
Sunday, July 19, 2020

What are they really trying to say (with that bumper sticker)?

I recently passed by a car with a bumper sticker that read: "aint no time to hate." Immediately my question was does this person hate, but just has a bumper sticker to make others think they don't? Or, is this person telling me that I hate without even knowing me? Is this person assuming I hate, or that many people hate? The reality is that the slogan is vague. There may actually be some room for hate depending on what, or even who is being hated. For example, some might hate Hitler and this probably should be ok. Some might hate ice cream, which may be mind blowing to many, but I suppose it is still ok.

My final thought is that I am not sure if some bumper stickers are meant to be offensive and judgemental, or whatever, as if they think everyone should read their mind about what it is they intended to say with the vague phrase. If your bumper sticker is meant as an accusation, although you don't know me, my words to you are F**k-off! I am sure I can get a bumper sticker with my rebuttal, but most likely it will be misunderstood, maybe. 

1 comment:

  1. I really think that some try to monopolize empathy, but when they judge or prejudge they have already failed at love.


