
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A year old

This blog turns a year old today. The first thing that comes to mind is the phrase time flies, but that is probably not accurate. This is especially meaningful here since I have even shared a post about Lee Smolin who has said things like “we live embedded in a timeless universe....” Time does not really fly. If anything, time probably moves, passes, or goes by; however, it seems Lee Smolin neutralized most of those possibilities with that loaded statement. One thing I always like to say when a year has passed is that we have completed Earth’s 365-day orbit around the sun. Anyhow, happy first birthday to this blog. Literally, thousands have viewed many of the posts on here during this past year. Whether they have read all, I would not know, but the data is there even if they just stopped by. I simply wanted to share this thought. I have two other blogs which are far older, but I enjoy writing on this one even if sometimes posts are just quick and spontaneous. Finally, I hope you read something on here at least once, in case you never have, whether you end up agreeing or disagreeing. Also, feel free to comment. Although, I warn that you may end up in a debate…lol. I am done here. Enjoy the rest of your day or evening depending on what meridian you are in currently.

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