Monday, March 30, 2020

I still don't understand why this is considered a pandemic

I still don't understand why this is a pandemic. 150,000 people die every day in the world (crude mortality rate). In the past 4 months only 35,000 people have died worldwide, as of today. Basically, only 0.0016% die daily from Covid-19 out of total daily deaths. 

Saturday, March 28, 2020

The brilliant public officials some have elected

Here's how I know some of these public administrators are out of their mind, and I am not talking about Biden. He lost it a long time ago. The policy of threatening to put people in jail for breaking curfews while social distancing. Think about it! They are releasing people from jail to not crowd the system...etc. Sounds contradictory? You either want them in or out. Folks, you voted to elect these guys like DeBlasio in NYC. This reflects on the voter! Obviously, if they don't sound too brilliant. Never mind! 

Friday, March 27, 2020

About 800 million viruses descend everywhere on planet Earth on a daily basis

The study by Dr. Suttle and his colleagues, published earlier this year in the International Society of Microbial Ecology Journal, was the first to count the number of viruses falling onto the planet. The research, though, is not designed to study influenza or other illnesses, but to get a better sense of the “virosphere,” the world of viruses on the planet.

Generally it’s assumed these viruses originate on the planet and are swept upward, but some researchers theorize that viruses actually may originate in the atmosphere. (There is a small group of researchers who believe viruses may even have come here from outer space, an idea known as panspermia.)

Whatever the case, viruses are the most abundant entities on the planet by far. While Dr. Suttle’s team found hundreds of millions of viruses in a square meter, they counted tens of millions of bacteria in the same space (

The foregoing excerpt is from an April of 2018 article from the New York Times titled: Trillions Upon Trillions of Viruses Fall From the Sky Each Day. The article is by Jim Robbins. I wanted to share this information since two years after the article was written, we are faced with a pandemic due to a virus. I also find it mind boggling that so many viruses fall down to our planet constantly. Read the full article at the link below.

Trillions Upon Trillions of Viruses Fall From the Sky Each Day - The New York Times: Viruses shape the ecology of the planet, but scientists still have only a rudimentary understanding of the microbial impacts on animals, plants and ecosystems.


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Why would someone like DeBlasio be so adamant that this crisis will last for months instead of being more optimistic?

Why would someone like DeBlasio be adamant that this pandemic will last for many months instead of being optimistic? Why? That's easy, allow me to explain?

You know that saying that the bad part about socialism is that eventually you run out of someone else's money. Well, they should add and let you know that the money runs out very quickly. If you are complaining about no toilet paper in stores, get used to it because under a system where you are depending on government to supply, this becomes the common daily status quo along with many other products that you also will not see. Socialist systems have never worked because productivity goes down since people no longer have an incentive to produce, since all make the same. The mentality of why bother kicks in very fast. In fact, eventually people try to sabotage. However, right now we do have a pandemic.

We have a pandemic in which we should follow guidelines, but if you push it further than what is necessary, the entire economy will collapse very quickly. Moreover, we will usher in a socialist system automatically, perhaps because most will not have a job to return to after. I am not trying to frighten anyone, but if an employer doesn't generate revenue, they can't pay you. Covid-19 seems more like the flu, although influenza kills around 36,000 to 70,000 Americans yearly, which so far makes Covid-19 seem weaker. Be cautious, but don't push the world into a depression for no reason because you will regret the choice for decades, perhaps.

The economic impact probably really isn't the worst part. The bad part is that the socialist economic system creates a social transformation in people that is not good. Your current friends or families often time will transform and behave contrary to what is good, but deceptively pretend and/or act in denial that they have changed. Of course, don't believe me, just ask anyone that has escaped such a system. The stories are all the same about scarcity and human behavior. One doesn't have to be a sociologist to notice something that is so easily observable. The socialist system is not equality for all, as they claim.

The socialist system at the practical level (real world human behavior) has more greed than capitalism because the leaders always create a hierarchy in which they are the first consumers and the crumbs are for the rest (the masses). In reality, It's equality for all (the common people), except for them (the leadership), as a friend who knows well calls it.The leaders always maintain the wealth because all consumption depends on their permission and administration of provision. There are plenty of books by intellectuals from former Soviet Bloc countries which explain these things.

The leaders patronize. So, when you see an exporter of the socialist/communist ideology such as Mayor DeBlasio of NYC say on TV this pandemic will last months don't trust him because he really doesn't know. He is simply using typical communist propaganda and spreading fear along with false compassion. A person who really cares and is concerned is more cautious with words. He is not concerned for our economy because deep down he really hopes that it fails, and that people become dependent on the state. Furthermore, he knows that he will remain financially secure, regardless, and his power will increase as the control shifts more to the patronizing leadership of the welfare state.

Sadly, Americans have allowed this poisonous ideology to penetrate their institutions for more than a century. By institutions I mean academics, schools, universities, and almost every place in our society. Today, we even have socialist members of Congress, and one Senator who could become President. They have been able to sell a system that has produced more death than any global pandemic. If you don't know, research how many Russians were killed by Stalin and how many were killed by Mao in China. But, you don't have to go so far, Castro killed thousands in Cuba. My hope is that every day more and more people wake up instead of buying into the false peace and love (kumbaya) rhetoric of these socialist/communist. Unfortunately, many people have to learn the hard way and don't wake up until they are knee deep into all the shit. In fact, that reminds me of the old Cheech and Chong skit in which they actually had to pick up, smell, and taste the dog shit to finally realize that it really was actually dog shit. I am done here. Trust me, I have nothing to gain by telling you these things. I simply really care and want us all to have a bright future. 

Monday, March 23, 2020

Recent Data on Covid-19 in Contrast to World Population

I am sharing 2 screen shots of some data from about 5 minutes ago just to show normal world population, births, and also normal crude mortality rates in contrast to what's happening with Covid-19. The data is from the following link:

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Coronavirus will not even be comparable to a Yellowstone Caldera Eruption

Coronavirus will not even be comparable to a Yellowstone Caldera Eruption

I was just watching the Smithsonian Channel program titled Yellowstone Supervolcano. I had already watched it once a while back. This volcano hasn't erupted in over 600,000 years, but if it did, we aren't prepared for it in any way whatsoever. Basically, any media exaggeration won't be necessary for ratings at that point since almost 200 million people will be affected immediately. Global temperatures would drop for years hindering the food supply. I seriously hope we learn how to use some form of off-planet anti-gravity technology soon, just in case, because that will be a doomsday scenario without a doubt, and unlike any our civilization has ever witnessed.


Saturday, March 21, 2020

Social distancing?

Nothing personal to whomever invented the phrase, but to me social distancing sounds like an oxymoron.

Do we know?

Oh, but now old friends they're acting strange
And they shake their heads, they say I've changed
Well something's lost, but something's gained
In living every day

I've looked at life from both sides now
From win and lose and still somehow
It's life's illusions I recall
I really don't know life at all

It's life's illusions that I recall
I really don't know life
I really don't know life at all

- Joni Mitchell

DST and Covid-19

Hello! I am posting this because I wanted to share a thought on Solar Time. However, firstly, best wishes to all. Hopefully, we are all staying safe and surviving this Covid-19 pandemic. I believe we will come out of this with flying colors but continue to follow all guidelines and the latest instructions. And now, for the quick post content.

I know we say a lot about Standard Time being normal time, and it is a great argument against our current DST which we know is horrible, to say the least. Indeed, Standard Time is much closer to Solar Time. Solar Time is easily measured by a sundial. Moreover, these days there are apps for our smart phones that will gives us Solar Time. For example, the Astro Clock app provides Solar Time and more. Our circadian rhythm works more with the sun and moon than with DST. I am sharing a screen shot to show everyone how far off our circadian rhythm is according to Solar Time in our meridian vs DST in our meridian. For instance, I am in South Florida and the difference is almost an hour and a half. In other words, instead of being 9:56 AM, it is 8:29 AM on Solar Time. I don’t want to take up too much of your time. I just want to make the point that when we switched back to DST back on March 8, 2020, we really threw our circadian rhythm off by almost an hour and a half on Solar Time. Sleep deprivation isn’t good for our health and at a time of a health crisis like this Covid-19, our immune systems need DST like we need a bullet in our head. Bottom line literally: Abolish DST!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Apocalypse vs. Great Awakening

I don't think we are having an apocalypse, but we may be having a great awakening very soon.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Covid-19, Don't Panic, Proportionally the Numbers are Nowhere Near Alarming

There are about 218 thousand (218,000) cases of Covid -19 worldwide at the moment. There are about 10 thousand (10, 000) cases in the USA currently. These are cases, not deaths. Basically, this is the population of a very small town. Worldwide it's the population of a small city. When you hear stats, keep in mind that the USA's population is around 330 million (330,000,000) people. The world population is about 7 billion (7,000,000,000) people. Are these numbers sinking in proportionally? Right now the number of cases are minutely minuscule in contrast to population. Moreover, South Korea already reported more recoveries than new cases recently. We are taking action and taking the virus very seriously. Follow all guidelines, but if you are panicking, it's possible you are allowing the media to take you for a ride. Watch something else besides the news, it might reduce your anxiety.

To close, H1N1 killed 12 thousand (12,000) Americans in 2009/2010. The flu kills 60 to 80 thousand (60,000 to 80,000) people, more or less, every couple of years. Do we understand that H1N1 killed more than are actually infected right now? Let's look at the numbers again in a couple of months and see how bad this has really been. Don't overreact! Still, take all safety precautions and follow guidelines. I think will come out with flying colors.

Put some lemon or lime on your Corona, but be careful

Put some lemon or lime on your Corona, but be careful, it may kill you sooner than the Chinese Virus. Which Corona is worse for you? Thus far the beer can be far worse. From automobile accidents to Cirrhosis of the liver, alcohol is deadly.

"...the National Institutes of Health, found that nearly 1 million people died from alcohol-related causes between 1999 and 2017. The number of death certificates mentioning alcohol more than doubled from 35,914 in 1999 to 72,558 in 2017, the year in which alcohol played a role in 2.6% of all deaths in the United States. The increase in alcohol-related deaths is consistent with reports of increases in alcohol consumption and alcohol-involved emergency department visits and hospitalizations during the same period. The new findings are reported online in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research ("

Read more at the link below.

Now, with relevance to viruses, we have to more or less follow the same guidelines to avoid all of them, which often have similar results or consequences.


Alcohol-related deaths increasing in the United States | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

We can shove!

When push comes to shove, we can shove. We have been through worse. If we could build emergency ships in 4 days during WWII, we can  probably do whatever is needed to be done today or whenever. Of course, the mentality of waiting for someone else to do it for you, or that you are entitled won't work in a crisis.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Can't wait for this Chinesevirus thing to be over so the president can get back to his more important job of draining the swamp!

Can't wait for this Chinesevirus thing to be over so the president can get back to his more important job of draining the swamp!

Don't get me wrong! Any pandemic should always be taken seriously, especially the one we are currently facing. All guidelines should be followed. Moreover, we should always have compassion for the most vulnerable, and most at risk.

My point is that Americans will be 100 times better off in ANY CRISIS without the establishment which has done nothing but steal from Americans from tax funded offices and positions for a long time, now. Self-centered greedy public servants are not needed in our society; however, for many decades they have done nothing but enrich themselves while lying to the public using false empathy, to say the least. Sadly, the swamp is a network with far reaching tentacles spanning from D.C. to all local governments. The individuals who are connected are an aristocratic elite hierarchy. Hence: don't think for one minute that Hunter Biden stands alone, he is the example of many like him. This is why draining the swamp is the most important job. 

Monday, March 16, 2020

The Real China Virus (Otro cuento chino más)

The biggest problem with this supposedly novel virus with typical symptoms is that even the media has believed information coming out  of China. Never trust information coming out of communist China, they are experts at propaganda with ulterior motives especially on election years. Get it? They will create a whistleblower to leak distorted information as desired.

Don't you think it is strange how Biden suddenly has to be the guy?

Now, the media is still tangled in their little web of coverage. However, the Chinese already figured out the move backfired on them because the chess player we have here is always several moves ahead of everyone. Basically, he once again screwed the Chinese immediately by cutting the flights. All is fair in love and

I don't trust, especially the Chinese government. If anyone needs someone in the White House who will remove the tariffs and make them more competitive again it's them. So, would they meddle in the 2020 election? Of course! I wouldn't doubt all these candidates who dropped out and supported Biden all get a nice little check from I am a little cynical and skeptical when it comes to them.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Time spent and invested

Someone I shared and interacted with often became ill about a year ago just passed away last Monday. Naturally, I am feeling grief. Value the time spent with everyone regardless of the type of relationship because time in these physical fragile bodies isn't guaranteed. The future of our lives is unknown since the present is what we seemingly undergo. Sharing thoughts and experiences can often be of mutual help or guidance in this life which we don't really understand as well as we often assume. Peace and love!

A little thought on modern finance management

Never put all your eggs in one basket has always been good advice. Need I say why? Well, hopefully all you have to eat to survive aren't just eggs. Of course, Jesus was quoted for saying: "Those who try to make their life secure will lose it..." 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The product socialists package way better than capitalists

The only product that socialism and the left have been able to produce and package better than capitalism is propaganda. So, when you start seeing a huge hype or the excessive promotion of something, the question one should be asking is: is this some sort of a leftist agenda which most people seem to be buying? Moreover, an a agenda with a concealed ulterior motive, perhaps to attack someone or an opposition ideology which is what really is being or will be witnessed. This may sound irrelevant, but do you ever see Cubans on boats going back to Cuba to take advantage of the free education and healthcare program? For all it matters, this could be said for any nationality which has escaped communism/socialism and made it here to our freedom in the United States. 

Covid -19, my thoughts!

Like MERS or SARS, Covid-19 is just another worse type of Coronavirus (...a group of related viruses...which include the common cold in milder forms, for instance); however, what we are witnessing is probably mostly a mix of everything, in reality or really politics and a whole bunch of bull shit. We've had pandemics before and we survived. In fact, we are more prepared to handle these types of illnesses better than ever before in the history of our civilization.

The thing is that we are also getting a lot of media hype. We've never had information spread as quickly in the history of our civilization, also. I am convinced information spreads way quicker than any illness these days. If they would just call it "the flu" instead of "Coronavirus," I wouldn't doubt that when flu season ends in the northern hemisphere later this year, the report in retrospect would really just be this flu season was a rough one. Why? Because the flu normally kills thousands of people each year, regardless.

A final note: If you woke up an hour late today don't first assume you are fighting off a cold or a virus, since you might feel a bit jetlagged. You are most likely fighting off DST which began a week ago.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

An observation of how things are unfolding

The swamp (establishment) always needs a useful idiot, so they can continue being the fifth column, but maybe they are making it too obvious with Biden. They may as well put a MAGA hat on him when he goes out in public since he will be promoting Trump, regardless of what he says. He was even a huge supporter of the Second Amendment in Michigan Good thing they have the Corona virus now as an excuse to not let him out in public. But, the swamp knows who they need to operate uninterrupted while continuing their clandestine corruption. Hopefully, some Americans are finally starting to wake up and understand why and how Obama became an almost overnight success before being elected president. Of course, the swamp is bipartisan, Jebsito would have been perfect for them in 2016 instead of Trump.

The swamp makes use of any practice when convenient. For instance, why can't Tulsi be in the debate? Sounds misogynistic, right? They had no problem accommodating Bloomberg recently. No doubt Tulsi would kick both their asses (Joe's and Bernie's) in a debate. It's all about image, and the symbiotic relationship between the swamp and the media which facilitates the appearance of moving everything around to actually keep things the same. Too much money and kickbacks are at risk of being lost if things were to really change, but they still have to give the perception (illusion) of change deceptively to not jeopardize business as usual. I am done here. My suggestions: observe how this all unfolds. 

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Back on DST Today

We are back on abnormal time! Horrific! Back on DST! We just lost an hour of sleep. It was probably unnoticeable today because many are off from work on weekends. However, tomorrow and the next 8 months are another story. Every year due to DST we will have "severe consequences, including higher risk of heart attacks, fatal car crashes," and the list goes on.... Of course, many seem to prefer trading-off health and being on the proper circadian rythm for the idea one hour of more light at the end of the day. At the end of the day night falls naturally. It gets dark and our brains produce melatonin so we can sleep. When the sun comes up, we wake up naturally, and rested. This is a natural daily cycle which I am sure the cavemen understood way before clocks were invented.

What we really need is to change back to Standard Time, which us normal, and remain on it permanently. I always tell anyone who thinks they need more time in their day to just wake up an hour earlier. Basically, Daylight Saving Time is government forcing us to wake up an hour earlier for almost 8 months. Why the force? Those who want change can wake up earlier, ask their workplace for a schedule change, and many other ways exist in which they can feel they have more time, but don't force the rest of us.

DST is dangerous and unhealthy, and most who think they prefer it are probably just confused. They are confused because the change back to Standard Time occurs before the winter solstice which always will be the darkest time of the year, regardless. Eventhough many know this fact, somehow they are seemingly simply blinded by the lack of light. The year has four seasons and they will get their wish for more light when the summer solstice comes back around. It's a natural cycle, just wait for it. The day will always have 24 hours, but as I always say: move to Mars if you want a longer day (37 minutes longer there). I am done here. Keep on writing the President, Congress, and all the politicians to make everyone aware of the dangers of DST and how it's a terrible practice and idea.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Pat Metheny Speaking at Neuroscience 2018

In this post I am sharing a YouTube video from the Society for Neuroscience titled: Dialogues Between Neuroscience and Society: Music and the Brain. The video features Pat Metheny, the legendary jazz guitarist speaking at Neuroscience 2018 in San Diego, California. A excerpt at the video site reads as follows:

Metheny will discuss, with a panel of SfN members, the impact of music on the brain and on our emotions and memory, as well as the process of creativity in music, art, and science and the role of music in healing.

Anyhow, hope you enjoy the video.


Society for Neuroscience

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Two atheist

An atheist theologian is probably brilliant. However, on the other hand, an atheist that has never even studied theology is most likely an idiot. 

DST is Unhealthy and Dangerous

The government knows about the heart attacks and all, it's not just the National Geographic author in the referenced article making it up. The Congressional Research Service has had all the information. For example, in their own studies they have found the following:

"potential health effects associated with the spring and fall transition to DST and found a cumulative effect of sleep loss and increased risk for incidence of acute myocardial infarction in specific subgroups (Congressional Research Service)."

Of course, the common man hears the phrase myocardial infarction and doesn't immediately think it's a heart attack. Maybe it's not deceptive, but one wonders. Also, the sleep loss happens after the spring change, not the fall. In the fall, we gain sleep. Sleep loss is extremely unhealthy!

Below is an excerpt from the referenced article.

"The impacts of this change, and the paired “falling back” of the clocks in autumn, run from mild annoyances to potentially severe consequences, including higher risk of heart attacks, fatal car crashes, and harsher judicial sentences. Yet with many business interests siding with the annual observance of daylight saving time—often incorrectly called daylight “savings” time—the pesky time change persists across most of the United States ("


Congressional Research Service

Monday, March 2, 2020


Reaping what one sows is different than ripping what one can sew, but it really sounds the same when heard spoken.