Saturday, June 27, 2020


Antebellum is a word derived from two latin words, "ante" and "bellum." Ante means before and bellum means war. Supposedly, the first documented use of the word in English was around 1840. The word can be used to describe any period before a war, but the tendency seems to be before the Civil War, although in 1840 it was probable only psychic people knew we would have a Civil War twenty years later. The question is which period before the Civil War, or was it most of our entire human history, which took place way before the United States even existed? You might think I am being sarcastic, but I recently heard a known rapper ask a similar question about Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan. He asked a good question because when one includes the word "Again" in the phrase it is unclear which period one wants to make "Great Again." Obviously, most people would not want the period before the Civil War in America in which slavery was legal. However, I am sure that in a country with 330 million people, one will find a minority that would probably think perhaps this period was not so bad. Truthfully, in a large crowd, you will usually have extremist radicals. We have now arrived in our period in time in which most people seem to want to distance themselves from the Antebellum period.

We are in a period of political correctness. Many do not want to associate with ideas in which seemingly a majority frown upon. A good example of this, for instance, is a country music group that used to be called Lady Antebellum which now has changed their name to Lady A. Of course, in world history many times the majority has been wrong, and a minority was correct, but we didn't know this to be a fact until we looked back years later. Slavery was and is wrong with no doubt. The Civil War was a sad period in United States history, but it was evidence that simultaneously there were two different ideas, and ultimately a decision of which one was correct had to be made. I don't want to overextend the point I really want to make. What I really want to say is that distancing ourselves from history by erasing references to it is probably not going keep us from repeating it. If anything, erasing historical references will cause us to probably forget and repeat history even sooner. 

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Class guilt

Class guilt and who should have it? Well, I certainly won't. Should anyone have it? If you got a high paying job via nepotistim or cronyism, you should. Funny how this trait is very typical of the swamp (establishment). They secure themselves and their futures, and family, with no opportunity for those who are truly qualified for the position.

The pretend game

Socialism after the honeymoon (Revolution) is basically about pretending! People pretend to work and government pretends to pay. Don't take my word for it, however. Enjoy the slow suicide!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

I have been trying to avoid posting this

It seems the mainstream media will not tell us many things that they know. For example, defunding police could be dangerous, but not so much because criminals would have a free for all. I can think of one reason we shouldn't defund the police that I haven't heard from media or anyone recently. I have been trying to avoid saying this for a while now, but I will not continue to be quiet about it. The media lately has seemingly been more busy, for instance, using protesters as propaganda prostitutes for ratings, and for promoting their agenda then actually analyzing the possible ramifications of outcomes to their agendas that could backfire into extremely undesirable results for them and many. Do they really care? Some might, but their biggest interest and bottom line are ratings. My problem with this is that often times stories covered revolve around their priorities only. Investigative reporting seems to be dead at a time when we might want to know about matters they rarely speak about such as secret militia groups in our country.

For many years now, the media has been silent about this topic. If anything, they just don't seem to cover it. I mentioned secret militias, and I am jumping straight into the subject. Remember Terry Nichols and Timothy McVeigh? Remember what they did on April 19, 1995? These two men were responsible for the death of 168 American lives which ended very quickly...680 were injured. These men were millitants. Did they belong to a militia? The probability is high! It is known that they had met with several militia groups at one point or another. However, if you research this part of their story, one will find little relevant information out there. The fact is that we have many secret millitias, but you won't hear much about it from mainstream media.

We have many secret millitias in our country, and they are well trained in warfare because obviously, it's what they do. They train and prepare, but I don't and wouldn't know any details. Depending on the intensity of their preparedness, they could probably make our police departments look like babies in diapers when it comes to a show of force. If they suddenly became active for some reason, one could maybe kiss our rights or civil rights goodbye, they probably will be turned upside down along with our current life style. Some of them might even believe George Floyd was possibly treated humainely, for instance. I am just saying this because in our current situation they could become a factor, possibly, if they suddenly decided to get involved. If some group decided to trespass into their territories, I see no reason why they wouldn't stand their ground. I really have no clue about this; however, it's logical to assume this is a possibility. The reality is we are very uninformed on the topic, especially groups like CHAZ whose members weren't even born yet perhaps when the Michigan Militia was in formation.

To close, my warning with relevance: be careful what you wish for when asking to defund police or take over certain territories if your knowledge of American history is limited because you may soon be in the biggest shock of your life. Why?
Some of these groups won't just enforce law, they might just remake and reinvent it. Think about what I am saying. I am sure you might agree it makes much sense. Hopefully, my hypothetical case scenario never materializes into a reality, but we should not be ignorant about the probability. The best case scenario I can envision is that they would only get involved if a civil war was ushered in due to our divisiveness, but that's just a guess. I am done here. Welcome to a possible nightmare.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Some things just take time!

Some things just take time! You can't hack or quick fix them. Fifty years still take going around the sun 50 times at 365 days per year. Hurry up, but wait! Imagine how the sun feels, moving along with us at 514,000 mph (very fast), but still taking 230 million years to complete a trip around the galaxy. Relax and reflect, in case you are in a hurry. Some things just take time!

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Information and power investment

Recently, I heard someone say that years ago we didn't know who Walter Cronkite voted for on election day, nor would he try to influence our choice either. On that same note, if Dan Rather reported false information, he'd get fired. Today it is a whole different ball game where news is concerned. This false information thing is done often these days, and you might get an apology for it after, at best. It's a ratings competition and some are willing to even buy their audience. A good example of the foregoing is CNN. At many major airports CNN gets 8 year contracts for broadcast exclusivity. In exchange CNN pays for infrastructure. So, next time you are waiting to catch a plane to a certain destination, you may not be able to change channels. Does this sound like monopolizing? Well, it sure does to me. Information is power! One can influence future outcomes with a simple manipulation of what really happened. Consequently, some are willing to invest whatever it takes for control.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Trump is racist? Let's disect that one a little!

Hopefully, this will be my last political comment today. Anyhow, if you know me I try to take things with a grain of salt. We are in an election year, and the rhetoric seems to be way out of control.

On racism, for instance, some politicians are not going to be able to sell me the idea that this is Trump's fault. Why? Trump has been in office 3 years while Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer have almost 120 years combined in office. Moreover, the previous administration had 8 years. If anything, Trump has helped alleviate problems. A good example, the 1994 Crime Bill which landed many black men in prison with long sentences was cowrote by Biden. How did Trump help alleviate? He signed the 2018 FIRST STEP Act which shortened mandatory sentences. Yes, it was a bipartisan bill, but the president can veto and did not. The question is who created the discriminatory problem? If you ask me, the one's accusing Trump are guilty. 

CHAZ? No, not the actor with a restaurant in NYC!

I am not necessarily a CHAZ supporter!
In a way, I imagine they are aware that they are enforcing borders on the micro level, and this has many implications to many people on the macro level. Sooner or later, perhaps, all will be enlightened (those inside and out). The fact that some will go this far to be heard, I think deserves attention. We obviously need to make some reform in how we police. However, many politicians including the president agree that it is required at this point in time. My message to CHAZ is that they are not one of those European No Entry Zones, they are still there because they are in the United States where most people care about human life. In places like China they would have never been able to achieve what they have done. Hence: 1989 Tiananmen Square!

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Three questions

1. How was Joe Biden a participant in the 1994 Crime Bill?

2. What did the 2018 FIRST STEP Act signed by President Trump do to counter the negative affects of the 1994 Crime Bill?

3. Who was most affected by the former law and helped by the latter?

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

This is just a brief thought

George Floyd's funeral was today. From May 25th until today we've heard and learned much about him. He was someone who most knew nothing about until the recent news reports. We've heard about his past. He obviously wasn't perfect! He seemed to have been trying to get his act together, but perhaps on that day he had fallen off the wagon. Regardless of what was going on, there was no justification for the excessive force that caused his death. In the Scriptures, one of Jesus' disciples asked him, how many times should I forgive...? Jesus' response was 70 times 7. This world is complex and many people go about their daily lives often in survival mode with the intent of being able to lay their head at night to rest and start all over again the next day. George Floyd was not given the opportunity to start a new day after that evening. I am sure the trial of those arrested might reveal many things. My brief thought is that the decisions and choices made by those involved could have changed the entire outcome. George would probably still be alive. We might not have ever known who he was most likely. However, it is very possible that the next time a similar incident happened, similar results such as the protests would have taken place because this seems to be our society doing a self analysis on a matter that needs attention and correction. We can play a blame game from all sides forever, perhaps. But, sooner or later the issue will come back if not addressed. We should all always strive to be better, although none of us are perfect. I mentioned the Jesus quote on forgiveness earlier because many times this idea will probably be the simplest way to avoid an escalation that reaches a point of no return. It's true that many people can often cause anyone to lose patience, but there are almost 8 billion of us on the planet and we might somehow have to figure out how to interact with some. Many will say that what the world needs now is love, and I am sure it is true. Of course, in my book love comes in many forms. Bottom line: this is just a brief thought. 

Monday, June 8, 2020

A new type of privilege identified

You've heard of white privilege. I am introducing a new privilege we all know about, but often ignore. Anyhow, here it is...tada: SWAMP PRIVILEGE. Yes, swamp privilege. Would you like an example? Well, a perfect example was Hunter Biden being on the Board at Burisma. Yes, Hunter Biden benefited from his father's tax funded office and this is a perfect example of political corruption. His father has been in public office for almost 40 years, and Hunter would have never been in this position and have this privilege without his father's influence and connections. Basically, this is a form of nepotistim and cronyism, typical swamp (establishment) behavior and traits...corruption at its best. It's ok to use your father's name in the private sector; however, it is not ok from a public tax funded leverage position. Sadly, many Americans don't get it, and seem to also not understand what "draining the swamp means." Why is it a swamp? Because Hunter Biden is just one example of a plethora of others. 

Minneapolis leaders seem clueless

The fact that this was announced when there is   no plan yet already tells me the public administrators are clueless. Now, they wil have disgruntled employees (officers) who mostly do a good job, perhaps, who will probably not perform as effectively as before. And, rightfully so, the job doesn't pay enough to risk one's life non-stop. Basically, I predict lawlessness will escalate, and there will be a mass exodus out of there. Consequently, when the city is mostly evacuated, the tax revenues will decrease rapidly, and those same public administrators will have to eliminate their own salaries and become volunteer workers. Conclusion: they are clueless. If I was Trump, I wouldn't send any military to rescue them until they beg for it because otherwise he will be accused as being a bully for their mistakes. Hell no!

Read the relevant article at the link below.


Saturday, June 6, 2020

Coincidences or Deep State Subliminal Messages?

Is it just me, perhaps, but I think Billie Eilish (who won 5 grammys earlier this year) was a bit ahead on the masks thing back in January. Of course, I am still trying to process a cartoon depicting Kobe Bryant in a Helicopter crash before it ever happened. Madonna's Eurovision performance in 2019 with the apocalyptic and satanic imagery depicting a new world order ending was also weird (perhaps a deep state subliminal message). Speaking of subliminal messages, the 2012 London Olympics opening ceremonies also seemed as such when one watches the portion that begins after 44 minutes into the opening, nothing wrong with Harry Potter references, it was other things involved. It was a great show regardless, you should watch it. Anyhow, after everything that has happened this year, I would not doubt the military industrial complex, swamp, deep state, and the rest of the wild bunch will simulate a space alien invasion to pretend they rescue us to gain our loyalty. Of course, they can also downgrade it to a China invasion. Thank God the Alliance is kicking ass. LOL!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

No censorship!

My issue with some social media sites lately is more relevant to the patronizing attitude. If there is crap out there they consider crap, allow me to make up my own mind on it. I don't need a parent who is younger than I quite often making decisions of what I can or cannot watch or read. I can make up my own mind. No censorship, thank you!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

What type of supremacist are they?

According to leftist media there's supposedly a whole lot of white supremacist in the United States. I have been around many parts of the country, and I don't recall ever meeting one. Maybe, I have been lucky enough to never meet one. Supposedly, there is a lot of racism, also. I have always thought we were a multicultural country where most of us work together and get along. For a supposedly racist country, many people of diverse backgrounds seem to get along well, and are polite with each other. This is a place of opportunity, and many people I've met want to live here, although some here want me to believe otherwise. I think minorities have a better chance here than any other place. Just look at people like Oprah Winfrey and former President Obama. Again, I must have been under a rock the past 50 something years, but I highly doubt it.

What I have met are a whole lot of arrogant people that think they know more about everything than anyone. Not sure what type of supremacist they are! They also consider themselves progressives. They criticize others often, and are convinced they know better. They are just better people than the rest of us, all-around. No idea how they became so self-righteous. Some of them criticize Trump for carrying a Bible in front of a church. What is the big deal? I thought the Bible says we are all sinners. I remember reading about Jesus interacting with these guys called Pharasees in the Gospels. Anyhow, maybe I am wrong, but some of those types of supremacist remind me of them. Of course, the media tries to convince that they know better also, but the more I hear them, the more distrust I have for them because my own observations seem to be extremely contrary to what they say. It is an election year, so obviously everything is becoming about who will be in power, seemingly.

Monday, June 1, 2020

We don't have the choice of where and how we are born, and who we will be!

I was born under a regime that didn't and doesn't value any human life regardless of race or creed, etc. They still could care less, today! The Ladies in White, for example, march to church almost every Sunday. You wouldn't believe how often they have been beat up and tortured by state security. Dissidence is not tolerated under that dictatorship. You are very lucky to have been born in the United States. I for one didn't have that choice, being born in a place where everything including your children are property of the State, to do as they wish whenever they wish. They promote themselves with lies and propaganda, so many believe the place is heaven. I challenge you to move there and find out for yourself, in case you don't believe me. Think about this reality, if you are able to think.