
Sunday, December 29, 2024

Excerpt from the Gospel of Luke

Once Jesus (he) was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, and he answered, “The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed, nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There it is!’ For, in fact, the kingdom of God is among (within) you.”

- Luke 17: 20-21, NRSVUE 

Monday, December 16, 2024

How to easily identify the widespread swamp

The phrase drain the swamp has gained a great deal of momentum, but when one hears some talk about the swamp, it doesn't sound like they may understand the fullness of it.

The swamp is far-reaching. It's both republican and democrat (a bipartisan thing). It is indeed widespread, reaching from D.C. at the top and down to local governments all-around the country, and vice-versa. It's existence is reliant and greatly involves using the leverage of public offices for the purpose of gaining wealth and prosperity, but it has other traits as well.

Swamp members are always politically correct, and walk the political fence. Not all are politicians, some are influencers and such. I could call out many by name, but will refrain for now. Some of them are religious groups that claim they are not political. They sometimes may seem like wheat vs chaff, but are still identifiable. They are usually all about pretending and acting, and doing what's apparently popular to maintain success permanently. Really, it's all about keeping a constant survival strategy. They can survive in any type of political environment. I will illustrate. Swift knew it was highly likely that Kamala seemed to be the most popular who would win and she supported her based on this confidence, which was perhaps media created. This is just a small example. The swamp and corruption are synonymous regardless of how subtle or hidden. So, how does one start to drain the swam?

To drain the swamp, the press and media must be separated from government in every way. Furthermore, they must stop endorsing political candidates.  NPR and PBS, for instance, have to become independent, for one thing.

How does one end swamp corruption? Nepotism, cronyism, and favoritism must stop on ALL government levels (federal and local). This would be the best start. There must be accountability with all federal money going to capital improvement projects, grants, and such. Moreover, contractors whether actual or potential must not be related or be cronies with anyone awarding contracts. To reiterate, media being separated from government is of utmost importance. In fact, it is a much bigger problem than church and state unity. All mentioned thus far is just barely scratching the surface. Bottom line, the swamp must be drained. I will stop here, for now.

Addendum: government corruption and hypocrisy can almost always be associated with the swamp. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


Create a new thing! Write a new song! If you decide to cover the song, change it up and make a different arrangement. Always remember, something old and something new. 

On eggs and chickens

It takes four and a half (4.5) months for a baby hen to become an adult chicken that lays eggs. If millions of chickens died or are culled (...