Saturday, October 15, 2022

What you believe you know

Most people don't think they are naive, but that doesn't mean that they aren't. Regardless, this post is geared towards naive people, which may include this author sometimes

In our world we have a lot of people who are laughing all the way to the bank by pretending they are naive, this includes a lot of celebrities, and some who host late night TV shows. They're going to keep on playing the roles and following the scripts, otherwise it would jeopardize their sources of income and upward mobility, but still they're lying and they know it. The Media creates the desired outcomes for the agenda of the establishment (deep state, swamp, cabal...etc.).

Many of our politicians are Media creations. Traditionally, one could never become president after serving only 2 years as a Senator when practically no one knew who the person was before then. Justify with Harvard Law Review, community organizer, or any way in which the grooming took place, but ultimately...a Media creation. They want you to believe your smart because you learned and believe their narrative. He who controls information controls the narrative. Mitt Romney was the challenger, enough said. Of course, this is just one Media creation of many. Go back and read this from the beginning again is my suggestion. 

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