Friday, February 18, 2022

Sadness and the Winter Olympics 2022

The Winter Olympics are over this coming Sunday. Sadly, I haven't watched much of them. Politics have gotten in the way! I am sure that's how many feel; however, I don't think our low viewership has been fair to the athletes who work so hard at their sport. They are just tryng to do their best, and can't help what's going on in the United States and the world at this moment in time. I personally know I have not been supportive. Moreover, a friend's son is out there giving his best, I am sure. He is a 28 time world champion. That's pretty amazing! I will try to record him at 2:15 AM tonight, but what's going on currently is very troubling for me. My parents took me out of Cuba at a young age, and I am very thankful, but sadly what I am seeing in Canada which could come down to the United States seems as if their sacrifice was worthless. To say that I am angry is an understatement.

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