Saturday, May 27, 2023

On De Niro

I am not a fan of the current version of De Niro, not one iota. However, I will recommend one the movies he was in back in 1997. The film is Wag the Dog. For some reason this one is kept in obscurity. Watch it, and you'll know the reason. 


Wag the Dog


  1. Why does De Niro get so many roles these days? He knows how to stay on the Hollywood script both on and off and screen. For example, saying he wanted to punch Trump. I'd like to see him He'd get his ass kicked. But, he knows saying it gets him points with the Hollywood and media establishment.

  2. The guy literally makes me sick. No balls whatsoever.

  3. Why does De Niro get so many roles these days? He knows how to stay on the Hollywood script both on and off screen. For example, saying he wanted to punch Trump. I'd like to see him He'd get his ass kicked. But, he knows saying it gets him points with the Hollywood and media establishment.

  4. Just in case, he ever reads this, I will explain my comments. Standing up to someone who many are against doesn't make one a tough guy...that's easy. That just makes one someone trying to be popular. Those personality types are plentiful, and come a dime a dozen. Going against a majority that is wrong without any support does make one tough.
