Wednesday, November 16, 2022

He is running

The media should stop wasting time and money. Trump is the only person now and perhaps in all of American history who doesn't need a party. The party needs him to win. He can win again for the third time. Trump is running in 2024.


  1. Yes, I am talking about the same media which says DeSantis is running, although DeSantis himself hasn't mentioned it. Trump never got the United States into a war, although media says he's a psychopath. Moreover, we didn't get all the problems we have now because of him. We got those problems when Biden changed Trump's policies.

  2. What Mike Pence didn't seem to understand was the difference between knowing what is the right thing to do and doing the right thing. Of course, Trump gave him the biggest career opportunity ever, which he will never have again.

  3. However, in Pence's fundamentalist worldview, he may have believed God gave him the opportunity. His disloyalty happened when he considered himself to be morally above the president based on his uncertain interpretation.

  4. Unfortunately, that tragic flaw kept him from making history and instead he rewarded the swamp.
