Monday, November 28, 2022

Opportunists and the poor

Governments, and many others, like the fact that we have poor people because they give them the opportunity to look generous. Moreover, certain political parties make promises to create policies to help the poor, often at someone else’s expense, so they can be elected by the same who hope to benefit from said policies. Consequently, looking generous is one thing, but staying in power and being electable using this justification is a strategy. Of course, there is nothing new under the sun and moon. I invite you to read one of my recent posts titled: The empathy alarms, at the link below.

Mo: The empathy alarms

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Fox News should start cleaning up their act

I think Fox News needs to find a new guy for 6 PM, that Bret Baier seems to be more about his ego these days. Get rid of Trey Gowdy on Sunday nights while they're at it...not sure why he changed.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Who is divisive and what is center?

One of the biggest issues in American politics, and globally, is who decides where is the center. The center cannot be decided by any one side because that/those person/s will also decide who they think is divisive.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

He is running

The media should stop wasting time and money. Trump is the only person now and perhaps in all of American history who doesn't need a party. The party needs him to win. He can win again for the third time. Trump is running in 2024.

Real discrimination

In America it is more likely they'll discriminate against a person for things such as being short or ugly, and not for the categories. In other words, it's highly unlikely that in America one will be discriminated for "race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information...." For things such as being short or ugly, one can expect discrimination, however, since it isn't illegal. The counterargument many will give is that my opinion is subjective. One of my responses to them is that I suggest watching several TV shows, movies, and simply being more observant or aware. Anyhow, whatever, people love believing lies and living in fantasy worlds, regardless.


Monday, November 14, 2022

On losing freedom

When people are comfortable they usually tolerate things even if it means losing a little bit  of freedom. Of course, freedom is taken away little by little, so by the time you lose most of it, you won't be able to do anything else but tolerate it since you'd have lost any power to do  anything else. For example....

          Under observation, we act less free, which means we effectively are less free.

                - Edward Snowden

Thursday, November 10, 2022


Here's my explanation for why the United States government gets it wrong by labeling people. I am a Cuban-American who was born in Cuba. My family immigrated to the United States seeking political asylum when I was eight years old over 50 years ago. I am really an exile, although I became a US citizen when I turned 18. My ancestry is Spanish, Galician and Asturian to be specific. This is similar to many Cubans. Many Cubans have similar Spanish ancestry. Many have Canarian ancestry. Many have African ancestry, such as Nigerian. Many have Chinese ancestry. Chinatown in Havana had around 140 thousand Chinese back in the 1950s. However, there are Cubans who call themselves Cuban who have Italian, Russian, Austrian, Irish, English, Scottish, French, and ancestry from everywhere in the world. This is really similar to the demographics of the United States, but the difference is that instead of English being their primary spoken language, the primary language spoken nationally was Spanish. Hence, Hispanic may be a good labeling due to language, but culturally perhaps not. Also, unlike other Spanish speaking countries that still have a significant native population, Cuban Tainos are virtually non-existent, and I highly doubt they should have been called Latinos, with respect for their native culture. To close: I hope I clarified things a bit.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

DeSantis for president?

DeSantis for president? Huh? I wonder if it has occurred to anyone in media that Ron DeSantis perhaps isn't interested in becoming president because he enjoys only being Governor of Florida? I am not saying he can't run, if he wanted to do so. There are also some theorizing that he will run against Donald Trump. Anyhow, neither has yet to say they plan on running in 2024, but if they did decide, how do we know they would run against each other? Obviously, some who want DeSantis probably are not Trump supporters. Many are also probably Democrats. I remember the top pick in 2016 for the Republican ticket by Democrats was Jeb Bush. Enough said! Hillary would have wiped him out. To conclude here: hold your horses

Monday, November 7, 2022

DST, how can it be?

Why do I call it DST, instead of saying the words in the acronym? First of all, it is because the phrase is false advertising. Can they explain how it is they manage to save daylight? Can one place light and time in a vault, and save it? The answer to both questions is no. The phrase is deceptive; however, if one pronounces the words together, it sounds as if it can be done. The marketing strategy for it is fantastic. Now, spend most of the year on DST and then change back to normal Standard Time during the time of year when days start becoming shorter, and people will easily be convinced they believe they prefer DST. I will stop here.