
Sunday, November 29, 2020

Philadelphia freedom is an oxymoron phrase!

Philadelphia freedom is an oxymoron phrase!


Sure, where's Hunter? 

But also, where's Sarah Kellen? Ghislaine Maxwell?

I heard days ago there was a major shoot out to get the server, but they got it. 

Don't be! Don't be shocked if crazy unprecedented stuff happens soon. 

I am done! 

Drain the swamp!

Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Supreme Law of our Land Must be Defended

Claiming something via the Constitution that was not done by it, but instead earned by fraud cannot happen, and will never be accepted, or tolerated, and is a violation of the Constitution itself. Earning the presidency has to be done via the legal process in the United States Constitution. I am convinced that, at least, 80 million American voters agree. There will be no inauguration for a Thief in Chief. The current Commander in Chief remains. All Americans should take up arms and be prepared for bloodshed defending the honor of the Supreme Law of our land which grants us all the most sacred right to vote. Anyone who is found guilty of violation of our Constitutional right as citizens is a traitor and should be convicted for treason to the utmost penalty of the law. If the fraud is allowed and not stopped we should no longer continue to be the United States. Whoever does not understand the high level of seriousness of this matter should cease to call themselves an American henceforth.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Sold souls!

Many of these outspoken Hollywood actors who enjoy excessive fame and wealth would have never gotten many of the big roles that made their often fake names known if they didn't side with the global political left. We probably wouldn't know who they are. The whole system is rigged. Souls sold!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Many buy into all the bs!

My biggest complaint about people these days is that they often chose to remain silent about how they feel about things. If you have opinions let others know! They and yourself might find out that they and yourself are in and part of the majority by doing this. If one listened to mainstream media, one would probably believe the opposite of this reality. Lots of fake news out there, all the way from the important stories to the dumb insignificant ones that are just made to create a fake ambiance and foundation for the other fake stories. Basically, they (mainstream media) create a holographic world with words that's really far from reality. However, we have a choice! We can change channels, and/or read other news. For me it's very easy to differentiate between bs propaganda, and real information. Seemingly and unfortunately, many out there are just completely unaware, and never even notice, sadly.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Observation on Trump

I am no Hollywood celebrity or anyone that one should listen to, but I will voice my thoughts here and there. Here's one of those moments. With relevance to Trump it is my observation that I don't think he is going anywhere. Obviously, the fraud was massive! In addition to this previous thought, if Trump started his own independent party, most current Republicans would probably abandon ship and join him because they are convinced they aren't going anywhere without. At least, not for the long haul. I am sure many Democrat like Republicans such as the Lincoln Project would get even more frustrated than they already are because their philosophy is never getting off the ground similarly to a Led


Saturday, November 21, 2020

Media polls

Fool me once, shame on you, but fool me twice, shame on me. I will never believe another mainstream media poll again.

Friday, November 20, 2020

A system that promises equality for all

The truth about Socialism/Communism is and has been equality (poverty) for all except for themselves (the elites and aristocratic leaders). This is one of the reasons why this system is unlawful in most Eastern European countries. and many others around the world. They know the body count and the history. One of the worst products of the system is that a loyal confidant becomes a rare commodity almost impossible to find. No one can be trusted! This starts with partial censorship evolving quickly to total, and then persecution. Naive masses follow and fall quickly, and eventually cannot escape (live and learn....). 

Regardless of what happens, I know Pelosi's refrigerator will remain well stocked with her favorite ice cream, and I am sure she will share a teaspoon with all due to her generosity...all will be thankful because Stockholm Syndrome is also a byproduct. You may say we can all buy ice cream, but I will remind you that recently toilet paper temporarily disappeared. Is the new kinder gentler name for Socialism/Communism really Globalism or the New World Order? Just a thought!

Friday, November 13, 2020

Existe gente ingenua (Spanish translation of the previous post)

Cualquiera que se haga pasar por un conservador y le diga que lo conseguiremos en las próximas elecciones es tan tonto e ingenuo como parece.  Si hay fraude y el que lo hace toma el control, las próximas elecciones y todas las siguientes serán falsas.  Esta es la última oportunidad para tener elecciones libres. ¡Afortunadamente, estas elecciones aún no han terminado!  Puedo darte una idea de lo contrario en caso de que necesites despertar. 

Si en algún universo paralelo la izquierda triunfa, tendremos 20 millones de nuevos ciudadanos.  Tendremos fronteras abiertas.  Conseguiremos el Green New Deal para Kamala.  Tendremos 2 nuevos estados (D.C. y Puerto Rico) que probablemente traerán 4 nuevos senadores de izquierda, y también nuevos representantes de la Cámara. La Corte Suprema estará abarrotada, básicamente neutralizándola.  Los altos impuestos serán lo último de lo que preocuparse.  Cuando alguien hace trampa para ganar es porque no puede perder a cualquier precio.  Bueno, con ese tipo de cambio radical, tampoco podríamos o no podemos perder a cualquier costo.  Una vez que haya una transferencia de poder, todos los días contarán contra cualquier restauración previsible.  La única solución puede ser la desintegración de la Unión.  Hay otra, pero habrá que estar preparado y dispuesto a presentar los cadáveres con derramamiento de sangre.  Sí, este hipotético universo paralelo tendrá los Estados Independientes, antes conocidos como Estados Unidos.

Naive people exist

Anyone pretending to be a conservative who tells you we will get them in the next election is about as dumb and naive as they come. If there's fraud and the one's doing it get control, the next and all following elections will be fake. This is the last opportunity to have free elections.Thankfully, this election isn't over yet! I can give you a glimpse of the opposite in case you need to wake-up.

If in some parallel universe the left succeeded, we will have 20 million new citizens. We will have open borders. We will get the Green New Deal for Kamala. We will have 2 new States (D.C. and Puerto Rico) which will most likely render 4 new leftist Senators, and also new House Reps. The Supreme Court will be packed, basically neutralizing it. High taxes will be the last thing to worry about. When someone cheats to win it is because they can't lose at any cost. Well, with that type of radical change, we also couldn't or can't lose at any cost either. Once there is a transfer of power, every day will count against any foreseeable restoration. The only solution may be the disintegration of the Union. There is another, but one will have to be prepared and willing to present the corpses with bloodshed. Yes, this hypothetical parallel universe will have the Independent States, formerly known as the United States. 


Investigative reporting has disappeared. Real journalism has been replaced by information controllers. These days we sometimes have to be our own mechanics, lawyers, and doctors, and almost always our own journalists. The media controls information and disseminates, but that depends. If you find out anything, it is either on your own or they allowed it to go out.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

President elect?

The office of the President Elect is quite something that has never been something.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Who's being fooled?

It's hilarious how one of Trump's biggest missions is to drain the swamp, and the guy they decided to use as a "useful idiot" for opposition couldn't be more deeper into the swamp. Where's Hunter? You'd think they are simply suicidal and fed up with everything! The truth is that their statement with this action is that they are letting you know they can do anything because they are all powerful. Well, we shall see! Of course, most people probably think I am not making any We've been a banana republic so long, and the ones who could end it have been "en la luna de Venecia. " Basically clueless! Wake up people! They are robbing you blind! 

Sunday, November 8, 2020


I will be blunt, 618,222 was the total deaths during the bloody American Civil War in the 19th century. Basically, the number is way higher than the amount of deaths from Covid-19 in our country today. An interesting fact is that the south lost, but the north had 100 thousand more deaths. At the time the United States population was around 31 million. Do your own math. The whole thing was tragic, and I am not sure it fully resolved the problem. Today the United States population is 300 million more than it was during the Civil War. Today we seem to have arrived at a junction in which we seem to be similarly divided on the results of the 2020 election and why we voted the way we did. A legal process has begun in the courts because the possibility of vote fraud exists. The results are really unacceptable to many due to this. The mainstream media has decided to call a winner and force this decision on those who voted contrary. Constitutionally and legally, the mainstream media doesn't decide elections. Historically, we've had close elections in which ultimately the Supreme Court had to decide the outcome. A good example was the year 2000 election twenty years ago. Florida recounted and recounted ballots and the winner was determined around the middle of December.

Now, I want to get back to the number 618,222. If this conflict today isn't fairly resolved, the potential for another Civil War is high. Extremely high! People are very angry. Hopefully, you did the math I said to do on your own earlier correctly. Adjust the results you got to our current population. Assume that deaths would be proportional, although it's not clear if more or less since there are many different factors. Let's keep it simple, be prepared to see around 10 million dead. That number in the title probably seems more significant than before, now. I have three final questions and I will end the post, although I am sure some are still in disbelief of what I am saying even if they are presumably awake. First, are we prepared for this outcome? Second, will it finally resolve the conflict? Third and finally, will it be worth it? Personally, I don't think stealing an election fraudulently and dishonestly should be tolerated in any way, shape, or form because our vote is the most sacred and important right we have as citizens of our Republic.

Friday, November 6, 2020

The 2000 Election

In the 2000 election, Al Gore asked for a recount in Florida after Bush was declared a winner because it was so close. Either way, neither of the two were a threat to the Swamp. I do remember the media still makes fun of Florida over the hanging chads. They made fun of Bush constantly, also. Some don't seem to remember this the same way for some reason.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Trump has a legal right

The assaults, attacks, and falsehoods against Trump have been going on since day one. The possibility for cheating exists. All should know that he is within the law to challenge. Now, the ones who conducted the assaults want to pretend it never happened and for him to accept their presumed outcome. That's not going to happen! He was never an idiot swamp or a politician. I think these attacks have all been about envy all along to an extent. On any level, none of them would have even had a popular television program for years. Obviously, the one's stuck in high school are his opponents and not him. The American public fits in depending on which newscast they used to form an opinion because many can barely think or analyze.

The right needs more media

The right in the United States doesn't seem to understand that they need to increase access to information to counter the disinformation of the globalist left that has infiltrated the United States for over 100 years. It's sad to have the right philosophy and be limited on how it gets out. Basically, they need way more networks than mediocre moderate Fox News and others who are barely making it. Most Americans have no clue that Biden is a corrupt politician. Just ask Tony Bobulinski.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Under no scenario?

Biden's campaign manager said: "under no scenario will Donald Trump be declared a victor on election night." Well, guess what? The Trump people feel exactly the same. Is that swamp thing a conspiracy theory? Whether one pretends or believes, one can also fill a swamp. Does E = mc2?

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Lawyers and government

Nothing against Lawyers, but a government in which most are Lawyers is NOT representational of OUR entire American society. Difficult to correct this problem, however!

