Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Golden Rule
“In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets."
- Matthew 7:12, NRSV
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Friday, November 19, 2021
Quick thoughts on Kyle Rittenhouse
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
It didn't bother me at all
The people in the Capitol building on January 6th were really more like tourists taking photos. Watch the videos and see for yourself. There was no such thing as an insurrection. The real fear from the opposition, however, is/was that with a million people walking the streets on that day, there could have easily been a takeover. Long story short, I personally prefer a right wing dictatorship over left wing any day. So, I suppose I wasn't really bothered by it...lol.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Well, did they?
Inquiring minds want to know if the FBI actually used counterterrorism measures against parents?
Monday, November 15, 2021
Another good article on Climate Change
The truth is the only thing constant about temperature is
that it is never constant. With other words, the weather can change from day to
day. The current temperatures and our past recent temperatures are not unusual.
Since the last Ice Age ended, about 11.000 years ago, we can identify about 9
previous warming periods.
More than that, five of them had rates of warming greater than the current warming period and all ended with temperatures higher than what we experience nowadays.
The foregoing excerpt is taken from an article by Hustle AM from May 27, 2020, titled: Climate Change is Real. Global Warming is a Hoax. I enjoyed the various data used by the author. This was informative, to say the least. Much of this type of data is out there, but not easy to find sometimes. For instance, I wonder if many people know about the Medieval Warm Period which spanned from about 950 to 1250 AD, not too long ago. Read the entire article at the link below. You may find it to be eye opening.
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Some clarity on Climate Change
In this post I am sharing some of the best reading on the subject of Climate Change I have done lately. It is on Randall Carlson's Sacred Geometry International site. If anything, it brings much truth and clarity to the whole subject. Anyhow, the link below will take you there. Enjoy!
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Back to normal Standard Time
If you appreciated getting an extra hour of sleep this morning, you can thank that we are back on normal Standard Time. Standard Time is closer to true solar time which doesn't get our Circadian Rhythm out of whack. DST, which just ended, is not good for our health, it's eight months of being forced to wake up an hour earlier. Many people don't seem to understand, however.
Celebrities, media, and some politicians are seemingly confused about what is the correct time to keep permanent. Senator Marco Rubio wants to keep the torturous DST permanent. Some misinformed celebrities who do not need clocks most of the time have even tweeted about ending the clock changing. And we should end it. The problem is that they are saying it now instead of in March when DST begins, and we are forced to be sleep deprived with all the health problems it causes. Don't rely on news media for accurate information on the subject. They seem to interchange and confuse one for the other.
It's very simple, normal Standard Time is good for us, and this should be the last time we change clocks. DST is bad, and we should ABOLISH it forever by not changing our clocks again this coming March 2022. Write your politicians who are confused on the subject and correct them. This is really an urgent matter which will reduce health costs henceforth. Think about it, but also act.
Thursday, November 4, 2021
The planetary issue
The problem with our planet is that the left isn't completely wrong, and the right isn't completely right. But, Jesus was probably 100 percent correct, depending on how one understands what he supposedly said.
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Some are not very cautious with what they say in private
Some time ago, I shared something I had written on a blog with someone. After reading it, I remember the person said, "that's what many are saying." I felt like asking, when did you say it or write it publicly for all to see? I didn't bother asking, however, because I already knew the person never said it, and was also afraid to say it or write it for all to see. Many people are similar to this person. They will say some things, but are very careful to say others for fear of what someone might think, or how their employer may react, for instance. To keep this story short, some people think they have more guts than what they actually have.
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Naturally occurring?
I doubt most people will read this entire post. Some may lose interest at the very beginning. This is geared more towards the open minded sector. I will start by stating that those who are really being boycotted at this time should probably start becoming a little bit suspicious. In fact, I would assume they've already noticed something is different. What's bizarre is that the boycott isn't being organized by anyone. It's naturally occurring. Those who are awake and have no interest in joining the pseudo-popularity train are automatically boycotting opposition. Recently, I was offered free tickets for a show at a venue. I didn't accept them, and didn't even want them. I had no interest in them. Why? I know that I would have to listen to some dumb leftist agenda that I disagree with at one point or another during the show. So, I simply didn't bother. I have many other ways of entertaining myself.
Some people are seemingly desensitized and unaware. With me it's different, I don't watch Netflix, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC, etc. I don't go to the Improv. I no longer travel to NYC, although I did so more often at one time; therefore and consequently, no Broadway shows are seen by me, hardly. I don't watch many Hollywood movies, or visit the area...lol. Some of the product many of these aforementioned providers put out doesn't interest me. They cater to a different audience which either doesn't share my political views, or is about to convert to the views of the radicals. However, oftentimes this conversion is not because of some moral conviction, it is just what some may view as being popular, and almost everyone wants to be popular. Fortunately, the ideology isn't as popular as we are made to believe. It's just that they control the media and push it on everyone.Back to my original thought, more or less, the boycott is naturally occurring. Of course, If you had a personal conversation with me on theology or many other topics, you'd probably assume I was a leftist liberal, and in fact, I probably was one at one time. These days, however, the center has been moved by radicals, and somehow I ended up on the right. All I know is that I recognize an agenda when I see one. I believe in free will. I am against dictatorships. Obviously, this is about me, but I wonder what all the quiet folks out there are really thinking. I do know I am not alone. Not even close to it. A specific culture has more accessibility to the media today.
In an age of cancel culture, I think the ones who are slowly starting to be canceled are the cancel culture themselves by those who are actually awake, and not by the so called woke. To end this abruptly, I do know one thing, and it is that Dave Chappelle would like to know if he's cancelled? I will answer the question, it doesn't seem like he is, regardless of what he says about anything or anyone. He gets more popular daily. Should I say more?
Monday, November 1, 2021
Posted this on a recent Michael Sweet post on Facebook about Alec Baldwin
Sadly, folks who weren't born in communist countries very often do not understand the left, or are basically naive as to how far they will go to establish their agenda. An agenda which hasn't stopped advancing for decades in these United States. One day we may wake up with our right to free speech gone because they will label it bullying or terrorism. What is even more sad is that it will only be the beginning of their dictatorship. Political correctness is for the rest of us and not for them.
On eggs and chickens
It takes four and a half (4.5) months for a baby hen to become an adult chicken that lays eggs. If millions of chickens died or are culled (...
I have compassion for a 20 year old and a family, who have perhaps believed the lie. They are the victims who believed and have believed th...
I hope everyone is doing well. I wanted to address a topic which I believe is very fitting this year since it is an election year, and due t...