
Friday, February 28, 2020

Climate and the Medieval Warm Period

About 620 farms have been excavated in Greenland. Longhouses, the central residences of farm dwellers, would house 10 to 20 people who worked the farm. Ten persons per farm would put the population in Greenland at more than 6000 people, it but could have been as many as 8000–9000. From 1000 to 1300 AD the settlements thrived under a climate favorable to farming, trade, and exploration. A cooling, steadily deteriorating climate began after 1300 AD and farming became impractical. Three churches, one large estate, and 95 farms have been excavated on the west coast of Greenland, mostly under permafrost. A bishop who travelled there about 1350 AD found that the settlement was completely abandoned. The Church abandoned Greenland in 1378 because ships could not get through the sea ice between Iceland and Greenland (

The previous excerpt is talking about a period from about 900 to 1300 AD in which temperatures were much warmer than today. Some (anyone, or perhaps any scientist paid by an agenda group) may argue that couldn’t be; however, we do not farm in Greenland today. Why? Obviously, it’s too cold. Well, technically there are about 35 farms in Greenland which is insignificant in percentage compared to what it was at one time. Moreover, only 1% of Greenland is arable. Six hundred and twenty (620) farms, however, are a lot of farms. I will let you figure it out on your own. You can read the article at the link below.

Medieval Warm Period - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics


Saturday, February 22, 2020

Eric Carmen tweet on the swamp

I read a recent tweet by Eric Carmen and had to share it on here. Not too many people seem to understand what the Deep State is all about, but Eric Carmen seems to do so very well. This is very rare for someone who is in the entertainment industry.

Read it below.

"Consider how deep the swamp is, how long it has been in place, and how many are invested in it. The complexity of cleaning up something this big must be daunting. They've been throwing everything they have at @POTUS to keep him from exposing their crimes. It's going to take time."

- Eric Carmen 2/14/20


Sunday, February 16, 2020

Loving our neighbors?

Loving our neighbors?

Lately, I have seen some use the Jesus quote of loving our neighbor as ourselves out of context, and that is fine. I have been using the quote for decades. In fact, the quote has been in the New Testament for almost 2000 years. Yes, Jesus was not exclusive. Jesus was inclusive. Jesus basically was saying to love everyone. Love people, regardless of race, or gender orientation, and so on. I am sure we all get the picture. But, I wonder if people understand that this is a double-edged sword depending on how we apply it. Why is that, one might ask? Well, basically in today's seemingly polarized society, which I don't think is really so polarized because it's all mostly media hype, loving our neighbor also means loving those with different political views...etc. For instance, left wingers have to love right wingers, and right wingers have to love left wingers. Meaning, people who hate Trump have to love him, and so on. Nonracist people have to love racist people, etc. I am sure everyone gets the picture. Basically, everyone is our neighbor. Jesus hung out with everyone, and he made no exceptions. Of course, he told everyone the truth. When he spoke to Pharisees, he said what he had to say. I am pretty much done explaining. Blessings and go out and love your neighbor as yourself! Of course, remember that loving God precedes the phrase.


Unifying the Faith: Loving our neighbors?

Friday, February 14, 2020

Tomeka Hart might be in deep doo-doo

What? Just sharing an article in this post. It seems Tomeka Hart must have lied to the attorneys selecting the jury to serve in Roger Stone's case. This appears to be beyond a conflict of interest, perhaps perjury. This must not have been fair due process for Roger Stone, or anyone who may have been on trial, when a juror is seemingly dishonest to have a chance at influencing a prosecution. Read the full article at the link below.

Roger Stone lead juror was ex-Dem candidate & called Trump ‘#KlanPresident’ – The US Sun


Sounds like the dumbest damn thing to me also

The main reason why I will not be a Democratic party member in it's current state is because they need to urgently swap-out and replace all the present party leaders for people that have at least half of a brain (intellect). Obviously, a brain isn't essential when working with "the swamp." Before introducing the video, I wish to share, I simply want to say that Eric Holder has given his two cents worth of personal political opinions and suggestions more times than it has been necessary. However, when William Barr gives an opinion, the agenda driven Democrats have a cow and politicize it with full backing and assistance from the radical media which already fell off the far-left cliff a long time ago. They are beyond extreme! I am done! Now for the video!

The following YouTube video is of Trey Gowdy on Fox News. In it ‘Trey Gowdy blasts calls for Barr to resign as 'the dumbest damn thing'


Saturday, February 8, 2020

Persistence is key to succeeding at almost anything.

Persistence is key to succeeding at almost anything. I am sure many may have said it, but I documenting it right here, right now.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Handshakes, civility, and politics

Recently, I heard someone question the civility in Washington politics. I assumed due to the timing, and could be wrong, it may have been relevant to the Pelosi and Trump exchanges during the State of the Union. As always, it takes two to Tango! For starters there wasn't a proper traditional introduction of the president by Pelosi. After, it seemed as if Trump snubbed shaking hands with Pelosi. However, the vice president's hand was also not shaken, and he was standing next to Pelosi. Seemingly, who knows what really went on. Tearing up a speech at the end on live TV wasn't very civil. Perhaps civil behavior should not be affected by political disagreements. However, the deception and attempts to destroy Trump by this current Democratic party have involved strategies and attacks unseen and unprecedented in the history of this nation. I have never witnessed anything like it. Anyhow, partisan political attacks will commonly receive partisan political responses. You live by the sword, you die by the sword. Send a partisan impeachment to the Senate, expect a partisan acquittal. This is politics, and it probably will never change. Kind words will usually begat kind words, also, but not necessarily. To conclude my thoughts on this ordeal, I will put myself in Trump's shoes. Personally, I am not a believer in an eye for an eye, but a handshake is not a huge deal (a matter of life and death). I can always shake the person's hand later, if so desired. I would not shake hands with anyone who has tried to destroy me, most likely. Of course, there are many selfrighteus people, who feel they would, and I say more power to them. I am not perfect, and don't expect anyone else to be. I will stop here for now, but I am starting to believe Trump may be the most resilient person, I have ever seen.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

You say you want the truth?

Don't be easily distracted. Many things are not what they seem, and much has been covered up. There really is a CIA, an MI6, a Mossad, a G2, and more. There also really was a Project Blue Book. Basically, it is as Jack Nicholson said in the famous movie line, "you can't handle the truth." Am I making sense, yet?

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Why not the Colombian flag, also?

Looking back at the halftime show during the Super Bowl, I remember Jennifer Lopez displaying the flag of Puerto Rico during her performance. I have nothing against the Puerto Rican flag, it is beautifully modeled after the Cuban flag. Moreover, I am Cuban and I like both flags (Cuba and Puerto Rico). However, I like the American flag more because of all it represents to many, as well as myself. I think it's probably better to have displayed the American flag in the Super Bowl alone, but that's just my opinion. Shakira also performed equally during the halftime show, and the flag of Colombia was never displayed. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems disrespectful to Shakira to not display the Colombian flag, as well...not that Shakira seems to have minded. She seems humble enough to not have made an issue out of it. In fact, Shakira seemed very happy to be performing for such a huge audience. At one point during the show, Shakira seems to have climaxed in overwhelming joy which manifested naturally, and she suddenly sangout a zaghrouta! Obviously, that she seemed joyful would probably be an understatement. Now, allow me to go back to the flag of Puerto Rico.

The following is a bit of history of the flag.

"Juan de Mata Terreforte, an exiled veteran of "El Grito de Lares" and Vice-President of the Cuban Revolutionary Committee, in New York City, adopted the flag of Lares as the flag of Puerto Rico until 1895, when the current design, modeled after the Cuban flag, was unveiled and adopted by the 59 Puerto Rican exiles of the Cuban Revolutionary committee.[3] (Wikipedia)."


Enciclopedia de Puerto Rico". Archived from the original on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 12 June 2015.

Some traditional leftist strategy and Iowa

A thing about some on the left seemingly being against Bernie is not very credible. The issue is that Bernie is telling people up front that he's a socialist. The problem is that some (establishment) would rather be deceptive and wait until after being elected to show their true colors. Basically, this is the same thing Castro did in Cuba. Most never knew he was Communist until 2 or 3 years later. The revolutionary guys with him in the Sierra Maestra thought it was only about overthrowing Batista...some suspected, anyhow. Obama himself did not do anything extremely radical like executive orders until after his 2nd term. Iowa seems suspicious today.

Hopefully, things will be resolved quickly...very suspicious shenanigans (neglectful?). I suspect Bernie is on top, and they have to make it look like it's Biden, so the political opponent impeachment rhetoric can stick and Not saying it's factual, but I tend to distrust when I know strategies used before. Nothing new under the moon.

