
Thursday, July 2, 2020

I wish I was wrong about this

I am saddened that many small businesses didn't survive this China virus. I drove by a place earlier that had been in that location for years. Now, it's permanently closed. Sure, it seems like just another business to most, but behind it was a family of human beings just like all of us that now has to figure out a new way to make a living if they can due to a virus that is new, but seems to be very similar to the flu or a bad cold which could kill just like these illnesses do every year. Many questions are on my mind. Did we need to close the economy for so long? Did the president have to do this because of excessive pressure? All of my life, I have not seen so many false narratives and false accusations towards an administration. Places like Sweden didn't close and they seem to be fine. Did Hollywood and the media exaggerate things because of an ulterior agenda such as making the current president, Trump, look bad so that he would lose the election in November? Obviously, the opposing party to the current administration has too much at stake that they are willing to destroy the lives of many Americans to gain political power. If the answer to some of my questions is yes, I believe those who have gone so far and low for their cause belong at the bottom of a cesspool because they are worthless excrement. Integrity and honesty are a virtue that they should aspire to have, but they have many lives to live to gain a spec of it. This was probably done in the name of pseudo-progressivism. My opinion, off with their heads for being so selfish, self-righteous, and self-centered. They should have all been aborted since many of them are advocates of abortion anyhow. I am done for now. Keep America Great!

PS: Love your neighbors as yourself. Your political view does not warrant selfishly destroying the lives of others. 


  1. Don't get me wrong, I think it's healthy to have many political views. I alone have many political views. For example, I support LGBT rights. My problem is with how far will we go with those causes, are they worth destroying the lives and livelihoods of others. If so, let the Civil War began now because I disagree.

  2. Relevant!


