Monday, May 29, 2023

On the DeSantis presidential bid

My thoughts on DeSantis at this moment. He should focus fully and finish the job he was elected to do as governor. He's worked on it a little, but he really does not have much of a personality. He seems more like another overly ambitious politician, and he won't beat Biden. I would never vote for him in 2024, but would consider it in 2028, if we haven't been wiped out by an asteroid, or some other major global reset catastrophic event, which is never unlikely on our planet. He (DeSantis) should simply quit the 2024 presidential race immediately.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

On De Niro

I am not a fan of the current version of De Niro, not one iota. However, I will recommend one the movies he was in back in 1997. The film is Wag the Dog. For some reason this one is kept in obscurity. Watch it, and you'll know the reason. 


Wag the Dog

The leftist narrative is still being communicated by the right

Even the so called conservative guys don't even know how to do counter propaganda towards the left. Why? They still use the leftist phrases when attempting to speak in opposition. No creativity whatsoever. For example when speaking against and about lockdowns during pandemic in a recent historic context, the stronger reference would be possibly including something like during the time they were trying to very quickly turn our economy into a communist one, so that we would all become dependent on government. Remember they deliberately destroyed many businesses. I will stop here and let everyone ponder.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Flor lila, a story my Dad told me years ago

Many years ago in Cuba there was a Chinese Cuban on a boat, a few years into the Cuban so called "revoluciĆ³n." The revolution already had two recognized martyrs, Camilo Cienfuegos and Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Do the research, if needed. Back to the Chinese guy on the boat. The guy went out on the water one day with a bunch of flowers to honor Camilo and Che. He would row a little and stopped to toss flowers in the water while saying: "floles lila pala Camilo y floles lila pala Che." He continued getting further out in the ocean while repeating: "floles lila pala Camilo y floles lila pala Che." He kept going further out and eventually he was about to runout of flowers. When he only had two flowers remaining and was really, really, far out on the ocean, he tossed them in the water and said again: "floles lila pala Camilo y floles lila pala Che." And then, when he had runout of all flowers, he said one last thing, which was "y ahora flo lila pala Chino." Hope you got!

Fire knows how to dance with fire

This is a developing story. Basically, I wanted to publish the title ahead. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Did you think that?

Media is and has been guiding thoughts for a long time. Whether decisions are really ours is highly questionable. Information is everywhere and all-around, and constantly influencing. Narratives!

Monday, May 22, 2023

On forgiveness

Forgiving and forgiveness are a great concept, and there is a time under the sun for which they are beneficial and useful. However, the reality is that the biggest promoters of the concept simply want to screw and take advantage of people, so that after the fact can reap the benefits of being forgiven by their own victims.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Fake TV?

Now, meaning currently, it seems most TV news is "fake news." Really! Many TV shows are also very questionable. For example, I was recently watching Hunting Hitler on the History Channel, and they don't seem to convey the stories thoroughly in order to get there intended message across, but they want you to believe they just discovered previously unknown facts, such as Nazis in South America.

Sure, many Nazis went to South America after WWII to hide, but many Germans had been immigrating there previously for decades. A good example of this could be Stroessner, former Paraguayan president, who was born in Paraguay in 1912. Take note that 1912 was even before WWI, in case some don't know history. Stroessner's parents immigrated from Germany. Of course, many Americans seem to think Europeans only immigrated to the United States, but this shouldn't be shocking since many don't know their own history; consequently, one has to have extremely high expectations to think many would know the history of other countries. Done here...TTYL. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Nepotistim and American government

Nepotism and cronyism in government are common because the person who owes a favor to the person who granted a position to a son or a daughter will almost always look the other way when the bigger crimes are committed. This is why the more debts owed, the merrier are the corrupt.This type of corruption is rampant, and ranges from federal (D.C.) to local government. It's not surprising that being only three years away from our country celebrating its 250th anniversary, it also seems we are close to its end of existence.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Historical trajectory

The history of our world is founded more on exaggerated stories and lies than reality and truth. This is regardless of whether we are speaking about the micro or the macro. Isn't history written by the winners?

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Message to fellow exiles

Message to fellow exiles: whomever disliked us so much over sixty years ago and is complicit, still greatly dislikes us and finds great gain from our loss. Only bloodshed can return our honor! Protesting won't work!

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Coronation sermon by Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

Colossians 1:9-17, Luke 4:16-21


We are here to crown a King, and we crown a King to serve.

What is given today is for the gain of all. For Jesus Christ announced a Kingdom in which the poor and oppressed are freed from the chains of injustice. The blind see. The bruised and broken-hearted are healed.

That Kingdom sets the aims of all righteous government, all authority. And the Kingdom also sets the means of all government and authority. For Jesus doesn’t grasp power or hold onto status.

The King of Kings, Jesus Christ, was anointed not to be served, but to serve. He creates the unchangeable law of good authority that with the privilege of power comes the duty to serve. 

Service is love in action. We see active love in our care for the most vulnerable, the way we nurture and encourage the young, in the conservation of the natural world. We have seen those priorities in the life of duty lived by our King.

Today we have the honour of being in this Abbey with so many who show such love; you work with charities and organisations, you build community, you serve the nation in Armed Forces, in emergency services, and so many other ways. Next door are 400 or more extraordinary young people in St Margaret’s Church, whose lives speak of service. Around the world in the Realms and Commonwealth are so many more. You live your lives for the sake of others.

The unity you show, the example you give, is what binds us together and offers societies that are strong, joyful, happy and glorious. They bear heavy weights for us.

And the weight of the task given today, Your Majesties, is only bearable by the Spirit of God, who gives us the strength to give our lives to others. With the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the King is given freely what no ruler can ever attain through will, or politics, or war, or tyranny: the Holy Spirit draws us to love in action.

This is promised by Jesus who put aside all privilege, because, as the first reading tells us, God will give all things for our sake, even His own life. 

His throne was a Cross. His crown was made of thorns. His regalia were the wounds that pierced his body.

Each of us is called by God to serve. Whatever that looks like in our own lives, each of us can choose God’s way today.

We can say to the King of Kings, God Himself, as does the King here today, ‘give grace that in thy service I may find perfect freedom’.

In that prayer there is promise beyond measure, joy beyond dreams, hope that endures. By that prayer, for every King, every ruler, and, yes, for every person for all of us, we are opened to the transforming love of God.
