
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

An attempt at explaining modern media or perhaps just understanding some of them, especially the leftists?

Billionaire Elon Musk, America’s dumbest smart guy....
 - Matt Novak

Why would Matt Novak say the foregoing? What is his reasoning? Obviously if Matt had half the brains of Elon Musk, we would probably be reading about some of the things he says written by another author instead. What I mean is basically Musk is the billionaire and not Matt. Matt wrote the following, which puts the initial quote into proper context.

Back on March 19, Musk predicted there would be “close to zero new cases” in the U.S. “by end of April.” Today is April 28, and while new cases in a handful of regions have seemingly plateaued, there are still almost 2,000 deaths per day and tens of thousands of new cases reported daily across the country (

Ok, now you know Matt's reasoning. To me, it just sounds like Musk was being an optimist, and this was not a major deciding factor determining whether he is smart or dumb. The thing with the leftist media is that they are usually pessimistic or using propagandist strategies. They are seemingly not happy even when their own politicians are often running things. Obama was running the country, and many were always finding something to complain about. Basically, they are just unhappy. Why attack someone for being optimistic? The planet is basically doomed in their worldview. If it is not the climate, it is something else. As Gilda Radner’s character Roseanne Roseannadanna used to say: "it's always something, if it is not one thing it's another." Anyways, either Matt's boss asks him to write this type of gloom and doom stuff, or he is just a sad person that is probably in denial about it. Of course, many are in denial about most of this negativity as well. Maybe they should do a little more self-analysis because many of us that are sometimes forced to be around them do notice all that negative energy they put out. As is, I am not totally convinced on many of their ideas such as the climate thing.

Why would I say the climate thing is not convincing? Well, there is plenty of evidence that climate change is cyclical and not so much that we cause it. Ice core samples from Antarctica and of Greenland, for example, provide 800 thousands years of evidence that climate is very cyclical. Furthermore, very recently during the middle ages from around 900 to 1400 AD Greenland had farms, over 600 farms, as a matter of fact. This was called the Medieval Warm Period. How warm was it? Well, it is too cold in Greenland now to have farms, but 700 or 800 years ago it was warmer than today. I do not want to get sidetracked. I do consider myself an environmentalist and believe in protecting the planet, but I am also not rushing to unfounded conclusions. Anyhow, I know this gloomy attitude may be caused by other underlying psychological conditions. Maybe they cannot help the pessimism. If that is the case, maybe some of us optimist should pray for their recovery instead of writing critical things about them and going down to their level as I am in writing this. Anyhow Matt, gotcha, I bet you had no idea where I was going with this post. Although, I doubt you will ever read Ok. I am done. Cheers to all!

PS: feel free to fact check anything I write if I did not reference something.


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