Thursday, May 25, 2023

Flor lila, a story my Dad told me years ago

Many years ago in Cuba there was a Chinese Cuban on a boat, a few years into the Cuban so called "revoluciĆ³n." The revolution already had two recognized martyrs, Camilo Cienfuegos and Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Do the research, if needed. Back to the Chinese guy on the boat. The guy went out on the water one day with a bunch of flowers to honor Camilo and Che. He would row a little and stopped to toss flowers in the water while saying: "floles lila pala Camilo y floles lila pala Che." He continued getting further out in the ocean while repeating: "floles lila pala Camilo y floles lila pala Che." He kept going further out and eventually he was about to runout of flowers. When he only had two flowers remaining and was really, really, far out on the ocean, he tossed them in the water and said again: "floles lila pala Camilo y floles lila pala Che." And then, when he had runout of all flowers, he said one last thing, which was "y ahora flo lila pala Chino." Hope you got!

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