced rationing. We will see who is really woke then. We will see!

