Saturday, September 9, 2023

Is questioning an election really a crime?

If questioning elections is a crime, prosecutors should have indicted many Democrats for around four decades, now. Of course, mainstream media loves the fact that many Americans seem to have really bad memories. In her book, Rigged, Mollie Hemingway explains this in the following quoted text.

"If questioning the results of a presidential election were a crime, as many have asserted in the wake of the controversial 2020 election and its attermath, then much of the Democratic Party and media establish-ment should have been indicted for their behavior following the 2016 election. In fact, the last time Democrats fully accepted the legitimacy of a presidential election they lost was in I988. After the 2000 election, which hinged on the results of a recount in Florida, Democrats smeared President George W. Bush as "selected, notelected."1 When Bush won re-election against then senator John Kerry in2004, many on the left claimed that voting machines in Ohio had been rigged to deliver fraudulent votes to Bush.? HBO even produced and aired the Emmy-nominated Hacking Democracy, a documentary claiming to show that "*votes can be stolen without a trace," adding fuel to the conspiracy theory fire that the results of the 2004 election were illegitimate.3 But nothing holds a candle to what happened in 2016 after Donald Trump's surprising defeat of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Rather than accept that Trump won and Clinton lost fair and square, the political and media establishments desperately sought to explain away Trump's victory."

I hope you enjoyed reading.


Hemingway, M (2021) Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections. Regnery Publishing.

1 comment:

  1. Older Americans with bad memories is one thing, but younger ones who weren't even born in recent history are obviously very susceptible to media deception.
