
Thursday, August 29, 2024

That pillow dude

I have nothing against you, Mike Lindell, but easy on the advertising dude. It's a bit excessive. With relevance to Wikipedia saying you are conspiracy theorist, keep up the good work. That should be an honor. When they give you that label, you must be on the right track intensely.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Saturday, August 17, 2024

On real friendship

Many people seem to confuse socializing for friendship. If you have one true friend in the whole world, you are blessed. I'm referring to a friend who can actually put off everything for you, not just saying that they will. Many can say things and make promises they could never fulfill. In fact, often one can do more for that person than the person who claims they will. Even Jesus said to walk an extra mile. He didn't say one had to walk any further. Perhaps, some romanticize relationships to higher expectations than even Jesus ever did. Jesus did say turn the other cheek, but he didn't say to continue turning it. In fact, he said one should own a sword and that two swords were enough. Huge messages when one thinks about it. Blessings to all!

Big problem

One of the biggest problems with our world is that almost everyone seems to think their personal worldview is the correct one.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

With Relevance to the Second

Basically, the second amendment abolishes all else. It's not too complicated, we don't even need a Constitutional Convention.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Matthew 23 extract

They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on the shoulders of others, but they themselves are unwilling to lift a finger to move them.They do all their deeds to be seen by others....


Matthew 23: 4 and 5, NRSVUE 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

I don’t worry much about politics

I don't worry much about politics. People get what they deserve. Unfortunately, most often they realize they didn't want what they thought they wanted until after they got it and can no longer get rid of it.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Does artificial intelligence (AI) have ancient origins?

I have nothing against artificial intelligence, but I know that natural intelligence has done great wonders for civilizations for millenniums. We probably wouldn't be here without natural intelligence, but I am sure many good arguments could be made to counter that idea. I don't want to get sidetracked, but AI also wouldn't exist if natural intelligence wouldn't have invented it. To be more accurate, the definition of artificial is something made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural. Artificial intelligence, however, is really nothing new.

Artificial intelligence or AI has existed since day one, most likely. As soon as humans began to interact with other humans, they very likely started imposing their thoughts on others. In fact, I am completely convinced that wives have been programming husbands ever since marriage was invented. Humans with agendas have been programming other humans for a long time. Religion and philosophy didn't just suddenly make their way unto a page overnight, and those ancient ideas of the past are still here today.

If we turn on a television today for an entire day, we will probably be bombarded with a lot of advertising. Many commercials are repeated over and over throughout the day. The foregoing concept is a marketing strategy. Some advertisers have gone as far as using subliminal messages to get one to purchase products. Regardless of the strategy, they manage to convince many, especially when it comes to food or restaurant advertising since eating is a basic need, and sooner or later humans will get hungry. I am done with this idea of marketing for now. I simply wanted to use it as a foundation. Now, let’s switch focus to philosophy.

Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, etc. .... Philosophy has been part of academics going back thousands of years. Many philosophical ideas, however, are quite new, I can provide examples. In the mid nineteenth century, Karl Marx came up with theories that were critical of capitalism. Moreover, he made predictions that have been proven false with the simple growth and development of capitalism. Furthermore, communism has yet to be proven as a working theory or idea, although it does work well for leaders who wish to stay in power (basically, it's equality and poverty for all except for themselves, the elite leaders). The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 was a perfect example of the failure of communism, but for some reason communism is still promoted today, and even more aggressively than ever. But what does this have to do with AI, one might ask?

Engels and Marx published The Communist Manifesto back in 1848. What they theorized was in fact realized in Russia in 1917, but 74 years later the whole thing collapsed. That 1917 communist revolution caused the death of many since its very origin and until it collapsed. It would have never happened if humans didn't communicate the ideas and theories in an agenda to other humans, which eventually became manifested into the form government of a very large nation. During the Stalin era the death of millions because of a lie that was propagated earlier was witnessed. In fact, many millions died from famines in the early days of that revolution because of people who didn't know how to govern. But we don’t hear of things like the Holodomor much today because the same agenda that created that 1917 revolution is alive and well and many continue to cover-up all the flaws of that evil system. But what does this have to do with AI, one might ask?

Today many elites around the world are in power in various governments. These elites control information and media, including social media. Artificial Intelligence is a human creation. It can be used for the good of humanity, but it can also be used for other purposes such as for power and control. People are easily steered in the wrong direction, especially when they are bombarded with lies day and night from many and multiple sources. I will stop here and let you use your own natural intelligence to figure out the rest of the story. Take care everyone!











Thursday, August 1, 2024

Jesus clarity

I hope everyone is doing well. This post will be brief. It is based on some things I have been dwelling on recently. Mainly, some things Jesus is credited to saying in Scriptures that may seem contradictory. I don’t claim to understand what he meant fully, but I also do not think he did not make any sense. I am not going to provide entire verses; however, I will give the citation to allow all to verify. Anyhow, here we go.

Possibly Jesus said, “if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also” He also said, “walk a second mile if someone asks you to walk one.” Hence: he never said to walk three miles. See Matthew 5:39.

Supposedly, Jesus said “one who has no sword must sell his cloak and buy one.” Basically, one needs to have a sword and can’t afford to be without one. Obviously, he didn't seem to believe in not defending oneself. Consequently, this seems to contrast the cheek turning thing a bit, if things escalated perhaps. See Luke 22:36.

Lastly, Jesus said, “be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” I think this one is self-explanatory…don’t be fools, but also don’t be an arrogant a**hole. See Matthew 10:16.

In closing, I think all-around, Jesus was more about having balance. If we focus on one area of his teachings but neglect another, we get out of balance. Therefore, we should focus on all instead of one thing. Blessings!




Matthew 5:39

Luke 22: 36

Matthew 10:16






