
Saturday, September 19, 2020

I am skeptical

I will always be skeptical when I hear a news report, and they tell me a source told them, but they don't reveal the source. Anything or anyone can be a source, but it doesn't mean the source is correct. This is regardless of why the source is saying it, or if it is just made up.

Now, if you follow the report with an outlandish political claim like Trump could have saved 200 thousand people from dying from Covid-19,  I am already a little more skeptical. Why? Well, it is already suspicious if it is being propagated on anti-Trump CNN. But, forget about my suspicions, let's disect a recent story by Dr. Gupta which made that same or similar claim while we use simple facts and questions anyone would make analyzing.

Here we go! Since February of 2020 a little over 200 thousand have sadly died from Covid-19 in the United States. The United States population is close to 330 million. Supposedly, 650 million masks, according the suspicious story, were stopped from distribution by USPS by the White House. Were these masks reusable? If they weren't reusable, they would just be a 2 day supply for the entire population, do the math. If everyone did actually get 2 masks, most likely disposable, what is the guarantee that everyone will use them? If you made it mandatory, how can you enforce that 300 million people used their masks for those 2 days? Here is the big question: most who died did so at peak, so how can anyone make the claim that everyone who died did so because everyone didn't have masks for 2 days when seven months have gone by, and most people have had masks from other sources instead of the White House? Pretend the masks were reusable and still do the math, the whole idea sounds ridiculous. Here's a better question, pretend Trump didn't stop flights from China (the source of Covid-19) back in January for which he was criticized, would the spread have increased more rapidly? My advice, don't believe everything you hear. Obviously, it appears Zucker even threatened Gupta's job to make him say what he said. The biggest question: is it true or did you hear it on CNN?


  1. The reality is that Gupta's source supposedly told him 80% to 90% wouldn't have died. Still, it means 180 thousand wouldn't have died. My point is that the whole idea sounds questionable.

  2. Here's a relevant story.


