
Saturday, July 25, 2020

On listening

People most often would like and want to be heard when they have something to say. Sadly, many times the ones who wish to be heard are not willing to listen to the other. Perhaps many times those not willing to listen think that their analysis of what they argued is flawless and their could not possibly be a counterargument, unknowing that the person who just heard all they had to say thinks they probably don't have half a brain. It seems this is where many are presently, very divided. This thought perhaps provides a partial understanding for the current divorce rate. And I am sure the popular thought is also that there are plenty of fish in the sea, and that is true. However, anyone who has done a little bit of fishing knows that one almost always catches the same type of fish when using the same bait. Basically, when fishing it is very easy to get into a vicious cycle. Seemingly, I got side tracked, but it is relevant as an analogy. Bottom line: dialogue is a good way to increase knowledge and understanding. Limiting to monologue may have kept one, unknowingly, in a vicious cycle for most of one's life. Unknowingly, one can die still the same. Happy life!

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