Tuesday, June 9, 2020

This is just a brief thought

George Floyd's funeral was today. From May 25th until today we've heard and learned much about him. He was someone who most knew nothing about until the recent news reports. We've heard about his past. He obviously wasn't perfect! He seemed to have been trying to get his act together, but perhaps on that day he had fallen off the wagon. Regardless of what was going on, there was no justification for the excessive force that caused his death. In the Scriptures, one of Jesus' disciples asked him, how many times should I forgive...? Jesus' response was 70 times 7. This world is complex and many people go about their daily lives often in survival mode with the intent of being able to lay their head at night to rest and start all over again the next day. George Floyd was not given the opportunity to start a new day after that evening. I am sure the trial of those arrested might reveal many things. My brief thought is that the decisions and choices made by those involved could have changed the entire outcome. George would probably still be alive. We might not have ever known who he was most likely. However, it is very possible that the next time a similar incident happened, similar results such as the protests would have taken place because this seems to be our society doing a self analysis on a matter that needs attention and correction. We can play a blame game from all sides forever, perhaps. But, sooner or later the issue will come back if not addressed. We should all always strive to be better, although none of us are perfect. I mentioned the Jesus quote on forgiveness earlier because many times this idea will probably be the simplest way to avoid an escalation that reaches a point of no return. It's true that many people can often cause anyone to lose patience, but there are almost 8 billion of us on the planet and we might somehow have to figure out how to interact with some. Many will say that what the world needs now is love, and I am sure it is true. Of course, in my book love comes in many forms. Bottom line: this is just a brief thought. 

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