Hello! I am posting this because I wanted to share a thought
on Solar Time. However, firstly, best wishes to all. Hopefully, we are all staying
safe and surviving this Covid-19 pandemic. I believe we will come out of this
with flying colors but continue to follow all guidelines and the latest instructions.
And now, for the quick post content.
I know we say a lot about Standard Time being normal time, and
it is a great argument against our current DST which we know is horrible, to
say the least. Indeed, Standard Time is much closer to Solar Time. Solar Time
is easily measured by a sundial. Moreover, these days there are apps for our
smart phones that will gives us Solar Time. For example, the Astro Clock app
provides Solar Time and more. Our circadian rhythm works more with the sun and
moon than with DST. I am sharing a screen shot to show everyone how far off our
circadian rhythm is according to Solar Time in our meridian vs DST in our meridian.
For instance, I am in South Florida and the difference is almost an hour and a
half. In other words, instead of being 9:56 AM, it is 8:29 AM on Solar Time. I don’t
want to take up too much of your time. I just want to make the point that when
we switched back to DST back on March 8, 2020, we really threw our circadian rhythm
off by almost an hour and a half on Solar Time. Sleep deprivation isn’t good
for our health and at a time of a health crisis like this Covid-19, our immune
systems need DST like we need a bullet in our head. Bottom line literally:
Abolish DST!