
Friday, September 25, 2020


RICH AND POWERFUL GLOBALISTS are and have been making many feel good about themselves with a label like "progressive/s." Sure, you think you have more empathy. You care more about humanity, climate change, and many other things. However, the leaders and funders of your causes could care less about it all. Their main concern is that you believe, and buy into the whole idea. Ultimately, however, it is really about them maintaining power, and nothing at all about all those beautiful things you really treasure and think it's about. It's really all about their personal wealth, and making sure an authoritarian government is in power to control all the believers while they make their lives better for themselves and their families. What, you don't believe me? Allow me to fill you in?

Sure Marx had a great philosophy. The problem is that most of the ideas have never worked. Even Trotsky believed it, perhaps for a while. Trotsky even lived in Manhattan before the 1917 Revolution, and the wave of communism most likely began in the United States back then. The problem is that years later when he rethought and questioned his beliefs, not even FDR gave him asylum into the United States. FDR had already become friends with Stalin by then. Trotsky had to seek asylum in México so he could eventually be killed by a communist agent while staying at Freida Kahlo's guest house. Fast forward to today, the ideology some are following under the assumption that they are "progressive/s" is a huge "Lie." Sorry to break it in so rough. It is what it is." Bottom line! Yes, this is the bottom line...wake up. 


  1. I am sure some progressive out there just said, hey I am not a You may think all seems unrelated, but I really wonder who FDR really was.


  2. Watch "Investigative journalist Harry Vox filmed 2014" on YouTube


