Sadly, some networks deliberately do not cover some of the President's news conferences when they are so entertaining, and often the spectacle of the day. It's evident that the hate for Trump blinds many who were perhaps granted a job as journalists by the an employer who also hates Trump. The CDC director said earlier that a vaccine would probably be ready by November or December, but probably not ready for distribution to all until next summer. Trump said that with relevance to distribution, the CDC director is wrong. In a relevant question, Trump clarified and repeated his stance; however, one of the pseudo-journalists nearly had a cow (a huge fit dramaqueening) that how could he say the CDC director is wrong. Anyhow, Trump basically explained the CDC director maybe misunderstood the question he was asked earlier, and that he has more insight on the distribution aspect than the CDC director. Regardless, we shall see. Trump thinks the vaccine might be out a bit sooner also, which sounds credible to me. Why? Trump is working with and has access to a wider group than the CDC director with relevance to many other factors that influence and affect distribution. But, there is also the political side to all...allow me to explain?
Here it is! The CDC director job, or NIH, for all it matters are permanent government jobs (the swamp). The people who work swamp jobs would usually never be successful at a private sector job in which they actually have to be highly productive. They will very often work their way up the ranks in government, and retire from government positions because of the perks and benefits. Politically, these personality types favor administrations that side with their act (show or pretend performance typical of many government employees, and lately similar to many in media also). Many Americans don't recognize the rhetoric, but some of us do and catch on quickly. This is why many Americans don't understand what the swamp is, and furthermore cannot fathom that there could really be so much government corruption in our country. Folks, there really is a shadow government, military industrial complex, a swamp, and a communist/socialist globalist agenda. The sooner everyone understands the foregoing, the sooner we can get free from their stronghold, unless you enjoy being a slave. Of course, there really is such a thing as Stockholm Syndrome. Not a conspiracy theory! I wish it was!