
Friday, March 31, 2023

Isms revisit

The biggest problem in the United States doesn't end with an ism. They use those words ending with that suffix to distract, so you look the other way instead of at their huge problem which ends with "ION" and is called "corruption."

I'm not saying the isms don't exist. One of the biggest problems are nepotism and favoritism, which are a big part of that corruption.

With relevance to nepotistim and favoritism, the real problems with them are in the taxfunded public sector. And let's not forget cronyism!

Drain the swamp!

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

What type of mental illness is it?

What is worse is that those who think and talk the way media has taught them believe they are smarter than everyone else. What they don't realize is that they are suffering from media created mental illness (very similar to brainwashing).

Do to urgency, the introduction was skipped. What type of mental illness is it? Media created!

Sunday, March 26, 2023

The Tiny Desk Concert with only half of U2

I watched Bono and the Edge's Tiny Desk Concert, and I am not sure they passed the stadium audience audition. I still loved the music, but if they ever dream of doing the huge venues again I believe U2 needs to tell Bono to stop talking about political issues he is clueless about.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Dumb stories

Throughout my life, which is about six decades at this point, I have heard stories which sounded a bit stupid and ridiculous. Recently, I have heard a couple of those. One of them was that the ICC will arrest Vladimir Putin. The other one is that Ukraine will defeat Russia in this current war. The first is highly unlikely. The latter is borderline impossible, since we'd all be regressed back to caveman times in a collapse of society from the widespread radiation based on the ultimate decision Putin would make, if there are survivors. We've even made movies like Mad Max with relevance to this possibility, but seemingly we don't remember anymore. Stories are usually entertaining, even if they sound dumb, so keep on telling them.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

I came from a place called Cuba

I came to the United States from a place called Cuba. My parents brought me here on a Freedom Flight on July 23rd, 1971, and never returned there since. I was eight years old then. On that day, we became exiles from our homeland. Many people here and there, at the time, believed that the Castro regime would be something temporary. We were all wrong.

When I turned 18 years old, I went to the local Immigration office in the town I lived and applied to become a United States citizen. Shortly after, I became one. I came from a place called Cuba, but that place no longer seems to exist.

Yes, I came from a place called Cuba, but that place no longer seems to exist. Why do I say this? Well, I don't really seem to recognize the people who claim to come from a place called Cuba. They are very different than the people I knew there. They speak different and act different. They don't even come here as exiles, and usually go back to visit that place as soon as they are able. This is mind boggling, because many claim they were oppressed and treated harshly by the government there. This is puzzling. Why would anyone return a state that makes citizens victims? Perhaps, they should have never left.

If that place from where I came called Cuba still exists, I don't think the people seem to immigrate anymore. Seemingly, all of us who left just stayed here a long time ago. Many of us have already died here, and every day there are less of us. It is very lonely to have come from a place called Cuba that no longer seems to exist. It almost feels like we came from nowhere. 

Sunday, March 5, 2023

The questions some are asking

Is it possible that this is no longer a country, but instead it has become the biggest global conglomerate? Is it possible that whatever this has become is now both police and thief of the world (while money laundering for many), and that this is all because of the swamp (establishment, elite, deep state....)? Is it possible that the sovereign nation label is just a front for all the aforementioned? The questions some are asking shouldn't be ignored.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

They are still saying this about DeSantis

Right wing and left wing media, both seem to have placed DeSantis on the Republican ticket for 2024, although he hasn't said ANYTHING AT ALL about running. The fact that we divide media these days in this manner is sad, but that's a whole other subject. Even with all this media speculation, Trump is still the leading contender.

Joe Biden recently said something like even if MAGA Republicans didn't support some policy of his it still leaves a whole bunch of Republicans. Personally, I don't know where Joe Biden learned math, but in 2020 about 75 million people voted for Trump. That's about 12 million more than in 2016. The number of voters who voted in the 2020 election is higher than any in American history. Even Obama who was supposedly so popular lost about 3 million votes his second time around from 68 million in 2008 to 65 million in 2012. Joe is obviously many times more popular than Obama, supposedly, if we go by his 2020 numbers of 81 million, unless they overshot so much with the fraud that they made the wrong guy appear more My belief is that they overshot, but we won't know the truth for a while.

My apologies for going off topic, seemingly. I am not saying 75 million Trump voters label themselves as MAGA Republicans, but I have a very strong feeling they are going to be loyal to Trump just as they seem to be now, whether either side of media tells everyone differently. Of course, social media and Google will use their algorithms on this short article to limit how many see it because it might make some people think and question, and that wouldn't be good for their agenda of guiding the thoughts of voters.

I will say that I am pretty sure Trump would have used diplomacy to prevent the war in Ukraine from ever starting. Of course, Trump also had no need to money launder using Ukraine like the swamp. No wonder they wanted people to think he was so crazy. Well, I am sure the enemy will say one is crazy using things out of context to attack when they are called "fake news" constantly and many start to believe it. After the fact, we do now know much of the news was fake like "Russia Collusion" and so on....

