
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Why would someone like DeBlasio be so adamant that this crisis will last for months instead of being more optimistic?

Why would someone like DeBlasio be adamant that this pandemic will last for many months instead of being optimistic? Why? That's easy, allow me to explain?

You know that saying that the bad part about socialism is that eventually you run out of someone else's money. Well, they should add and let you know that the money runs out very quickly. If you are complaining about no toilet paper in stores, get used to it because under a system where you are depending on government to supply, this becomes the common daily status quo along with many other products that you also will not see. Socialist systems have never worked because productivity goes down since people no longer have an incentive to produce, since all make the same. The mentality of why bother kicks in very fast. In fact, eventually people try to sabotage. However, right now we do have a pandemic.

We have a pandemic in which we should follow guidelines, but if you push it further than what is necessary, the entire economy will collapse very quickly. Moreover, we will usher in a socialist system automatically, perhaps because most will not have a job to return to after. I am not trying to frighten anyone, but if an employer doesn't generate revenue, they can't pay you. Covid-19 seems more like the flu, although influenza kills around 36,000 to 70,000 Americans yearly, which so far makes Covid-19 seem weaker. Be cautious, but don't push the world into a depression for no reason because you will regret the choice for decades, perhaps.

The economic impact probably really isn't the worst part. The bad part is that the socialist economic system creates a social transformation in people that is not good. Your current friends or families often time will transform and behave contrary to what is good, but deceptively pretend and/or act in denial that they have changed. Of course, don't believe me, just ask anyone that has escaped such a system. The stories are all the same about scarcity and human behavior. One doesn't have to be a sociologist to notice something that is so easily observable. The socialist system is not equality for all, as they claim.

The socialist system at the practical level (real world human behavior) has more greed than capitalism because the leaders always create a hierarchy in which they are the first consumers and the crumbs are for the rest (the masses). In reality, It's equality for all (the common people), except for them (the leadership), as a friend who knows well calls it.The leaders always maintain the wealth because all consumption depends on their permission and administration of provision. There are plenty of books by intellectuals from former Soviet Bloc countries which explain these things.

The leaders patronize. So, when you see an exporter of the socialist/communist ideology such as Mayor DeBlasio of NYC say on TV this pandemic will last months don't trust him because he really doesn't know. He is simply using typical communist propaganda and spreading fear along with false compassion. A person who really cares and is concerned is more cautious with words. He is not concerned for our economy because deep down he really hopes that it fails, and that people become dependent on the state. Furthermore, he knows that he will remain financially secure, regardless, and his power will increase as the control shifts more to the patronizing leadership of the welfare state.

Sadly, Americans have allowed this poisonous ideology to penetrate their institutions for more than a century. By institutions I mean academics, schools, universities, and almost every place in our society. Today, we even have socialist members of Congress, and one Senator who could become President. They have been able to sell a system that has produced more death than any global pandemic. If you don't know, research how many Russians were killed by Stalin and how many were killed by Mao in China. But, you don't have to go so far, Castro killed thousands in Cuba. My hope is that every day more and more people wake up instead of buying into the false peace and love (kumbaya) rhetoric of these socialist/communist. Unfortunately, many people have to learn the hard way and don't wake up until they are knee deep into all the shit. In fact, that reminds me of the old Cheech and Chong skit in which they actually had to pick up, smell, and taste the dog shit to finally realize that it really was actually dog shit. I am done here. Trust me, I have nothing to gain by telling you these things. I simply really care and want us all to have a bright future. 


  1. And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.

    - Saint Paul

  2. I highly recommend this Robin Williams film from 1984. It depicts life under communism very close.

    IMDb: Moscow on the Hudson

  3. De Blasio shouts Cuban revolutionary slogan at Miami rally

  4. The mention of DeBlasio and what he said was the least important thing in this post. Of course, many won't take the time to read and process what's said and how it should be beyond alarming.


