
Monday, March 16, 2020

The Real China Virus (Otro cuento chino más)

The biggest problem with this supposedly novel virus with typical symptoms is that even the media has believed information coming out  of China. Never trust information coming out of communist China, they are experts at propaganda with ulterior motives especially on election years. Get it? They will create a whistleblower to leak distorted information as desired.

Don't you think it is strange how Biden suddenly has to be the guy?

Now, the media is still tangled in their little web of coverage. However, the Chinese already figured out the move backfired on them because the chess player we have here is always several moves ahead of everyone. Basically, he once again screwed the Chinese immediately by cutting the flights. All is fair in love and

I don't trust, especially the Chinese government. If anyone needs someone in the White House who will remove the tariffs and make them more competitive again it's them. So, would they meddle in the 2020 election? Of course! I wouldn't doubt all these candidates who dropped out and supported Biden all get a nice little check from I am a little cynical and skeptical when it comes to them.


  1. Welcome to swamp everyone! Business as usual for decades now!



