Wherever you are right now, it is your future from yesterday, and/or your previous past. Based on this idea, I suppose it's safe to say, your future is now.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Friday, October 30, 2020
Logic says it may get violent
Vote early! You never know if violence will erupt on election day before it's over. Regardless, there will most likely be violence after. When we get results, the left might have the radicals go out, but vice versa. We might find out who all the secret millitias support. I would assume the millitias support Trump because they would most likely be anti-establishment. I remember some being against Reno/Clinton. I doubt much has changed.
Of course, sometimes the left probably thinks they monopolize riots. I am sure it is because they can remember the past, but don't remember the future. It's better to remember the future to avoid using plausible deniability for the past. Something to think about!Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Plausible deniability?
Plausible deniability is a strange hybrid oxymoronic phrase to me. It just sounds like an admission of lying because the truth isn't a possibility or it's an impossibility. Deniable alone is the capability of being denied, but this is just a whole other monster. Will America understand? We shall see! Do they even know why I bring it up? Probably not!
Monday, October 26, 2020
This neuf American left
What bothers me most about this neuf American left is not that they are a pseudo-left that doesn't even know who was Trotsky. Truthfully, if they are so much in love with the system and philosophy, why don't they move to Cuba or Venezuela immediately and see how far they can go? What bothers me most is that they haven't put themselves in the shoes of my dissident friends living in those countries who have more guts and valor then they ever will in their whole capitalistic loving lives. AOC and Bernie are more comfortable financially than they have ever been, meanwhile they are selling that bullshit to ignorant millennials.
On pride
Pride goeth before destruction,
And a haughty spirit before a fall.- Proverbs 16: 18, JPS Tanakh 1917
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Hello Cleveland!
Hello Cleveland! Any good rock star knows this one, regardless of how high they may be. Identify with the audience's geographical choice for habitation. It's a 101....
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Let's play match the opposition game
I think I can solve some of these political scuffles in our country easily. My suggestion is to match the efforts of the opponents. Whatever the other side does also do, and vice versa. For example, if a bunch from an opponent party go protest at someone's house, do the same and match them by going to the house of the other. Back in Cuba they call this "acts of repudiation." The idea is to beat them at their own game always. Of course, keep in mind that Trump has a lot of police support lately with relevance to this specific example I just used. I think sooner or later someone might backoff, if we don't escalate into a civil war instead, which will also resolve the problems, but in a more violent way. By then all rules will be off. All is fair in love and war, as they say. By my observation, the swamp hasn't really been fair with Trump since day one, so I don't understand why anyone is following rules at this stage anyhow. Forget elections, we can have a coup. Is everyone ready to play?
Sunday, October 18, 2020
DST and Benjamin Franklin
Judging from
the title, it is obvious I want to say something about Benjamin Franklin, but
not just now. We will save it for later. On November 1, 2020, we return to
normal Standard Time. I cannot emphasize the word normal more. Many of us that
understand can’t wait to get an hour more of sleep thus ending the sleep
deprivation we have experienced since March when we went on DST. I cannot hardly
contain myself and cannot hardly wait. In the Spring when we return to abnormal
time (DST) there is an increase in auto mobile accidents. Sadly, in 2021 we
return to this vicious cycle and repeat the same dangers. For a supposedly
advanced society we tend to trip over the same stone over and over, and over
again (for many decades, now). I have a theory. Sleep deprivation must be a
main factor in the cause of accidents. Driving and operating vehicles when
drowsy is dangerous. This is a well-known fact. One thing I do know is that
when it is dark the brain produces melatonin. I assume everyone is intelligent
enough to figure out the rest. The solution is to abolish DST because it is not
natural. One would assume all naturalists would be onboard with this idea.
Anyhow, I have said many of these things over and over.
Now back to
Benjamin Franklin! Many DST apologists
give him the credit for the idea of DST, although this is not factual. In fact,
it is just the opposite. I will explain shortly. Indeed, Franklin was a
brilliant man. In his day and age, they drove around in a horse-and-buggy. DST
was probably not a bad idea for his time. Today, however, we have vehicles that
go from 0 to 60 mph in a matter of seconds. Furthermore, people tend to drive
around going 80 mph on the highways. When one mixes this with sleep deprivation, and
melatonin produced by the brain we have the equivalent of an accident about to
happen. Sleepiness can result in crashes. The National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration can confirm the foregoing. Of course, the fact that they change
to normal Standard Time very close to the winter solstice when it is darker probably
makes many thinks that it is dark because of the change back to Standard Time.
Basically, the DST people seemingly have done sabotage on normal time for more
than a century. It is suspicious. The DST thing is really outdated for our
society, and one of the main reasons for this is safety. To avoid getting
sidetracked, we continue with Benjamin Franklin. Franklin did not invent DST.
In fact, Franklin argued for the opposite. He wanted Parisians to change their
sleep schedules and wake up with the sun. Any sane person knows this is the way
we have always done it going back to prehistory. I will conclude my argument by
sharing the following relevant excerpt from The Franklin Institute.
‘” Daylight saving time—the practice of moving the clock
forward one hour—has many critics. Losing an hour of sleep only to wake up to
darkness? No thanks. But is Benjamin Franklin to blame for this “invention”?
Daylight saving time is one thing that Franklin did not
invent. He merely suggested Parisians change their sleep schedules to save
money on candles and lamp oil.
The common misconception comes from a satirical essay he
wrote in the spring of 1784 that was published in the Journal de Paris. In the
essay, titled “An Economical Project,” he writes of the thrifty benefits of
daylight versus artificial light. He describes how—when woken by a loud noise
at 6 a.m.—he noticed that the sun had already risen.
“Your readers, who with me have never seen any sign of
sunshine before noon, and seldom regard the astronomical part of the almanac,
will be as much astonished as I was, when they hear of his rising so early; and
especially when I assure them, that he gives light as soon as he rises. I am
convinced of this. I am certain of my fact. One cannot be more certain of any
fact. I saw it with my own eyes.”
His conclusions? Rising with the sun would save the citizens
of Paris, where he was living at the time, a great deal of money: “An immense
sum! That the city of Paris might save every year, by the economy of using
sunshine instead of candles (The Franklin Institute).”’
Saturday, October 17, 2020
The uninformed
If you still don't know or understand how corrupt the previous administration was you are probably one of the many disinformed people in America. Perhaps, that's what many prefer. As they say, ignorance is bliss. Perhaps, you don't care. You have been played by much of the mainstream media. Much of the truth is being censored. If you don't wake up soon, it will be too late later because the damage you will do will be irreparable. Live and learn, but I am not sharing my survival skills that you will need. Your journey will include an awakening, but it won't be from the dream you think it will be.
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
A little bit of faith
Sometimes when things are in the worse case scenario possible, they can turn around for the better. We just don't often see the other factors that are influencing an outcome. Just wait a little bit more.
This election lol!
Of course, this election is completely different than any other before. This one will be like voting for a revolution without the military appearance. You will vote for what you assume is one thing and get another. Biden won't be running the show, in case you haven’t already noticed. This new administration will seem nice for a while. Eventually, you will be boiled like a frog. They turn up the heat slowly and before you realize it your dead. But don't take my word for it. Live and learn! The one's who want socialism don't have the survival skills for it. It's too late when they eventually realize it, however. Lol.
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
A year old
This blog turns a year old today. The first thing that comes to mind is the phrase time flies, but that is probably not accurate. This is especially meaningful here since I have even shared a post about Lee Smolin who has said things like “we live embedded in a timeless universe....” Time does not really fly. If anything, time probably moves, passes, or goes by; however, it seems Lee Smolin neutralized most of those possibilities with that loaded statement. One thing I always like to say when a year has passed is that we have completed Earth’s 365-day orbit around the sun. Anyhow, happy first birthday to this blog. Literally, thousands have viewed many of the posts on here during this past year. Whether they have read all, I would not know, but the data is there even if they just stopped by. I simply wanted to share this thought. I have two other blogs which are far older, but I enjoy writing on this one even if sometimes posts are just quick and spontaneous. Finally, I hope you read something on here at least once, in case you never have, whether you end up agreeing or disagreeing. Also, feel free to comment. Although, I warn that you may end up in a debate…lol. I am done here. Enjoy the rest of your day or evening depending on what meridian you are in currently.
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Real empathy
On social media these days just about anything may be found. Social media is great for keeping us in touch with many all around the world. Just about any type of information may also be found there. Lately, many on there seem to think they are empaths. Wow! That is a loaded word. But many out there do seem to think they are empaths and seem to believe that they have more empathy than anyone. Somehow, I do not think people are really understanding what an empath really is, however. An empath is really a word more relevant to science fiction. In sci-fi an empath is a person that experiences or can strongly perceive the emotional and mental state of others. Of course, this is in a paranormal sort of way. Truthfully, many are confusing it for something completely different. The thing is many seem to think they are beyond good, and this might be a little concerning. Even Jesus said only God is good when someone called him good. I will try to explain by argument.
Many love to
say that Jesus quote "love your neighbor.” Some might say something like,
oh, you do not love your neighbor, for example. The reality is that love your
neighbor is only half the quote. The full quote is about loving your neighbor
as yourself. The thing is that it seems many want to follow about 1% of things
Jesus may have said and ignore the other 99%. For instance, Jesus said take up
your cross and follow me. Jesus even told one rich young man to sell all his possessions
and give the money to poor, and he would have treasure in heaven (Matthew
19:16-30). By the way, the young man walked away realizing he probably had little
empathy. When one sees empathy with a different lens, the number of those who
have real empathy seems to diminish. However, there are and have been real
empaths throughout history, many who gave themselves for others selflessly.
Do you want
to know who was a person with great empathy? Well, Mother Teresa was highly
likely one. If you do not know her biography, I recommend that you pick a
copy of it. I am without a doubt convinced that you would agree with me.
Do you think
you have great empathy? If you do, I recommend you do something about that
calling. Serving others may be what you should be doing. Now, if you are
judging others that you feel do not love their neighbor more than you, it is
possible that you are just judgmental. Moreover, I hope you have not confused being
judgmental for being an empath (a predominantly sci-fi term). If the shoe fits
wear it, but please do not assume I am the one being judgmental for writing
this piece. I just wanted to clarify what seems to be an error in our current
society by explaining my view from a theological perspective. Also, I am done
here. Peace, love, and blessings!
Opportunistic politicizing
I think I am writing a piece on real empathy very soon. It's very sad many have died that could have perhaps been saved somehow. Recently, over 200 thousand have died from Covid-19 in the United States. This fact is politicized. Some blame Trump instead of China. During the previous administration 200 thousand died from Opioids, and 300 thousand veterans died waiting for treatment. The foregoing data can also be politicized. Think about it!
Solving divisiveness
People on the left get offended if one says something offensive about their side. In the same way, people on the right get offended if one says something offensive about their side. There are solutions for this. One can stop saying offensive things, and/or stop having a left or a right side. Problem solved! Lol.
Standing divided
United we stand, and divided we can also stand, it depends on why we stand divided. In fact, I am very careful as to why someone might want me as an ally. I try to flee from the masses and the collective, they can often be misguided. One may as well get used to standing alone because in the judgement, it is my understanding, we will stand alone before God.
Friday, October 9, 2020
In-between bites?
California has around 40 million inhabitants! Many liberals in California! Hillary got over 2 million in the popular vote in 2016 most likely because of them. They are intellectual supremacists those liberal Californians. They have a brilliant governor. Newsom! Why, about 2 days ago he tweeted for people to keep their masks on in-between bites when dining out. Not sure if I need to explain this! Well, maybe to those who elected him, I should. Anyhow, if you plan on following his suggestions, I think you should wash your hands every time you touch the potentially contaminated side of your masks. You might get a good workout while dining out as you run to and from the bathroom several times, but you should be safe, and stay safe. Hopefully, you all understood what I am really saying!
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Opinions of non-citizens
We are a world of sovereign nations, and all humans are entitled to opinions. Many globalists would prefer a one world government. Outside of our borders the interests usually tend to be different than inside. Whether people outside of the United States like it or not, it is those of us within who vote and decide what we want now and for the future. Personally, I can't control whether someone likes Trump or not, for instance, or anything for all that matters. Moreover, when persons aren't United States citizens, I could almost care less about their opinions with relevance to us, but they are free to think as they wish.
Sadly, many Americans also don't really seem to understand the phrase "drain the swamp." Many, maybe not a majority, seem think Trump is a clown, or an idiot. Of course, many people think they are of a superior intellect when in reality they are just slightly delusional. I wrote a piece on here titled what type of supremacist are they just for them. The biggest tragic flaw with many is that they are often not even thinking for themselves, and instead repeat mainstream media opinions, as if they were their own original thoughts. The sad part is that this media is a propaganda machine for the swamp. Bought and paid for! The corruption of the swamp (establishment) is bipartisan, to an extent; however, they are extremely powerful. I strongly recommend Peter Schweizer's book, Secret Empires. Anyway, I am done here. TTYS!
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Just some random thoughts, although this is a bad title
John Michael Stipe was born January 4, 1960 in Decatur, Georgia. He has said things like "losing my religion" and "it's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine." Ironically, I am just a little younger then Stipe, and I have thought about the same lines irrelevant to him saying them. I do believe both songs are a major part of American history. Even more ironic, however, I also lived in Decatur, Georgia a few years ago when I was young. It is a nice town with awesome people. I don't think I had the same revelations and inspirations as Stipe did because of that fact, however. Honestly, I am probably still trying to figure out what that period in my life was all about, but I ain't complaining. Anyhow, this isn't a fancy post. But, I do believe we may really be at the end of the world as we know it. And, I really do feel fine. Of course, Stipe and I are probably not even on the same page as to why we feel fine. And, Stipe might not be feeling all that fine right now, but I would tell him to give it a little time and see how things line up unexpectedly. My apologies if you don't understand the purpose for this post. It was written for me and not you. I just gave you a peek into some of my thoughts just because.
With relevance to Cuba
With relevance to Cuba, I've always found some of the past U.S. policy difficult to comprehend, or perhaps hypocritical. Why? We went to...
I have compassion for a 20 year old and a family, who have perhaps believed the lie. They are the victims who believed and have believed th...
I hope everyone is doing well. I wanted to address a topic which I believe is very fitting this year since it is an election year, and due t...