Saturday, June 13, 2020

CHAZ? No, not the actor with a restaurant in NYC!

I am not necessarily a CHAZ supporter!
In a way, I imagine they are aware that they are enforcing borders on the micro level, and this has many implications to many people on the macro level. Sooner or later, perhaps, all will be enlightened (those inside and out). The fact that some will go this far to be heard, I think deserves attention. We obviously need to make some reform in how we police. However, many politicians including the president agree that it is required at this point in time. My message to CHAZ is that they are not one of those European No Entry Zones, they are still there because they are in the United States where most people care about human life. In places like China they would have never been able to achieve what they have done. Hence: 1989 Tiananmen Square!

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