Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Those who are against vaccines are completely out of focus at this time

People who are against vaccines right now, if they are Trump supporters, are way out of focus. There's nothing wrong with being against vaccines. One can be against vaccines! In fact, Americans can be against whatever they want, or in favor. What I mean with relevance to focus is that all this time, their main focus should be that Trump won. The election was fraudulent. Until this matter is resolved, dwelling on vaccine issues is a waste of time. Resolve the election, and then work on the next issues, such as vaccine concerns, or whatever else is a concern....

The current administration is part of the swamp. If we continue to allow the swamp to run our government, we will be fighting losing battles, endlessly. They are going to do everything in their power to abuse that power. Vaccine arguments will go in one ear, and out the other. Your freedoms will be lost. You are going in the opposite direction of what was and is Trump's vision and plan. Focus on priorities first!

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