
Monday, March 29, 2021

Vaccine passports?

I am not against vaccines. In fact, I have taken all types, including recent influenza vaccines which are really only about 50 percent effective by average. These new Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines for Covid-19 are 95 percent effective, which is fascinating. Keep in mind, however, that the survival rate for Covid-19 is around 98 percent without a vaccine. Still, I am in favor of taking a vaccine. I do have a bit of a problem with a new idea with relevance to the vaccines. 

My problem is with having a vaccine passport mandate by government. This would ultimately turn out to be discriminatory. It really doesn't require much to figure it out. Personally, I would be able to get a passport if I wanted one; however, I will protest a violation of the rights of objectors. This would be another layer of cancel-culture on top of the overwhelming amount we already have, and also this would be un-American. I will support any Conscientious Objectors, and boycott in protest. In America we don't force people. Dictatorships force people! I am not overreacting because I know eventually this is how things will turnout in our current confused society. 

Unnatural DST

People who want to feel they've had a longer day can and should wake up with the sun. This is what Benjamin Franklin suggested to Parisians two centuries ago to save on candles.They can set alarms whenever needed, and their problem will also solved. But, don't force the rest of us with government legislation to move our clocks forward to pretend. It's not healthy to do this for eight months out of a 12 month year. Abolish unnatural DST!

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Pandemic? Let us get this straight!

pan·​dem·​ic | \ pan-ˈde-mik 

1: occurring over a wide geographic area (such as multiple countries or continents) and typically affecting a significant proportion of the population …pandemic malaria. The 1918 flu was pandemic and claimed millions of lives.

2: characterized by very widespread growth or extent : EPIDEMIC entry 1 sense 3a problem of pandemic (


What exactly does pandemic mean? Well, the foregoing is the definition according to Obviously, pandemic is more about geography and geographical area/s. We hear the word constantly these days because of the Covid-19 Coronavirus, but we should understand what it is we are really hearing, and what it really means. Often, we hear the mainstream media use words, and we tend to not pay close attention to the reasons why they use them. For examples, the usage of the word equity, and not the word equality in some contexts is done for specific reasons, although they sound similar.

Pandemic means it is global like headaches. Headaches tend to be universal, although they are rarely fatal. One thing I do believe may be true, if tested, is that if we asked many to choose between getting Covid-19 or Tuberculosis, they would probably pick the least lethal, immediately. Consequently, regardless of how much media tells you about how many cases there are, it is really lethality and not cases which would influence people in deciding. The headaches which were previously mentioned are obviously of minimal lethality. I highly doubt that geographical area would influence anyone's decision making, at least not primarily. To close my brief post, I want to point out that the lethal rate for Covid-19 seems to be around 1.8 % right now. That is according to some simple math we don’t seem to be getting from media. This is one of the reasons I believe this has been used for political purposes and agendas. I am done here, for now.





Saturday, March 20, 2021

Where can we go?

It is far beyond immensely troubling that the internet which we had assumed was our refuge for free speech is now governed by Big Tech dictatorships with agendas who silence and censor. All this is happening in a world where for many years dictatorships have silenced human expression. We seem to have no escape! Where can we go to be free, now?

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

DST (fake time)

People who think they like DST (fake time) must be very happy this week. They get to try to go sleep and wake up an hour earlier, now. Of course, this whole thing can be achieved by just setting an alarm; however and regardless, we are forced by government. Abuse of power? Definitely! Obviously, some must have not been bright enough at one time to know how to set an alarm to wake up an hour earlier to feel as if they had a longer day. Some also probably believed one can adjust true solar time by an act of Congress. Hilarious! No seriously, that's hilarious! Although, the United States Congress has always been a tad delusional probably believing they can tell the planet, and the sun and moon what to do.

I suggest learning about the symptoms of Circadian Rythm Disorder. Doing so will explain much! There really is no savings on health, nor energy, on DST (fake time). But you can definitely pretend it's noon when it's really 11 AM. In fact, if you hadn't changed your clock last Sunday morning, you wouldn't have lost an hour of sleep and at least feel less tired. See the point?

Sunday, March 14, 2021

DST again, still?

There are those who believe - that today, they have gained an extra hour of sun by losing an hour of sleep. Let's figure this one out! We will be forced by government to be sleep deprived for 8 months on DST, but still, the day on the planet remains 24 hours, and not 25. That's some strange mathematics! What just, really, happened?

Many wonder why they have problems sleeping and feel tired throughout the day. Perhaps they are not aware of all the many symptoms of Circadian Rythm Disorder. Moving the clock forward to pretend it's a different time of day will not adjust our circadian rhythm, in fact, it throws it out of whack. Sleep deprivation can be blamed for many health problems and accidents, and that's probably fine, if one enjoys paying more for pharmaceuticals and insurance, to put it lightly because sometimes accidents are fatal. No, this is not dramaqueening, as some would call it. This is about an annual mistake made for 8 months every year which shouldn't be made.

We already were on the correct time, Standard Time, which is normal time. Now, we are on something that they want many to believe is Daylight Saving Time (DST). The name given to it alone is the propaganda and rhetoric used to fool people (it's just another deceptive marketing strategy). If they were really honest and sincere, they would call DST by what it really is and by all the problems it causes such as sleep deprivation, accidents, health problems, and all other related ramifications. Hopefully, some are seeing with more clarity after reading this. Conclusion: let's abolish DST before it one day abolishes us.

Friday, March 12, 2021

How fatal is Covid-19 when compared to other viruses?

Among the ten major virus outbreaks in the last 50 years, Marburg ranked first in terms of the fatality rate with 80 percent. In comparison, the recent novel coronavirus, originating from the Chinese city of Wuhan, had an estimated fatality rate of 2.2 percent as of January 31, 2020.


Monday, March 8, 2021

Pernicious actions

The pernicious actions of Congress and mainstream media will eventually cause a reaction from the public. I just don't know at this time what the level of intensity of the reaction and response will be, but it will take place sooner or later. History has overwhelming evidence of all sorts when it comes to public reaction to abuse of power and harm inflicted wrongfully. Of course, the word insidious should also be taken into consideration with regard....

